10 Benefits of Studying International Relations for Young People

Mudabicara.com_ There are many benefits of studying international relations, especially for the younger generation. Besides being able to know domestic politics, studying international relations can provide knowledge about world geopolitics.

As a developing country, Indonesia certainly needs people who are experts in international relations. Countries need great diplomats to establish cooperation with other countries.

The state certainly requires cooperation with other countries in order to fulfill the national interest and the needs of the citizens.  Cooperation with other countries can be in the context of economic, political, socio-cultural, legal and human rights. This is where international relations are important as a bridge for the principle of equality. 

With a situation like the one above, then is it important for the younger generation to study international relations and what are the benefits of studying international relations?

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Now! now Mudabicara wants to review more deeply about the benefits of studying international relations, understanding the science of international relations. Check out our review below:

Definition of International Relations

International relations is the study of relations between nations or between individuals from different countries. Good relations political, economic, socio-cultural, legal and human rights.

On the other hand, there are those who interpret international relations as relations between nations with all their aspects to fulfill national interests and citizens.

Understanding International Relations From Experts

According to experts, the definition of international relations is:

1. Mohtar Mas’oed

International relations are relations that involve nations, each of which is sovereign, so that a complex mechanism is needed and involves many countries.

2. JC Johari 

International relations is the study of the interactions that take place between sovereign states. In addition, JC Johari believes that international relations is also a science that studies non-state actors but has an impact on the state.

3. Henry Kissinger

International relations is the study of national interests in the context of international states.

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4. Tygve Nathlessen

International Relations is a part of political science, therefore the components of international relations cannot be separated from international politics, organization and administration and international law.

5. Charles Mc Clleland

International relations is the science of the relevant circumstances surrounding international interaction.

6. Stephen Krasner

International relations is the study of international interactions, both state and non-state actors in an international community.

6. Black Negro

International relations is a science that studies the international community and is included in the sociology section.

7. John Herz

International relations is the study of security and foreign policy centered on the international community.

8. Seymon Brown

International Relations is the study of the actions and behavior of sovereign states.

9. J.H. Wolfe

International relations is the study of reactions and actions between sovereign states represented by their respective governments.

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10. Joseph Ola

International Relations is the study of interactions between nations in the international system

11. John Lewis Gaddis

International relations is a science that benefits statesmen in their joint efforts to shape a better international society.

12. Robert Gilpin

International relations is a science that studies international political economy which is more directed towards a balanced military security policy.

13. Trevor Taylor

International relations is a disciplined behavior of various sciences through political activity.

14. Edward Hallet Card

International relations is a dynamic and dialectical science that discusses relations between countries in order to create balance and world peace.

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15. George Kennan

International relations is a science that discusses the principles and behavior in the international social community.

16. Spengler

International relations is carrying out a policy of conquering the world with weapons that are in new and vital cultural forms.

10 Benefits of Learning International Relations for Young People

Can Study International Politics

As a science that studies relations between countries, of course, young friends also study the politics and ideology of each cooperating country.

Finally, studying international relations will make young friends also study politics, especially international politics. Foreign policy will certainly consider international political conditions because international relations cannot be separated from international politics.

Can Study Economics 

The form of cooperation between countries is certainly not only political but also economic. Economic cooperation is a necessity in the international community because they need each other.

The supply-demand law between countries makes countries have to establish cooperation, of course, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

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Can Study International Law

In carrying out international cooperation, of course, between countries must respect the law of each other. So that international law must be a separate subject in the department of international relations.

There are six subjects in international law that must be discussed including: states, international organizations, the international red cross, the holy land of the vatican, rebels and individuals.

Can Learn Culture 

Cooperation between countries other than in the political and economic fields, cooperation can be carried out through cultural media. Of course, every country has different traditions and cultures.

So that by getting to know and learning the culture of other countries can give us an insight into the life of other parts of the country.

Even in the world of work, if we have the knowledge and experience of associating with the international community, it will make us open-minded people.

Can Study Security Studies 

In the study of international relations there is a paradigm called liberalism. Liberalism is based on the tendency of humans to do good so that they will naturally choose the peaceful way in solving problems.

So that in modern eyes between sovereign countries will certainly avoid war in resolving conflicts. These countries choose to have a dialogue in order to find the best solution through institutions above the state such as the United Nations and so on.

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Can Study Diplomacy Theory and Practice

In the context of international relations, one must be able to communicate, dialogue, and negotiate well. This means that people who study international relations and he wants to become a reliable diplomat, he must be able to bring the interests of the country to other countries.

So that one must have high trust and be able to influence and be consistent in opinion so that people who listen can agree with what we say. As a result, the interests of the state are distributed properly and correctly.

Can Improve Humanity

By studying international relations we can find out the socio-economic conditions of other countries. There are countries that have rapid and prosperous economic progress. There are also countries that are still trapped in a situation of poverty.

So that solidarity and mutual assistance between less fortunate countries are established. Humanity knows no geography and crosses national borders itself.

Can Analyze State Ideologies 

In cooperation between countries, of course, it cannot be separated from their respective ideological backgrounds. The closeness between countries is indeed intertwined for different reasons. It could be a geographical area, cultural similarities and ideological similarities.

For example, the ASEAN organization is present as a forum for gathering and consolidating between countries in the Southeast Asian region. The formation of ASEAN can certainly be analyzed based on a geographical background, not an ideological one.

Examples of the closeness of China, Vietnam, and North Korea can certainly be analyzed through the ideological closeness of these countries. So that studying international relations we also study the historical and ideological factors of other countries.

Finally, we can understand the negative and positive impacts as well as being a place for our preventive learning against ideologies that are contrary to the ideology of the nation and state.

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Able to Train Open Thinking 

Studying international relations means that young friends also learn the ins and outs. Starting from history, politics, economics, social and culture.

So that when there is cooperation or conflict between countries, young friends are able to analyze with objective glasses without taking sides.

International relations are certainly close and closely related to foreign policy. This has resulted in international relations having to start from a positive and open mind so that the cooperation that is established does not benefit either party.

Can Know the World Political System

By studying international relations we will know  the political systems of other countries. Starting from communism, democracy, totalitarianism, oligarchy and so on.

By understanding international relations and the global political system, eventually young friends will be able to provide input and analysis to the government about problems in the international community.

Now! Interesting is not studying international relations, hopefully this review of mudabicara.com about 10 benefits of studying international relations for young people is useful.

Come on! keep the spirit in studying international relations, we are waiting for you to play a real role.