10 Benefits of Learning Javanese Literature for Young Children

Mudabicara.com_ Reading a literary work will provide several benefits. In addition to literary works having an aesthetic and didactic function, literary works also have a recreational function.

The benefits of studying literature are different for everyone. As we know literature is a work that is closely related to everyday life. In addition to containing aesthetic words, literary works are also able to bring readers to reflective spaces.

Literature itself is present as an expression of feelings, opinions, experiences and even criticism from someone about the surrounding circumstances and situations. With the choice of diction and beautiful writing patterns, literature often gives its readers a sense of calm and serenity.

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Almost every country and even region has literary works, Java is no exception. Java as a region has its own regional language, namely Javanese. With the Java language, it gave birth to literary works that use the Javanese language.

Now! This time, mudabicara want to talk about what Javanese literature is, what is its form and what are the benefits of studying Javanese literature? For more, see the following reviews:

Definition of Javanese Literature

Etymologically, literature comes from Sanskrit astra which means to write, while in terms of literature is an expression of feelings in the form of written works that have aesthetic values.

So we can conclude that Javanese literature is an expression or work that contains the values ​​of beauty by using the Javanese language .

But unfortunately, over time, the interest in Javanese literature began to decrease. This is because apart from changing interest in reading, it is also related to the lack of access to reading Javanese literature.

Usually Javanese literature is in the form of ancient manuscripts, manuscripts, and inscriptions so that the younger generation is difficult to reach if it is not packaged in a modern and millennial language.

The beginning of Javanese literature around the 9th century using the Old Javanese language. Usually the early works are in the form of babab, poems, religious books and letters.

History records that there are almost thousands of Javanese literature that uses Old Javanese texts, not including literary works affixed to inscriptions or others.

10 Benefits of Learning Javanese Literature for Young Children

1. Protecting and Preserving the Nation’s Cultural Heritage

The benefit of studying Javanese literature is to preserve and preserve cultural heritage. Literature not only describes beauty but also describes culture.

By continuing to study and study literature, you indirectly participate in preserving culture. This means that Javanese literature itself cannot be separated from Javanese culture because literature is a product of culture.

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2. Cultivating a Sense of Concern for Others

Studying Javanese literature means that we study a work that was written at a certain time and situation. Therefore, indirectly reading literature also reads history, both socially, economically and politically.

Starting from reading about Javanese literature, we will understand the cultural and social background so that it will foster reasoning and concern for others.

3. Improve Javanese Communication Skills

As a language, Javanese is unique in that there are levels and norms in speaking. When talking to people of the same age, we use Ngoko Javanese. Meanwhile, when talking to older people, we use the Javanese Kromo language.

By reading Javanese literature, it will indirectly increase our vocabulary when we want to communicate in Javanese. On the other hand, we also participate in preserving the Javanese language so that it remains a means of community communication in modern society.

4. Forming Character and Identity

One of the benefits of studying Javanese literature is to form character and identity. Usually in literary works there are antagonists and protagonists so that this can be a lesson and an assessment.

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These reflective lessons will strengthen us in our daily lives so that we are not easily influenced by other cultures.

5. Build Critical Thinking

When someone studies literature, he will also learn to see and read what is between the lines of his reading. In addition, he will learn to find symbols, connect things, find themes or ideas, learn characters.

At least some of these things become the basis for a person to develop his critical abilities. Critical thinking will make us more established and open in accepting criticism or something different. Moreover, Javanese literature is integrated with the procedures and descriptions of life in ancient times.

6. Improve Java Writing Ability

Ever wondered why someone’s writing is so good and deep? the answer is clear that they have a wide reading and one of them is reading literary works.

Just like the parable We are what we eat so what we write is what we read . This means that with a lot of reading, it will be easier for us to write because we have a large choice of ideas.

Well, if you want to be a writer and feel like developing your writing skills, be diligent in reading whatever it is, but don’t leave your literary works, especially Javanese literature.

Especially if you want to become a humanist and historian, then reading previous works is something that must be done. The more literary works you read, the more vocabulary and good sentences you can master so that it helps when you write.

7. Cultivating Love for Javanese Culture

One of the ways people know and love a culture is by reading its works. For example, when you read a fiber, it means you are reading history and past events.

Getting closer and continuing to read Javanese literature will make you slowly love Javanese culture and will try to preserve it for now. Don’t let the words of Wong Jowo Ilang Jowone which means that Javanese people forget their Javanese.

8. Able to Read Old Javanese Script

Almost every literary work is closely related to culture and language. The Java language itself has changed from time to time. For example, at the beginning of the emergence of the Javanese language using Javanese script, which has a close relationship with the writings of the Indians.

Now! This means that there are a lot of literary works that use the Javanese script language so that by studying Javanese literature, friends at the same time must learn to read the ancient Javanese script.

9. Adding Cultural Insights

Studying Javanese literature makes you realize that Java is so vast not only as a region but also a culture. There is a lot that we will get when we read it.

Someone who studies Javanese literature will begin to ask questions and build insight and intuition regarding many things, especially with the ancient Javanese human civilization.

Through Javanese literature, you will learn many cultures from time to time. Many things you didn’t know before came to know because you read Javanese literature.

10. Studying Javanese Behavior Patterns

As long as human civilization knows writing, that is how long someone will produce a literary work. Java as an area has a lot of literary works. Either from the Majapahit period to the Mataram kingdom. There are many saga that we can learn to be the basis of life in the present. Because literature is basically a small picture of human life in its time.