16 Examples of Art Appreciation in Society

Art is synonymous with elements of beauty. Cultural elements  in art are interrelated with each other. Each art has a different historical value. Art lovers are often willing to do anything as a form of appreciation for art.

In fact, art appreciation becomes a means of increasing love for a work, as a means of evaluating and interpreting art. Apart from that, art appreciation is also a means of developing abilities in various aspects, even outside the artistic aspect.

Art Appreciation

Cultural arts  are the beautiful result of a quality work as a form of expression that has a positive purpose. In this case, the art of expressing imagination in creating visual works is to appreciate the beauty and emotional power in the creation process. There are various forms of cultural arts, such as fine arts, music, painting, theater arts, literary arts, and so on.

For this reason, the beauty of art should be appreciated as a form of recognition of other people’s creative works. Art appreciation is a way to appreciate the presence and existence of a work which is shown in various forms. Appreciating means realizing the ins and outs of a work to be enjoyed as an aesthetic element.

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Examples of Art Appreciation

Examples of art appreciation in society include;

1. Visit an art exhibition

To promote their works of art, artists often hold art exhibitions for many people to see and enjoy.

One form of art appreciation is by visiting art exhibitions. Art exhibitions that are often held are usually works of art in the form of products such as paintings, designs, sculptures and so on. Visiting an art exhibition shows our interest in a work of art.

2. Buy art products

Many artistic products are bought and sold for use or simply to enjoy their aesthetic value. By purchasing art products that can be used, it shows that we appreciate art.

The price for each work of art varies. Price determination is usually adjusted to the level of complexity and value contained in a work of art. Some people are willing to buy works of art such as paintings at fantastic prices.

However, this is still done because the work of art has its own unique value and meaning for both the art maker and the art viewer themselves.

3. Watch an art performance

Art performances are held with the aim of providing entertainment and promoting works of art. The types of works of art that are often held in performances are theater and dance. One form of our appreciation for works of art is by watching art performances that are held.

Art performances are entertainment for art lovers to relieve fatigue or simply enjoy the beauty of art presented by performers.

To hold a performance, the artistic actors involved in the activity make quite a long preparation. The fatigue and sacrifice of practicing will be paid off if many people enjoy the performance and many people appreciate and watch it.

4. Provide suggestions

One form of our concern for a work of art is by providing suggestions for a work of art. Giving advice does not mean dropping it but is a form of art appreciation. Providing suggestions means that we have followed the entire process of creating the art.

Giving advice does not mean imposing your will. Whether the suggestions and input given will be used or not depends on the artist. We as art lovers can only enjoy and provide good input, not change a work of art.

5. Establishing a studio

A form of art appreciation is by establishing a sebi studio. By establishing a sanggar we have made an effort to preserve works of art. This studio is usually established to attract and gather people who have the same artistic interests and abilities in one place for learning, namely an art studio.

The studio can also be used as a place to promote works of art. The art studios that we often encounter are dance studios, theater studios, musical studios, studios in the Javanese cultural sense, and so on.

6. Studying art

Helping to appreciate art can be done by studying and studying art starting from the origins of the art and studying the process of making or creating a work of art. Learning art can be done through art studios, by seeking information from artists, and can also be done by self-study via the internet.

7. Finding out the origin of a work of art

Finding out about the origins of art is also a form of appreciating works of art. This arises because of a sense of connection and concern for a work of art. This sense of caring makes a person have a high sense of curiosity about a work of art. Knowing the origins of a work of art makes a person appreciate art more.

Once curiosity arises, there is a high possibility that there will be a desire to learn about art. In fact, it is not uncommon for someone who wants to be directly involved in the process of making and creating a work of art.

8. Hold an art show

In contrast to exhibitions which are usually held for works of art that have a form, holding art performances is usually done for works of art that enjoy their beauty, such as dance, acting, and so on.

Holding art performances is not only done by artists. Nowadays, many parties hold art performances with certain goals. This shows that art appreciation in society is still quite high. There are many positive values ​​that can be learned from an art performance.

9. Providing material assistance

For some people who care about and enjoy a work of art, the progress and development of the work of art is very much maintained and cared for. Providing assistance in the form of materials to artists to develop their art works into a cultural form of extraordinary art appreciation.

10. Attend seminars on Art

Not infrequently, seminars have a theme about the process of creating art. Attending art seminars will increase our knowledge and insight in the field of art. Participating in art seminars gives artists the opportunity to introduce works of art.

Seminar activities that raise the theme of art are the first step for art lovers to learn about art

11. Teaching art

One effort that can be done as a form of art appreciation is by teaching art to the younger generation. Before teaching about art, we must first learn about art. Teaching art not only to people who love art but also as an opportunity to invite people to start appreciating art.

The beauty of art is the main attraction for learning about art. Teaching art is not only about theory but also practice and providing examples with the aim of attracting attention so that they are interested in learning.

12. Participate in promoting works of art

Promoting works of art can be done in various ways. Promotion of works of art is not only carried out by artists. As a form of art appreciation, art connoisseurs and fans often take part in promoting a work of art. This activity can be carried out directly or via social media.

13. Hold an art exhibition

Art exhibitions aim to introduce works of art to the wider public. Art exhibition activities are not only carried out by artists, as a form of appreciation for art, art fans often hold art exhibitions. This activity is carried out because of love and concern for works of art and artists.

14. Open the khursus

Opening art courses is a form of art appreciation. This special activity is not carried out by just anyone. Only people who have special skills in the field of art can train to create and create works of art.

15. Provide Positive Comments on Musical Works

An important part of appreciating the art of music which is most familiar today is giving positive comments on all songs written by other people or missions without demeaning them, because every work created actually has its own market share (of audiences).

16. Discuss with the Arts Community

Another form of art appreciation is holding discussions with communities consisting of  individuals and groups  with the same interests. This action can be done directly or through online forums such as  social media  which can actually allow sharing experiences, opinions and views about art in accordance with his interests.

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From the explanation presented, it can be said that the social value of the aesthetics of a work of art actually makes art lovers feel that giving art appreciation is very important to support the development of works of art.

This is because in appreciating a work of art the goal is to introduce and disseminate the work of art so that it can be enjoyed by the wider community. Art appreciation also provides encouragement and support to artists to work better. Various efforts can be made as a form of appreciation and support for works of art and artists.

So, that was the article that we can provide to all readers regarding  examples of art appreciation  in society that are easy to find in everyday life. Hopefully this provides understanding for those of you who need it.