10 Benefits of Studying Government Science for Young People

Mudabicara.com_ The benefits of studying government science for young people are many because government science is one of the favorite majors in the faculty of social and political science . In addition to discussing political issues, studying government science also studies all the intricacies of administration and government processes in more detail.

Maybe some of you are wondering what exactly is the science of government?, What is discussed in the study of government science? What are the benefits of studying governance?

Now! This article will discuss more deeply the issue of understanding government science and the benefits of studying government science for young people. For more, see our review below:

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Definition of Government Science

The word government comes from the root word government. Etymologically government itself comes from the Latin gobernare which means to drive.

Meanwhile, in terminology, government is a form of organizational structure consisting of the executive, legislative and judiciary whose main task is to regulate and govern to achieve state goals.

Governmental science is a branch of social science and political science. Some political experts interpret the science of government only includes activities involving the executive.

Others interpret political science as all forms of executive, legislative and judicial activities as long as they have a purpose for the state.

On the government structure side, it has a structural arrangement that involves the relationship between the people and the state, the relationship is based on the village government level to the central level

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As a social science study, government science examines implementation governance, work space and coordination systems between the executive, legislature and judiciary.

Good and systematic governance is one indicator of a country’s progress. With a clean government, development will run smoothly and in harmony with both human and natural resources.

Definition of Government According to Experts

1. JJ Rousseau

A thinker from France argues that government is an organization established to enforce the rule of law and provide political and civil independence between the people and the rulers.

2. Max Weber

A sociologist Max Weber argues that government is anything that is able to claim exclusively to impose rules and laws within a certain area.

3. David Apter

Government is a unit of organizational structure that has certain responsibilities to maintain the system that binds it and has a practical monopoly of coercive power.

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4. Samuel Edward Finer

The government must have the state to carry out political activities. Government officials, systems, methods and methods of government to regulate the people and carry out activities continuously.

5. Woodrow Wilson

Government is an act of organizing the power of one, two or a group of people from many groups of people. The organization aims to provide information to the community to realize common goals.

6. W.S. Sayre

Government is a state organization whose task is to carry out and show its power to the community.

7. C.F. Strong

In his book Modern Political Constitutions, CF Strong explains that government is a structure authorized to maintain the security and peace of the country.

Therefore, the structure must have, first, financial strength to meet the operational costs of implementing government.

Second, the legislative power to make laws and finally the military power to maintain order and peace and control the armed forces.

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8. Robert Mac Iver

Government is an organization that comes from people who have power and manage the rules so that people can be governed.

9. Surya Noble

Government is a group of people who have certain authority to exercise government power.

10. Miriam Budiardjo

The science of government is all organized activities based on the basis of the state, territory and people of a country. Government activities begin with independence and sovereignty and have aspirations to make it happen based on a shared spirit.

11. Soemendar

The government is an important structure that has the task of maintaining peace and public order, accepting the opinions, demands and expectations of the people.

Making laws, protecting the environment as well as the interests and needs of the people although and finally maintaining the legitimacy of the government.

12. Ramlan Surbakti

Government is a structure in charge of making and implementing political decisions in order to achieve the ideals of the people in a country.

In addition, the government is tasked with determining policies, predicting management and directing the community to collectively strive to achieve goals.

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Benefits of Learning Government Science for Young People

1. Knowing the Theories of Government 

Studying government science will make you understand the theory and systems in government. In addition, you can also understand about several political systems and at the same time compare one system to another.

2. Knowing the Form of Government

The form of government determines who and how the administration of government will take place. For example, the parliamentary form of government has characteristics such as a symbolic king, the legislature is stronger than the executive, the prime minister is responsible to parliament and usually a two-party system.

While the presidential form of government has characteristics such as the state led by the president, the executive is stronger than the legislature, the minister or cabinet is responsible to the president.

3. Knowing the Governance Process

Each system and form of government has a different government process. For example, in a democratic political system, a person can become president by running for office through a political party and being directly elected by the public.

Meanwhile, in a totalitarian political system, not everyone is free to run for office, although there may be a mere administrative complement.

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4. Can Take A Role In The Governance Process 

The science of government will provide knowledge about the government process with all the procedures and regulations. As a result, you will be able to place yourself in the government process as both the organizer and the supporting factor.

5. Can Give Suggestions and Criticisms Against Government Policies 

Studying government science will make you understand and understand all the intricacies of the policy-making process. This means that you will be able to provide input and even criticism so that the policy has a positive impact on society.

6. Studying Policy Studies

Studying government science indirectly you will also learn about policy studies. You will know policy analysis frameworks, policy concepts and scopes, public policy frameworks, public policy processes and public policy systems.

7. Have the Ability to Read Political Situations.

Almost every policy has its pros and cons in society. This means that there are positive and negative effects that will occur after a policy is issued.

With continuous situations and successive policies, you will be able to read the political situation in the future and what should be prepared for the future.

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8. Sensitive to Surrounding Conditions 

The administration of government certainly requires supervision, both by official institutions and by civil society because it is vulnerable to fraud.

Third world countries whose political system and government are not yet strong, corruption, collusion and nepotism are still common. As a result, by studying government science, you will be able to observe which ones are in accordance with the procedures and which ones are out of the procedure.

9. Studying the History of Events in Government

By studying the science of government you will understand the history of important events in government. For example, about when a country becomes independent, changes the system and even political turmoil.

For example, in the context of the Indonesian government, you will understand in more detail the factors that led to the resignation of President Suharto during the New Order era.

10. Knowing the Duties and Authorities of Government Administrators 

By studying the science of government, you will understand what the duties and authorities of the President as the state executive body are.

What are the duties of the House of Representatives (DPR), the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) as the legislative body and the duties and authorities of judges and prosecutors as state judicial bodies.

That’s an explanation of the benefits of studying government science this time, the spirit of learning!