Mudabicara.com_ The benefits of studying psychology are certainly many for the community, especially young people. As a science that studies the science of behavior, patterns of personal development and human interaction, psychology has become a necessity for many people.
In addition to providing knowledge about self-control procedures, we will also be able to understand carefully the patterns and behavior of society in general.
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Of course studying human behavior a psychologist should not do it haphazardly. There are several guidelines for him in studying the soul which is actualized into real human behavior.
With the existence of psychology, is it important for young people to study psychology? So what are the benefits of studying psychology?
Now Mudabicara wants to review more deeply about the benefits of studying psychology for young people. Check out our review below:
Understanding Psychology
Discipline of Psychology is the study of the human soul through human behavior itself. On the other hand, psychology is also defined as the study of the soul and human behavior.
The object of psychological study is of course abstract because it relates to the soul. As a result, psychology is limited to the activities of the soul that are observed through human behavior and actions.
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The word psychology comes from the Greek psyche which means soul, while logia means knowledge. Meanwhile, in terms of psychology, psychology is the study of human behavior related to the social and living environment.
So that psychology is a discipline that examines human behavior, both human mental processes, the influence of the mental condition of the organism and the external environment of humans themselves.
Understanding Psychology According to Experts
1. Wilhelm Wundt
Psychology is a science that studies human experience from the internal side such as the five senses, thoughts and behavior
2. Plato
Psychology is a science that studies the nature of the human soul and its processes.
3. Aristotle
Psychology is the science of knowledge about the nature of the soul and its process until the end of human life again. Aristotle’s understanding is almost the same as Plato’s understanding.
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4. John Broadus Watson
John Broadus Watson provides a definition of psychology as the science of a person’s behavior that appears physically or physically.
Procedures for knowing human behavior can use observation either directly or through the question-and-answer method.
5. Woodworth and the Marquis
Psychology is the study of individual human activities from the womb until the person dies.
On the other hand, Woodworth and Marquis also analyzed the relationship between humans and the environment around them. This means that psychology is a science that does not study only humans but also the relationship between humans and nature and their environment.
6. Singgih Dirgagunarsa
Psychology is the science that studies all the ins and outs of human behavior. Based on the book Introduction to Psychology by Adnan Achiruddin Saleh, as a science of psychology even though it has characteristics like other sciences.
So that psychology has a complete thinking construction so that the object and method are clear both systematically so that the results of the research are clear.
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7.Knight and Knight
Psychology is the study of human behavior and experience systematically. Observations were made either normally or abnormally.
Knight and Knight mean the same thing when we want to explore animal behavior. Because animals also have groups and gather.
8. Garden Murphy
Psychology is a branch of science that studies responses and stimuli that have been given both from the environment and living things.
9. Richard Maye
Psychology is the science that analyzes mental processes and cognitive structures in order to understand human behavior. This means that a person’s cognitive abilities will reflect attitudes and behavior. either consciously or unconsciously.
10. George Berkeley
Psychology is the science that studies humans, animals, perception or sensing. In his study George Berkeley was more concerned with the science of perception.
For him, perception is caused by many things, one of which can be from emotions and the maturity factor of one’s thinking in capturing problems.
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10 Benefits of Learning Psychology for Young Children
Able to Understand Yourself
As a social science that analyzes human behavior, studying psychology gives young friends all the ability to understand themselves.
So that by studying psychology will make young friends more comfortable and comfortable in living their daily lives. Besides being able to understand yourself, studying psychology can also help young friends in understanding other people and the surrounding community.
Can Understand the Cause of a Behavior
Indirectly, human life is full of social interactions between individuals, groups and communities. But unfortunately not all social interactions run properly, sometimes one party is harmed, resulting in disputes.
Now, by studying psychology, young friends are able to describe in detail and understand why the behavior of the dispute occurs. This means that young friends are also able to provide solutions to these social interaction problems.
Can Be A Person Who Easily Adjusts In Association.
Studying psychology means that young friends study the attitudes and behavior of other people. This means that when a young friend is able to understand the attitudes and behavior of others, it will make the young friend a person who is easy to get along with.
Consciously young friends have the ability to sort and choose which ones are good and which ones are bad if young friends start a friendship or association.
Can Provide Good and Correct Problem Solving
Every problem there must be a way out but it will be difficult to find a way out if you do not have the knowledge. Of course psychology is not a science that will solve the problems of all young friends.
At least by studying psychology, young friends will be able to more easily determine the way out of every problem that is being faced.
In society, of course, problems will come and go, but with careful analysis, young friends will always find problem solving.
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Can Be A Psychologist
By studying psychology, young friends all have the opportunity to become a psychologist or psychiatrist. In the midst of modern life and the tsunami of information, many people experience stress and even depression.
So with the above circumstances becoming a psychologist is a promising career in the future. Besides, we can learn to continue to be a psychologist, making young friends become grateful and strong human beings.
Can Increase Sympathy and Empathy
Problems usually arise when people are no longer able to appreciate and respect. Now! this is where psychology is present as a shared reflective space that differences are a necessity.
Building sympathy and empathy is not easy for those who are not open-minded. As a result, psychology is needed to open the horizons of thinking and be able to accept differences from one another.
Can Control Your Emotional Self
When young friends have knowledge about soul cultivation, they will indirectly be able to control their feelings personally.
When it comes to problems young friends can observe with a clear mind without any emotional motive. So that the problems that arise can be resolved properly and correctly.
Can Think Positively
When a young friend is a person who is often suspicious then thinking positively is not an easy action. Sometimes excessive suspicion will make the problems that young friends face more complicated.
In psychology there is what is called the psychology of religion, the psychology of religion is a branch of science that studies the spiritual side of humans. With this knowledge people will be able to consistently hold principles and continue to think positively.
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Can Train To Be An Open Man
Studying psychology is the same as studying psychology and everything that is related to it. Starting from body anatomy, sociology to communication.
So that when there is an action and behavior then we will always be able to see the motive behind all these actions and behaviors.
Knowing this young comrade will not immediately decide unilaterally
Easy to Adapt With Others
By studying psychology, we will be able to adapt well to friends, relatives, or social environment.
Not everyone is able to adapt well and many nights feel alone because they feel that no one is paying attention to them.
Now! with psychology, young kawa will pass all those obstacles easily. Young friends will become adaptive and productive individuals.
Now! Interesting is not studying psychology, hopefully this review of about 10 benefits of psychology for young people is useful.
Come on! keep the spirit in studying psychology, we are waiting for you to play a real role.