11 Branches of Sociology, Definition and Functions

Mudabicara.com_ The branch of sociology has the same object of study, namely people’s behavior, but these branches of sociology have different points of view.

For example, the science of political sociology and rural sociology are both sociology, but the two branches of sociology have different points of view in looking at the object of study.

As a social science that has the object of studying community behavior, sociology is of course always experiencing dynamic development. Therefore, the science of sociology cannot be separated from our daily lives.

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However, did you know that sociology has various branches, now young people want to talk more deeply about the 10 branches of sociology as follows:

Definition of Sociology?

Branch of Sociology
Sociology illustration

Etymologically the science of sociology comes from the Greek language which consists of two syllables namely socius and logos . Socius means society and logos means knowledge.

Meanwhile, in terminology, sociology is a science that studies people’s behavior towards surrounding aspects in everyday life.

The object of study of sociology is none other than the process of people’s lives, therefore sociology is one of the sciences that has developed so fast.

The first figure who introduced the term sociology was named Auguste Comte, a thinker who explained the theory of the three stages of human thought.

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Because of Auguste Comte , sociology has a scientific method and comes out of the influence of philosophy so that Auguste Comte is known as the Father of World Sociology.

Along with the times, many social scientists have studied sociology and some of the most famous are Max Weber and Emile Durkheim .

The understanding of sociology based on Budi Rahayu’s textbook, among others, is as follows:

Definition of Sociology According to Experts

1. Auguste Comte

Branch of Sociology
Source : Getty Hulton Archive

Sociology according to Auguste Comte is the study of phenomena in society based on positivist, rational and scientific characteristics.

2. Max Weber

Sociology is a science that studies social actions by explaining the causes and consequences of these social actions.

Max Weber explained the theory of social action into four parts, namely traditional social action, affective social action, instrumental rationality social action and value rationality social action.

For Weber, social action is based on an interorientation understanding of what will be personal goals and expectations.

3. Emile Durkheim

Sociology is the study of social facts that influence a person’s social actions . For Emile Durkheim , social facts beyond the individual can influence how a person thinks and acts.

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4. Pitirin A. Sorokin

Pitirim A. Sorokin in Contemporary Sociological Theories (1928: 760-762) explains that sociology is a science that studies the interrelationships between various kinds of social phenomena.

Pitirim A. Sorokin tries to explain that sociology can explain the reciprocity between the family and morals, law and the economy, humans and politics to the economy and religion.

Even for Pitirim A. Sorokin, sociology is also related to non-social phenomena such as industrial developments, natural disasters and other social phenomena.

10 Kinds of Sociology Branches

1. Rural Sociology

Branch of Sociology

Rural sociology is a branch of sociology that analyzes the behavior, structure, character of people living in rural areas.

Based on a book entitled Rural Sociology (2012: 3) by Nora Susilawati, Galeski explained that rural sociology is the study of villages including the roles and activities of agriculture as well as the pattern of life in it.

Rural sociology itself will discuss all the ins and outs of the village starting from the rules, habits, social structure and daily livelihoods of the village community.

For example, in the life of rural communities we still encounter various problems such as high unemployment rates, low interest in education and low awareness of health. This problem will then become the object of study in rural sociology.

Although at first the rural sociology analysis emerged because it wanted to describe the differences in the structure of society in rural areas and urban communities in Europe.

2. Sociology of Religion

Sociology of religion is a branch of sociology that analyzes people’s behavior towards beliefs and religion in general.

The object of study of the sociology of religion is none other than how religious beliefs or teachings affect an individual or society in carrying out daily social actions.

In practice, the religious point of view becomes the main domain for someone to interact socially with others. Therefore, the sociology of religion cannot be separated from religion itself because both form a social system in social life.

Based on a book entitled Sociology of Religion (2017: 5), Agus Machfud Fauzi explains that the sociology of religion is a science that discusses the relationship between religion and society.

The fact is that religion, values ​​and norms become the basis for a person in determining social action so that religion has a relationship with humans.

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3. Political Sociology

Political sociology is a branch of sociology that discusses the relationship between us as citizens and political institutions that represent the interests of the state.

The relationship between society and power and the state is the object of study in political sociology . Therefore, it is not surprising that in political sociology you will also discuss public policy, conflict resolution, political science and government science.

In the Diktat Lectures on Political Sociology, Suharno provides two notions related to political sociology, the first is the science of power and the second is the science of the state.

The state, political institutions and the social structure of society are related to one another so that activities between the three domains are included in the study of political sociology .

On the other hand, by studying political sociology you will understand the rights and obligations as citizens regarding how to channel opinions, criticism and voting rights.

4. Sociology of Education

Sociology of education is a branch of sociology that discusses the relationship between education and society. The term educational sociology was first coined by John Dewey through his book entitled School and Society. 

In practice, education has a significant influence on a person’s behavior and character in living a social life.

Therefore, the study of the sociology of education was born as a solution to solving problems in the world of education.

In a book entitled Sociology of Education (2000:5) Zainuddin Maliki explains that sociology of education is a science that analyzes how an educational institution influences social life and vice versa.

As we know, through education one can solve and find solutions to social problems that exist in society.

In other words, educational institutions can provide social change as well as social institutions can provide changes in the world of education.

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5. Sociology of Law

Sociology of law is a branch of sociology that examines the relationship between law and social life. This science analyzes the phenomenon of society with the rules and laws that have become a mutual agreement.

Meanwhile, according to Soerjono Soekanto in a book entitled Sociology of Law by Fithriatus Shalihah, legal sociology is the science that studies the reciprocal relationship of social phenomena with the social life of society.

At first legal sociology became known when Anzilotti, a thinker from Italy, studied patterns, sanctions, procedures and the implementation of law in society in the 19th century.

Since then the study of the sociology of law has been growing because every social life of society intersects with binding laws.

Although in general, sometimes several laws that have become a collective agreement are often violated by law makers and the community itself.

However, what is noted in the sociology of law is that the law is not always written because in the life of society there are many unwritten legal rules. Even so, the rules become a common reference in carrying out social activities.

6. Economic Sociology

Economic sociology is a branch of sociology that discusses the relationship between society and the economy in meeting their daily needs.

The main object of study in economic sociology is the market system, production system, distribution to the level of public consumption in achieving social welfare.

7. Urban Sociology

Urban sociology is a branch of sociology that discusses the behavior and lifestyle of people who live in urban areas.

Urban sociology analysis is a comparison to rural sociology, therefore it can be concluded that the differences between urban and rural communities can be drawn.

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Various studies in urban sociology include urbanization, urban planning, community structure to social, economic and cultural issues.

Beni Ahmad Saebani in a book entitled Urban Sociology (2015: vii) defines urban sociology as a science that studies the social interactions of people in urban areas.

8. Sociology of Development

Sociology of development is a branch of sociology that discusses the relationship of development to changes in the social life of society.

This is important so that development can be carried out properly and correctly while at the same time being beneficial for the welfare of the community.

According to Adon Nasrullah in the book Development Sociology, he explained that the emergence of development sociology studies was caused by the failure of the United States when it provided development funding support to developing countries.

Because in the context of community development, it can be both an object and a subject as well as a cause for development, none other than the community itself.

Therefore, development must go through various studies and considerations so that the results achieved can be maximized, one of which uses the study of the sociology of development.

9. Sociology of Health

Health sociology is a branch of sociology that analyzes the relationship between health and social life.

At first the sociology of health was born because of the existence of various diseases that required research related to the social factors that cause the spread of disease.

Dewi Rosmalia and Yustiana Sriani in the book Sociology of Health also explained that the sociology of health was born because of the need to analyze social factors that cause the spread of disease.

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In conducting health sociology research using sociological methods and concepts in analyzing, describing and solving various health problems.

10.  Sociology of the Family

Family sociology is a branch of sociology that discusses family relations with other families and even with families and the surrounding community.

RB Soemanto in a book entitled Definition and Scope of Family Sociology (p.1.12) explains aspects of family sociology related to the function and influence of social change on the family. As we know that the smallest space of social life is the family, so it is important to discuss family sociology.

11. Industrial Sociology

Industrial sociology is a branch of sociology that examines the relationship between industrial development and changes in people’s social life.

As we know, industrial development has a significant role in the pattern of change in society, especially aspects of the economic system.

In a book entitled Principles of Industrial Sociological Studies (2019:9-10) Hikmat explains that society and industry are related to one another.

With the existence of industry, patterns of production, consumption, distribution, employment, people’s lifestyles have changed. For example, before the factory was established, the community worked as farmers, but after the factory was established, the community worked as employees.

Before there was Gojek, ojek drivers used to do conventional work, now with Gojek they can get passengers wherever they are because of advances in technology and industry.