Mudabicara.com_ The benefits of studying communication science for young people are certainly diverse. Communication is an activity that involves two or more people. In communication, there is sending and receiving of messages from the communicator to the communicant.
Further understanding of communication is a process or effort to build understanding between humans with one another, with the aim of getting a common understanding of something.
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This time, mudabicara wants to review more deeply the benefits of studying communication science and understanding communication science. see the following reviews:
Understanding Communication Science According to Experts
1. Raymond S. Ross
Raymond S. Ross argues that communication is a process of sorting, selecting and transmitting symbols. The process is carried out in order to help the listener to generate meaning or a response similar to that intended by the communicator from his mind. So from that process emerged the same conclusion as an understanding.
2. Onong Uchjana Effendy
According to Onong Uchjana Effendy, communication is the process of delivering messages by one person to another, with the aim of informing. Furthermore, communication can change the attitude, opinion or behavior of the person. Delivery of messages can be done verbally (directly) or through the media (indirectly).
3. Deddy Mulyana
In his book Communication Science An Introduction , Deddy Mulyana defines communication as the process of delivering information, ideas, emotions, skills that are carried out using symbols or words, pictures, numbers, graphics and so on.
4. Harorl D. Lasswell
Harorl D. Lasswell argues that communication is basically a process that explains who, says what, with what channel, to whom and with what effect or result.
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5. Agus M. Hardjana
According to Agus M. Hardjana, communication is an activity to convey a message by one person to another through certain media.
After the message is received and understood to the best of its ability, the recipient of the message then conveys a response through certain media to the sender of the message.
6. David K. Berlo
In the book Introduction to Communication Science by Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M. Sc, David K. Berlo defines communication as an instrument of social interaction that is useful for knowing and predicting the attitudes of others, as well as knowing one’s own existence.
Communication has a goal to create balance in society so that they can understand and respect each other.
7. Frank E.X. Dance
According to Frank EX Dance, communication is a process where through this process a person (the communicator) can convey a stimulus with the aim of changing or shaping the behavior of another person (the communicant).
8. Forsdale
According to Frosdale, communication is a process in which a system is formed, maintained, and modified with one goal, namely so that the signals sent can be received and carried out according to the applicable rules.
9. Redi Panuju
According to Redi Panuju, the notion of communication is a flow system that connects, and performance between parts within an organization, which results in a synergy.
10. Everett M. Rogers
In the book Science of Communication An Introduction, Everett M. Rogers defines communication as the process of transferring ideas from a source to a recipient, with the aim of changing the behavior of the recipient.
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Benefits of Learning Communication Studies for Young People
1. Make it easier to provide information
The main function of communication is to provide information. The information itself will be given on the subject of communication to the person who is the object of the communication. As a result we can find something from what we are looking for or mean.
2. Make it easier to convey thoughts and opinions
Communication also serves to convey one’s thoughts, feelings or opinions. The opinion is then conveyed in the form of communication received by others.
3. Make it easier to interact
Communication is a way to interact with other people and others. The existence of communication makes a social interaction between two or more people to understand each other.
4. Increase insight and knowledge
The next benefit is that communication can also add insight and knowledge. Communication has an educational function that can make the transfer of knowledge, insights or certain knowledge, which then the existence of communication in terms of insight and knowledge becomes very important.
5. Keep yourself from being isolated in society
Communication functions so that a person is not isolated in a community environment. Building communication in society is very important because it becomes our provision for society.
In addition, communication can keep us from being part of a pluralistic society.
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6. Motivate others
The benefit of communication is to motivate others to achieve their goals. Good communication, both spoken and written, is important in order to encourage and motivate others to be better.
7. Expressing emotions
Often humans when they have a problem or problem tend to be silent. Emotions in the soul often continue to settle without being able to vent or express.
So, it’s good for us to express our emotions and feelings, one way is in the form of communication.
8. Avoid misunderstandings
The importance of learning communication science in everyday life is to train to be able to understand the intentions and goals of other people when communicating with us.
In society, things often happen that can lead to misunderstandings that lead to conflict and hostility. Everything can be finished well as long as they can carry out two-way communication to understand each other.
9. Strengthen and maintain good relationships
Communication is important in maintaining good relationships. This applies to all sectors, from individual to individual to group to group, including in the international scope. The relationship here means a relationship that is both personal and public.
10. Make it easier to learn the events that occurred
Another function of communication is to know or learn about events in our environment. We can do this through communication and social contact with the surrounding community.
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11. Make it easier to change attitudes and habits
The function and purpose of communication is to change attitudes and habitual behavior. This can be realized with intense and thorough communication, especially when meeting certain people.
12. Make it easy to make decisions
Communication can be useful as a consideration for decision making, both deliberation decisions and personal decision making in responding to life. The importance of communication certainly helps make it easier to make decisions correctly and wisely.
13. Make it easier to perform ritual activitiesÂ
The role of communication is also important in sacred matters or religious rituals. For example, when we worship we need to communicate. So that the purpose and objectives of carrying out religious ritual activities can be fulfilled properly.
14. Keeping the bonds of brotherhood
Communication becomes important in order to maintain relationships or social contact with other people. By communicating, you can continue to maintain the kinship between family, friends or acquaintances.
If this communication is maintained properly, apart from creating a close kinship, it will also create a peaceful and better life, without any conflict.
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15. Get Entertainment and Happiness
The last function of communication is that it can be used to get entertainment or entertain others in order to create happiness for others. So that through communication can be used to get pleasure in the form of entertainment.
Happy reading, hopefully our review this time is useful for all of you!