Employees who make mistakes or violations will receive a warning by letter from the company.
As an illustration, an example of a warning letter for employees not coming to work for days without a description given as a warning before getting tougher sanctions.
Letters of reprimand are differentiated based on the category of violation. The types start from the first and second warning letters for errors that can still be tolerated. While the third warning letter is for violations that exceed the limits which usually lead to termination of employment.
Rules for Giving Warning Letters
An employee warning letter is a formal notification issued by the authorities within a company for employees who break the rules or act inappropriately.
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Under article 161 of the Labor Law, an employee cannot be terminated, even if he commits an offence. Employees need to be given a Warning Letter (SP 1) to a Warning Letter (SP 3), before terminating work.
These rules are also listed in Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, that “Entrepreneurs as employers, trade unions and the government try to prevent unilateral termination of employment.”
Purpose of Employee Reprimand Letter
The existence of an employee warning letter or warning letter has a function as a reminder and provides an opportunity for employees to correct mistakes or behaviuor at work.
Usually this warning letter policy will be given by the manager when he has given a verbal warning to the employee concerned.
Warning letters are given in stages. When it reaches SP3, the employee’s work status can be terminated.
Employee Reprimand Letter Sample Format
Examples of employee reprimand letters that are commonly issued are reprimands for not coming to the office, often being late to the office, not fulfilling duties as an employee, being unprofessional and leaking office secrets.
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The type is still classified as a formal letter so there are writing rules that need to be considered. The following are important things that must be included in a letter of reprimand for employees:
- Title, number and date of letter;
- The full name and position of the employee concerned;
- The reasons for the issuance of the warning letter are explained in full;
- Additional information on the issuance of a letter of reprimand. For example, a letter to provide an initial warning so that the employee concerned does not repeat the mistake;
- Author’s name and signature.
For those who need references to write a warning letter, here are many examples of good and correct employee reprimand letters according to the rules.
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Example SP 1 Employee
The first warning letter (SP 1) is generally issued to reprimand employees who make mistakes that are classified as mild and can still be tolerated by the company. Usually there are no sanctions because the aim is to give an early warning so that they no longer break the rules.
1. Example of SP1 Not Entering Work Without Explanation
An example of a letter of reprimand for an employee who is absent from work without explanation so that the attendance list is bad is as follows:
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Examples of letters of reprimand for employees who fail to meet company targets include:
3. Example of SP1 of late employees coming to work
Next, the following is an example of a letter of reprimand for an employee who is late for work for several days in a row:
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4. Example of Employee SP1 Not Performing Well
Examples of employee reprimand letters that do not show good work performance are:
5. Example of SP1 Not Entering Work Without Reason and Violating SOP
Example of a letter of reprimand for employees being absent from work without a clear reason and violating the SOP that applies in the company:
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6. Example SP1 Often Late to the Office
Next, below is an example of a letter of reprimand for employees who are often late to the office:
Example SP 2 Employees
Employees who do not show a positive response after being given SP 1, will usually get a Second Warning Letter (SP 2). In the letter, the company not only reprimanded but also provided information on sanctions and the possibility of giving SP 3.
1. Example of SP2 Sanctions Withholding Incentives
The following is an example of an employee reprimand accompanied by an incentive withholding sanction:
2. Example of SP2 for Undisciplined Employees and Salary Deduction Sanctions
An example of a letter of reprimand for an undisciplined employee with a salary deduction sanction:
3. Example of SP2 for Unprofessional Employees
Next, for an example of a letter of reprimand for an SP2 employee who is unprofessional at work so that he is subject to a salary deduction sanction:
Example of Employee Warning Letter (SP 3).
Generally, companies will give SP 3 to employees who still commit violations even though they have received SP 1 and SP 2.
1. Example of SP3 for Absentee Employees with Termination of Termination
An example of a letter of reprimand for an absent employee with a sanction of termination of employment (PHK) is as follows:
2. Example of SP3 Employee Violates Company Policy
Furthermore, examples of letters of reprimand for employees who violate company policies and discipline resulting in termination of employment are:
Impact of Warning Letters for Employees and Companies
The impact on employees who receive a warning letter is:
- Threatened with termination: If an employee has received several warning letters and continues to commit violations, then the company can take action to terminate.
- Psychological: Receiving a warning letter can cause stress and worry for employees because there is a possibility of losing their job.
- Career: Receiving a warning letter can affect an employee’s career prospects because a record of violations can influence promotion decisions and pay raises.
Meanwhile, the impact on companies that provide warning letters is:
- Improve employee discipline: Warning letters can serve as reminders for employees to comply with company rules and policies.
- Strengthen work culture: Providing warning letters can help build a work culture that is clear and values discipline and order.
- Protecting the company: A warning letter can be evidence that the company has warned the employee before taking further action, in the event that a termination is necessary.
However, it is important to remember that giving a warning letter must be appropriate and fair, and based on strong evidence. Otherwise, it can have a negative impact on employees and company image.
There are many examples of employee reprimand letters that can be used as references to make it easier to make this type of letter. The contents must be adjusted to the type of warning letter, the underlying reasons and the sanctions given as a consequence of the violation.