1. Finalize Presentation Slides
Make sure that the presentation slides you will use are ready in the 2nd day. Make slides that are interesting, but can still be read, especially by your examiner. Don’t use ridiculous designs!
2. Prepare a thesis draft
Apart from the presentation slides , make sure that you have also prepared a hardcopy of the thesis draft as your weapon if you are asked quite difficult questions by your examiner.
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3. Save all data online
To avoid unwanted things such as laptop errors , lost flash disks , or data infected with viruses, secure your thesis data online, such as via the cloud system on Google Drive or Dropbox.
4. Collect all the literature again
Make sure that all sources listed in the bibliography such as reference books, journals or other sources have been properly documented. This literature can also help you whenever your examiner asks questions!
5. Prepare the clothes you will wear
Prepare the clothes you will wear during the trial. The clothes worn must be formal, which usually consists of a white top, black bottoms, and loafers. Prepare the night before so you don’t have to rush the next day just because of the “complication” of clothes.
6. Test supporting equipment
Re-test all the equipment that will support your thesis: make sure the laptop can be used, the pointer , or any supporting writing equipment that may be needed.
7. Look for information about the examining lecturer
You can also look for information about your examiner’s testing style, you know! You can find out from friends who are tested by the same lecturer or from your seniors.
8. List of questions that may arise during the hearing
Apart from the thesis draft , you can also make a list of predictions regarding questions that your examiner might ask.
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9. Practice presentations
To reduce nervousness during the trial, you can also practice your presentation to better master the material. When practicing, you can ask your friends to assess and provide feedback on your appearance or presentation style.
10. Take care of your health
Health is one of the important points that must be considered before the trial. Don’t let your trial fail just because your health is declining. Nutritious eating and adequate rest are important to maintain stamina before the trial.
11. Go to bed early
Say no to staying up late! You must arrive early at the hearing location a maximum of 1 hour or 30 minutes early. For this reason, don’t forget to sleep early at night.
12. Pray
After trying your best, don’t forget to pray too, friends!
We wish everyone success in taking the final trial!