Mudabicara.com_ One of the benefits of studying linguistics is helping a person understand the meaning of communication between people. In addition, linguistics also gives us an understanding of the composition, origin and history of language itself.
As a linguistics, linguistics has various branches of study, including Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.
Even though these branches of linguistics have different objects of study, learning linguistics has so many benefits.
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Want to know what benefits we get from learning linguistics. For more, see the following youngtalk reviews:
What is Linguistics?
Etymologically, linguistics comes from the Latin word which means language. Linguistic terms can also be found in various other languages, for example French, English, Italian and Spanish which also have language meanings.
Meanwhile, in terminology, the notion of linguistics is the study of language components from the smallest elements to the largest structures in a deep and scientific manner.
According to a literary expert Kridalaksana, linguistics is a science that studies, examines and examines the ins and outs of language and its nature.
Therefore, linguistics tends to be closer to discussing language in detail and scientifically both in terms of structure and word-for-word infrastructure.
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For those who are interested in linguistics, the term linguistics is certainly no stranger because it is one of the compulsory subjects that needs to be studied.
That’s why linguistics is not fixated on how to understand the meaning of communication, but linguistics also studies language and its relation to psychology and sociology.
If we study the relationship between linguistics and psychology, we will study psycholinguistics, while studying the relationship between language and social life, we will study sociolinguistics.
While Abdul Chaer divides linguistics into two parts, namely general linguistics and special linguistics. General linguistics studies linguistics in general but special linguistics studies only one language.
On the other hand, a linguist and linguistic expert, Noam Comsky, defines linguistics as a science that explains the competence of a language.
10 Benefits of Learning Linguistics for Young People
1. Helps Understand Literary Texts
The benefit of studying linguistics is that it helps us understand the structure and nature of language in literary works. Literary works have different forms of word and sentence structures.
Therefore, linguistics as a branch of science that studies the intricacies of language will be able to help us analyze both textual and contextual meanings.
Even if we want to examine the relationship between literature and regional languages, we can use ethno-liguistic studies as an analytical tool.
2. Practicing Language Skills
There are various kinds of studies in linguistics starting from the smallest and simplest elements of language to the complex and difficult elements.
In linguistic studies people will learn about phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatic lexicology and discourse analysis.
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If there is a special study on the relationship between language and social life, namely sociolinguistics, while the relationship between language and the soul is psycholinguistics.
So the benefits of studying linguistics will encourage us to have good and capable language skills.
3. Able to Explain Language Rules
Linguistics is a basic science that must be understood by various teachers, researchers and lecturers because in daily activities teaching cannot be separated from language.
Therefore, the benefit of studying linguistics is that a teacher is able to distribute knowledge to others using good language rules.
With well-organized and good language rules, the other person will easily understand what we say and want.
For example, in English pronunciation, the words ” book” and ” door” have the same two vowels ” o” but in their pronunciation they have differences.
Someone who has linguistic knowledge can certainly explain this phenomenon. So in linguistics explanation of language is always descriptive, not prescriptive and normative.
4. Help Become a Good Translator
In translating from one language into another we do not only understand textually but also must be able to understand contextually.
For example in translating English into Indonesian in the question sentence What is Your Name? If textually then in Indonesian it means What’s your name?.
Even though in the question sentence the appropriate translation is What’s your name? . Therefore a translator must also master matters related to contextual meaning.
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In the world of linguistics we can study it in sociolinguistic studies because it relates to the social context in which the language appears.
5. Have a choice of varied word dictions
As a young person, the benefit of learning linguistics is to increase the choice of vocabulary diction when we speak, lecture or give speeches.
People who have good public speaking skills mean that people have varied and varied choices of vocabulary diction.
Therefore, by studying linguistics people will get to know many technical language terms both in their use in writing and speech.
6. Understand the Lexicographer Well
For those of you who work at language centers or institutions related to making language dictionaries. Linguistics is useful to help you compose your lexicography well.
As a linguist who studies the preparation of dictionaries, a lexicographer must have good and correct linguistic skills.
This is important so that the dictionary we make is not arbitrary, has language rules that comply with the rules, as well as clear and coherent logic.
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Because making a dictionary is not an easy matter because we have to understand phonology, language grammar and its contextual meaning.
7. Become a Good Writer
Writing is not a simple matter because writing is one way for someone to convey ideas, opinions through writing.
In order to achieve the proper distribution of meaning and intent, a writer must have the ability to compose sentences and choose good vocabulary.
This is so that a reader can capture the intent and purpose of the information we write. It’s not an easy problem, but with linguistics we can become a good writer.
8. Understand Discourse Analysis
For a journalist to deal with the media every day, he must have good discourse analysis skills, understand issues contextually.
However, in understanding discourse analysis one must understand language as a whole, one of which is related to discourse criticism.
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In linguistic studies to understand the meaning implied in a discourse, there is a special study related to discourse analysis.
9. Become a Language Researcher
Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia has 718 regional languages spread across all provinces.
Therefore, there are many opportunities to become language researchers, especially regional languages in Indonesia. Of the 718 languages recorded, even 326 different languages are found in Papua.
One of Indonesia’s well-known scientists regarding the linguistics of East Indonesian regional languages is Dr. Inyo Yoz Fernandez . His work has been widely referred to by later generations of researchers.
Of course being a scientist especially with regard to language is not easy, but Indonesia does not yet have regional language researchers who are qualified in their field.
So the benefits of studying linguistics seriously will make us get open opportunities to become researchers.
10. Cultivate an Open Mindset
In language teaching it is usually perspective and normative but linguistics has a descriptive way of teaching. Therefore the benefits of learning linguistics is to provide an understanding of the openness and diversity of languages.
So it’s no wonder that linguistic experts are wise in assessing differences among the general public.
That’s all for an explanation of the benefits of studying linguistics this time, see you in the next discussion. Happy reading!