10 Benefits of Studying Literature for Young People

Mudabicara.com_ The benefits of studying literature for young people are certainly very diverse. In addition to literature that is rich in social aspects, literary works also contain stories to be used as reflection material for their readers.

Through literature we will know the reality of the times contemplatively. Literary works can also be in the form of criticism, praise and satire. Literature can also make the reader comfortable because of its recreational function.

Now! This time, Mudabicara wants to review more deeply the benefits of studying literature for young people, read our full review below:

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Understanding Literature According to Experts

1. Plato

Plato is a Greek philosopher and mathematician. In addition, in some of his thoughts Plato also talks about literature. According to his view, literature is the result of imitation or a description of the reality (Mimesis) that exists in this world.

For Plato, a literary work must be an example of the universe and at the same time a model of another reality. Therefore, the value of literature is getting lower and far from the world of ideas.

2. Sapardi Djoko Damono

Sapardi is one of the figures or writers of Indonesia. He explained that literature is a social institution that uses language as a medium.

Language itself is a social creation. Literature displays a picture of life and life itself is a social reality that occurs in society.

3. Mursal Esten

Mursal Esten is an Indonesian academic, writer, writer and humanist. He views that literature is the expression of artistic and imaginative facts as a manifestation of human life (society) through language as a medium and has a positive effect on human life (humanity).

The definition presented by Mursal Esten is also not much different from Sapardi’s opinion which emphasizes that literature is a picture of human life.

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4. Terry Eagleton

Terry Eagleton is one of the greatest literary figures and critics from England. Eagleton himself has written many books, essays and articles. As for his work in the form of a book itself has reached 50 books.

According to Eagleton, literature is a work of fine writing (belle letters) is a work that distorts the form of everyday language in various ways with language that is condensed, deepened, twisted, lengthened, thinned and reversed, made odd.

5. Henri Levebvre

Henri Levebvre is one of the Marxist figures or thinkers who focuses on expanding Marxist thought, although Lefebvre also discusses literature.

According to Levebvre, literature is a description of human experience that has personal and social dimensions as well as human knowledge that is parallel to the form of life itself.

6. Sumardjo and Sumaini

The definition of literary works according to Sumardjo and Sumaini has a broader definition. According to him literature is the art of language, literary works are expressions of thought by using language as a liaison.

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Sumarjo and Sumaini define literature as life in inspiration and beauty. For them literature is a book that contains human feelings and contains truth and moral purity.

The contents in the book are tactile, broad descriptions and very captivating formats.

The Benefits of Learning Literature for Young Children

1. Sharpen Creative Thinking Skills

In pre- and early-independence literary books, there were many lessons about emancipation, conflict, and identity. These readings will really help us to think critically.

Like the books by RA Kartini, Marah Rusli, and Muhammad Yamin, they can also be reference reading materials for this theme.

2. Cultivating a Free Spirit

If we read the works of Pramoedya Ananta Toer, we will find stories of resistance to colonialism and oppression. One of them is Earth of Man which some time ago was adapted into a film.

From the book, Pramoedya hit the invaders with his critical writings written in the prison booth.

The spirit of resistance written by Pramoedya will indirectly foster a spirit of resistance and independence for the readers.

3. Cultivating the Spirit of Humanity

Literature itself also cannot be separated from the human problems that occurred at the time experienced by the writers. Ahmad Tohari, for example, wrote the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk to describe human rights violations under military rule at that time.

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4. Strengthen Imagination

Literary writers always invite readers to travel across space and time. We can follow the various paths of national humanitarian issues in Indonesia and even the world from time to time by simply reading literature. Reading literature is like watching a movie on the big screen. It can even be more imaginative.

5. Improve Writing Ability

The next benefit is that learning literature will improve our writing skills. Every time we read a book, we will get new vocabulary and frameworks.

This will be very helpful for those of us who want to learn to write. The more we read, the more vocabulary is recorded in our brain’s memory.

6. Strengthening National Spirit

When we read the works of Indonesian writers, we will become more aware of the problems and struggles of Indonesia from time to time.

Enjoying literature while also understanding the history of the nation complete with entertaining imagination, so that it will strengthen our national spirit as the nation’s successor.

7. Expanding Language

The next benefit is that studying literature can expand the language, why is that? Because when we read literary works from various backgrounds and various problems. As a result we will find a lot of other languages ​​that we do not understand.

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From here then, we will try to find out the meaning and then unconsciously we will add language in ourselves as a new science and knowledge.

8. Giving Ability

Analyzing in depth the literary works in circulation have many unique storylines and are difficult to predict in the end.

As more and more literary works are read, the ability to analyze is tested. None other than the frequent reading of this complex literary work.

So that our mindset becomes sharper and accustomed to doing various analyzes of the problems we face.

By reading literary works can form the original character in the younger generation. So that later they can become the nation’s generation with noble character. And appreciate the struggles of the previous generation.

9. Improve Communication Skills

Communicating is not only done by listening and speaking. However, communication can also be done in writing.

In literature, a person will learn how to communicate using simple language and a variety of vocabularies.

10. Making Humans Have High Empathy

Someone who often reads a literary work, will feel the various humanitarian problems that occur. This kind of reading habit will also indirectly carry over into everyday life.

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So that they become more sensitive and young to empathize with the problems that occur in the surrounding environment and empathize with other humans.