10 Benefits of Studying Social Welfare for Young People

Muda talk.com_ Social Welfare Science is one of the majors in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences . This department is relatively new in Indonesia compared to other majors.

Studying social welfare science will make you learn many things starting from the basic knowledge of social workers, ethics, principles and values. In addition, social welfare science will also study public policies and social services at both national and international levels.

Social welfare students will have soft skills such as communication skills, analysis, research, problem solving , sensitivity, empathy and so on.

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This time, mudabicara wants to review more deeply about the benefits of studying welfare science for young people. For more, see the following reviews:

Definition of Social Welfare Science

In terms of social welfare is a condition of the fulfilment of all the necessities of life, both material and spiritual. The necessities of life that are fulfilled will create a good life so that they can carry out social functions optimally.

This social welfare science is suitable for those of you who have an interest in issues of empowerment and social development of the community. Studying Social Welfare Science will put you in direct contact with community problems in the field.

In addition, interacting directly with the community will build the souls of solidarity and high concern for your personality.

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So that the notion of social welfare science is a science that studies social problems in society and seeks solutions to these social problems. Solutions can start with mapping the problem and developing programs that are in accordance with the facts of social conditions.

It aims to reduce injustice and social inequality so that it can significantly improve the quality of life of the community.

In terms of social mapping, social welfare science has several studies which, although they are understood first, are in order to understand the main points of work in social welfare.

Various Terms of Social Welfare

Social Protection 

Social protection is an activity to deal with risks from shocks and social vulnerabilities. Usually this social vulnerability is experienced by people who live in poverty.

However, social vulnerability is not only in the form of physical but can also be in the form of social and economic. So that social protection is a form of public policy that aims to fulfil the basic needs of the community.

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The Social Empowerment

Social empowerment is an activity that empowers people who experience social problems to get out and have problems so that they meet basic needs.

The Social Security 

Social Security is an institutionalised policy with the aim of properly ensuring the basic needs of the community.

Some examples of social security are guaranteeing the lives of disadvantaged people such as people with disabilities, orphans, the elderly and people with physical and mental disabilities.

Social Rehabilitation

Social Rehabilitation is an activity carried out to develop and restore the condition of people who experience social dysfunction.

There are several forms of social rehabilitation activities such as mental and spiritual guidance, psychosocial diagnosis, accessibility services, social assistance and assistance.

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10 Benefits of Studying Welfare for Young People

Have the Ability to Make Observations

Studying Social Welfare Sciences will give you the ability to make observations. Social interaction with the community to find facts and root causes will enable you to do social mapping.

That way your ability to make observations will be honed at any time because social problems run dynamically. Almost every day there and changing.

Have Good Communication Skills 

Disseminating social welfare programs to the community requires good communication so that the program runs smoothly.

Guiding and empowering the community to run the program will train you to have good and correct communication skills.

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Have Advocacy Ability

In order to create an empowered society, action is needed in the form of support, advocacy and active recommendations from social workers.

The ability to untangle these tangled threads is needed by social workers in the field so that all forms of obstacles and problems can be resolved properly.

Have the Ability to Perform Analysis

Every problem faced by society is very diverse. In addition to economic problems, there are many other problems such as economic empowerment and people with physical and even mental disabilities.

The problems above certainly require an in-depth analysis of how to build the right problem solving. The handling and work practices of each problem will take different forms according to their needs and abilities.

Training Social Sensitivity 

Dealing directly with the reality of society will train your mental and social sensitivity directly. Everyone’s social sensitivity is certainly different. Because social sensitivity depends on how close a person is to social problems and realities.

The closer you are to a social problem in the community, the higher your social sensitivity will be.

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Talk about problem solving

Good social workers are those who are able to provide appropriate problem solving. Well, one of the benefits of studying social welfare science is that you will be able to provide solutions and solutions to problems accurately.

Practicing Empathy

Perhaps not everyone has experienced poverty, was born with a disability or mental disorder, and even lived in a family experiencing divorce.

One of the benefits of studying social welfare science is that others will have the ability to feel empathy. Empathy is a mental state in which a person feels the same feelings, thoughts and circumstances as other people. Although the facts could be different.

Practicing Learning to Develop Policy 

Every government has a program on improving welfare. For example, the Indonesian government created a program called the Family Hope Program (PKH).

PKH is one of the Ministry of Social’s programs in the form of providing conditional social assistance to poor families. This program is an effort to reduce poverty by reducing the burden of spending and increasing the income of poor and vulnerable families.

Well, the benefits of studying welfare science will make you understand the purpose, goals and success of a program. This means that you are able to analyse what the shortcomings are so that they can be input for improvement in future policy making.

Have Logical Thinking Ability

Social workers must have independence in seeing every problem. He must be required to think logically and rationally so that the problems faced can be solved objectively.

Thinking logically in addition to helping you get a good solution in every problem will also provide convenience in assessing the problem.

Increase Sense of Caring and Social Responsibility

One of the benefits of studying social welfare is to increase a sense of caring and social responsibility. Our habit of gathering with the community to do socialisation, empowerment and training will build our sense of social higher.

Well, that’s the review of the benefits of studying social welfare science this time, hopefully it will be useful for all of you. Happy reading!