Mudabicara.com_ The benefits of studying geography for the younger generation are certainly diverse and varied. Even though in everyday life and in various aspects of life, young friends must come into contact with Geography.
Geography is a science that studies human and natural activities through a spatial perspective, geography also provides a perspective on patterns. The science of geography in addition to providing an explanation of territorial boundaries, this science can also analyze natural conditions.
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For example, when there is a natural disaster, with the glasses of geography, young friends are able to analyze the signs by analyzing the condition of the ground surface.
Not only that, through the science of geography, young friends can find out the signs of a volcanic eruption and of course many more. Before discussing the benefits of studying Geography, it would be more interesting if young friends knew what Geography was according to the experts. Check out the reviews :
Understanding Geography According to Experts
1. Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant is a very famous scientist in the world. This one figure also gave his opinion on the meaning of geography.
According to Immanuel Kant, geography is a science whose objects of study are objects, things or phenomena that occur in areas on the Earth’s surface.
2. Friedrich Ratzel
The scientist Friederich Ratzel gave his opinion on the meaning of geography. According to Friederich Ratzel, geography is the science that deals with zoning on the Earth’s surface. Ratzel’s opinion on geography is contained in his book, Politische Geographie .
Ratzel’s concept is called Lebensraum which means geographic area as a means for organisms to develop.
In observing geography, Ratzel sees that a country tends to expand its Lebensraum according to the strength of that country.
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3. Daldjoeni
Indonesian scientist Daldjoeni stated that geography is a science that teaches humans to cover three main things, namely spatial or space, ecology, and region.
According to Daldjoeni, in terms of spatial geography, it studies the distribution of symptoms, both natural and human, on Earth.
In terms of ecology, geography studies how humans must be able to adapt to the environment. Meanwhile, in terms of region, geography studies the area as a place to live for humans and other living things based on their physiographical unity.
4. From Rithoffen
Von Rithoffen is a scientist from Berlin, Germany who contributes to the study of geography. According to him, geography is the study of the symptoms and characteristics of the Earth’s surface and its inhabitants, which are arranged based on their location, and tries to explain the interrelationships between these phenomena and properties.
5. Bintarto
According to Prof. Bintarto geography is a science that studies the causal relationship of symptoms on the earth’s surface, both physical and related to the life of living things and their problems.
This geography science uses spatial, environmental and regional approaches for the benefit of programs, processes and development success.
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10 Benefits of Learning Geography
1. Studying Climatology
The usefulness of geography is to study the atmosphere, for example the study of weather forecasts so that it is useful to produce alternative sources of electrical energy by studying the potential for lightning flashes.
In agriculture, geography can be useful for analyzing the suitability of agricultural land to be used for farming.
In addition, if we want to know the mapping of good agricultural potential, we must first know geographic information such as data on soil type, land slope, climatology and altitude.
As a result, after we know the data above, we can determine the mapping of agricultural potential in the regions.
Meanwhile, for farmers, geography also plays an important role in the agricultural system. Because with the knowledge of geography, farmers can know and recognize soil conditions easily. In addition, farmers can also sort and choose what plants are suitable for their land.
In the context of fishermen, geography helps them determine the direction of the wind and also determines whether to continue fishing or not.
2. Identifying energy sources
Geography is useful to help identify energy sources that can still be used and energy sources that cannot be utilized. So that we can selectively analyze which ones are useful and which are not.
3. Knowing the coming of a natural disaster
Knowing the disaster that will happen we can also know when we master or understand about the science of geography.
Because before a disaster occurs, nature will usually show certain signs. For example, when a landslide will occur, nature will show signs such as cracked and brittle ground surfaces.
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4. Understanding the condition of natural resources
Besides being used to help understand conditions and detect the arrival of natural disasters. Geography is also useful to help understand the condition of Natural Resources (SDA).
Having an understanding of the condition of natural resources will help one to know the opportunities and limitations of existing natural resources.
5. Help understand global climate conditions
The science of geography will make it easier for someone to understand how the climatic conditions are at this time. Knowing the climatic conditions will help us to determine what preventive actions to take to protect nature properly.
6. Regional planning or Planology
Besides being used to help farmers and fishermen, geography or geography can be used to help other branches of science. For example, helping in regional planning or planning.
In this branch of science, geography plays a role in formulating various natural potentials in the future. By using the science of geography, one will be able to direct regional development where development is based on the physical condition of the region.
7. Studying the hydrosphere
The benefits of geography are to study the hydrosphere, where the notion of the hydrosphere is a component of the earth’s water. The biosphere is also the total amount of water on a planet. The hydrosphere includes water on the planet’s surface, underground and in the air. The hydrosphere of a planet can be in the form of liquid, vapor and ice.
The function of geography in studying the hydrosphere is to help humans to find out the use of rivers, lakes, and seas as transportation activities and as energy sources.
In addition, using geography to study the hydrosphere can be useful for knowing the use of rivers as power plants.
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8. Studying the biosphere
The science of geography is useful for studying the biosphere, the meaning of the biosphere is a global ecological system that unites all living things and the relationships between them, including their interactions with the elements of the lithosphere (rock), hydrosphere (water), and atmosphere (air) of the Earth.
From here, humans can also use geography to find out the use of landscapes in the form of grasslands. Utilization of this landscape will be useful to assist in the development of livestock.
In addition, the science of geography in the study of the biosphere can also be useful for utilizing the uniqueness of various plant and animal ecosystems aimed at developing ecotourism.
9. Studying the anthroposphere
The use of geography in the study of the troposphere where the definition of the troposphere is the most basic layer close to the earth, so the troposphere functions to maintain the stability of the air on earth.
So that the knowledge of geography in the context can be used by humans to record the population census as development planning. In addition to planning the development of geography, to study the anthroposphere, it can be used to develop the diversity of people’s livelihoods.
Regarding the population census, the benefit of the last geography is that geography can be used as an illustration of population density. With this knowledge, we will know the rate of population growth and also the amount of age grouping in the area, both productive age and elderly age.
10. Determining the economic potential of the region
Another benefit of studying geography is that it is useful for determining the economic potential of the region. The way to find out the economic potential of a region through geography is by mapping agriculture and plantations.
Then the meaning of regional potential, namely everything that exists in an area that can be further useful is called regional potential.
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Fertile land, beautiful natural scenery, sea rich in fish are examples of the potential that exists in an area.
Based on the definition by Suparmoko, regional economic potential is the existing economic capacity in an area that is possible and feasible to be developed so that it will continue to develop into a source of livelihood for the local people. It can even encourage the regional economy as a whole to develop by itself.
That’s mudabicara review this time, keep up the enthusiasm to learn for all young friends!