10 Benefits of Studying Politics for Young People

Mudabicara.com_ There are many benefits of studying politics, especially young people. In addition to countries that have adopted a democratic system, Indonesia is also a country that has a long history of politics.

As an adherent of democracy, of course, Indonesia chooses elections as a medium to absorb the aspirations of the people. The last election was held in 2019.

The election situation at that time was different from previous elections. Polarization and tension are felt at the grassroots level.

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So how do the younger generations respond to the phenomenon of political polarization? Do young people need to study politics? Is politics important for future life? And what are the benefits of studying politics?

Now! This time, mudabicara.com discusses what are the benefits of studying politics and what is the importance of studying political science for future life. Please read the following reviews:

What is the Definition of Politics at a Glance?

In terms of etymology, politics comes from the word polis . Polis means a city that has the status of a state. Meanwhile, in political terminology, it is a process of activities in the state that decides the system, objectives and implementation.

Aristotle views politics as a process of community interaction to achieve the common good, prosperity and prosperity.

Understanding Politics From Experts

According to Gabriel A. Almond ‘s view, politics is an activity related to the public decision-making process. He considered that politics is the interaction of society to agree on who is mandated to have power and authority to make public decisions.

Gabriel further emphasized that politics will use coercive and authoritative instruments for whom, how, and for what purpose public decisions are formed.

According to Andrey Heywood, politics is a process of influencing a person or group to comply with his will. Politics is also a part of conflict and cooperation because basically politics is an activity that aims to make common rules.

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In other words, as a process of community activity, Andrew Heywood assessed that politics cannot be separated from conflict between individuals or groups.

10 Benefits of Studying Politics for Young People

Can Learn Policies From Early Leaders

As a branch of social science, of course, political science provides lessons and information to all young friends about the history of policies issued from time to time.

This means that by studying political science, young friends will be able to analyze the policies of a leader, what are the characteristics and how the effects of these policies on people’s lives in his day.

Can learn State Ideas

By studying politics, young friends will know that not all countries have the same ideas. Usually the idea of ​​the state is closely related to the history and background of when the state was established or independent.

This means that studying politics is the same as studying history and philosophy. Because an idea of ​​a state is born from a historical process and thought which is certainly not instant.

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Can Learn World Political System

By studying politics, young friends will know the political system clearly. Starting from totalitarianism, democracy, autocracy, oligarchy, dictatorship, authoritarian to liberal democracy.

By understanding the political system in the end, young friends will be able to sort and choose which political system is compatible for the state and society.

Can Improve Future Politics

Political activity aims to make regulations and policies for the common good. This means that by studying political science, young friends will be able to evaluate existing regulations and policies.

So that by studying political science will make a person able to make regulations or policies that are more appropriate than before.

Can Study Political Theory and Practice

In the context of social science, political science is included in the oldest social science studies. This means that learning political science is the same as learning political theory from the predecessors.

By studying a theory, young friends will be able to carry out comprehensive research and studies. In the end, when there are facts or bad political practices in the community, young friends do not stutter in providing criticism and solutions

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Can Train Critical Thinking

By studying politics, young friends will gain broad national and social insight. If there are problems that occur in the community, young friends will be able to explain in detail and in detail.

Talking about politics is certainly closely related to policies and interests. This implies that in politics there must be a process of polling, input and criticism to get a decision that can accommodate all the aspirations of the people.

Can Practice Tolerance

By studying political science, young friends will be able to foster a deeper sense of tolerance. Studies in political science involve several things, including the political system, democracy, human rights, bureaucracy to social ethics.

Because interactions between communities with the aim of making common policies are very vulnerable to differences of opinion, disputes and conflicts. So that with a mature political understanding, young friends will be able to respond wisely to the phenomenon of difference.

Can See the Pattern of Community Development

Studying politics will make us understand the pattern of society. Because as a branch of social science, politics will continue to develop according to the demands of the times. In addition, by studying political science, young friends will be able to position themselves in every situation that occurs in society.

Differences in political systems will eventually make young friends aware that the political system can affect the social culture of a country.

More Sensitive to Country Conditions  

Based on knowledge of political systems, political theory, political history and political practice. Then young friends will instinctively be sensitive to the state of the nation and state.

That young friends will be able to read certain political phenomena and know what their effects are on social life in society. This means that young friends will indirectly have the motivation to solve problems and play a role no matter how small.

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Becoming a Progressive Politician

By studying political science, at least young friends will have future aspirations as politicians. People who can determine policies for the welfare of the people.

With the provision of political science knowledge, of course, young friends will be able to become progressive politicians and have good integrity for the benefit of the wider community.

Still having doubts about studying political science, Hopefully this review of mudabicara.com on 10 benefits of studying politics for young people is useful.

Come on! keep the spirit in learning so that the younger generation can play a real role.