Mudabicara.com_ The basic concepts of political science include several things, including the state, power, decision-making, general policy and distribution.
The basic concepts of political science are related and connected to one another in a political system and government system .
If something doesn’t work within the basic concept, there will be an imbalance in the structure and political infrastructure in society.
Then what are the meanings of the basic concepts of political science, see in full the following young-talk reviews:
5 Basic Concepts of Political Science
1. Country
The first basic concept of political science is the state. The definition of the state according to the sociologist Max Weber is Association with the legitimate monopoly of coercive force in a given territorial area.
For Weber the state is an association with a legitimate monopoly of coercive power in a certain territorial area. For this reason, the state has become the center of political science studies, which includes state institutions as well as their formal forms.
Meanwhile, according to Roger H. Soltau in An Introduction to Politics (1951) the state is an agent as well as an authority that regulates and controls all matters together on behalf of the people within it.
In the book The State in Theory and Practice (1947) Harold J. Laski defines the state as a society that is integrated because it has coercive authority.
The figure of Indonesian political scientist Miriam Budiardjo in her book Basics of Political Science (2007) defines the state as a territorial area where the people in it are governed by a number of officials who succeed in demanding from citizens in an area obedience to the rules regarding the law through monopolistic control. against legitimate powers.
From the various definitions of the state above, it can be concluded that the state is an organization that has the highest and legitimate authority and at the same time gains legitimacy from the people.
As a state organization that has a differentiation structure, it can monopolize coercive power because the state is a binding decision maker.
On the other hand, the state also has the authority both structurally and infrastructurally to force physically on its territory.
So there are three functions and objectives of the existence of the state, namely:
1. Organizing and integrating human and group activities towards achieving national goals.
2. Controlling and managing the symptoms of asocial power
3. Implement and regulate the system of state relations with citizens and relations with other countries.
2. Power
What is Power?. Power is a person’s ability to influence the social actions of other people or groups according to his orders and desires.
In power there is no narrative of equality because the people who rule and those who receive orders have different positions and social strata.
In addition, power is indeed formed from a different relationship between the giver of orders and those who receive orders.
The essence of the basic concept of political science is power because all aspects of political life are related to the struggle for or maintaining power.
In the process of struggle to seize and maintain power there is no other goal except to fight for the interests of the people.
With the existence of power, territory, policies, decisions to the distribution of power, a person can fight for his political ideals.
In the book Basics of Political Science (1998:9) Harold D. Laswell and A. Kaplan define political science as the study of the formation and distribution of power.
Therefore, someone who has broad political knowledge will consciously and openly fight for power while maintaining power.
When they are in power, they will exercise their power over their influence on others to the best of their ability and for the common good.
As Delliar Noer argues, political science will focus on the problem of power in common life or society.
So the basic concept of political science cannot be separated from power, a German political scientist Ossip K. Flechtheim gave the notion that political science is one of the social sciences that studies the nature and goals of the state.
To the extent that the state becomes an organization of power, along with the objective nature of other unofficial power phenomena that can influence the state.
Finally, a public administration academic from the London School of Economics, WA Robson, defines political science as a social science that studies power in society.
Power in the eyes of WA Robson includes the nature, basis, processes, scope and results of political power.
3. Decision Making
An American political scientist Austin Ranney defines decision making as The process of making government policies.
The term decision making refers to a process that occurs in decision making, while a decision is making a choice among various alternatives.
Decision-making is a basic concept of political science because the decision-making process aims to benefit the general public.
In addition, decision making is based on collective decisions and is binding for all parties, both policy makers and the general public.
A Czech political scientist named Karl W.Deutsch defines politics as making decisions through public means.
Furthermore, he considers decisions of this kind to be different from making personal decisions by individuals, but making decisions regarding general actions.
Meanwhile, Joyce Mitchell defines politics as collective decision-making or general policy-making for the general public.
Decision-making actors are none other than the authorities and the government, therefore public policy is included in the basic concepts of political science
4. General Policy
Public policy is the basis of the concept of political science because in general policy there are goals and ideals for the common good.
In addition, public policy is a business process as well as plans outlined in the form of policies issued by the government or authorities.
The goal of public policy making is to build a more purposeful society through the use of the instruments of power.
In practice, policies usually apply not only to the general public but also to those in power.
An American political thinker David Easton defines political science as the study of the formation of public policy.
Meanwhile, Hoogerwerf defines political science as government policy, the process by which policies are formed and the consequences of these policies.
Therefore, in general policy matters that need to be considered are the process of making policies, what are the objectives of the policy, how is the implementation of the policy and what are the consequences arising from the policy.
5. Distribution/Allocation
Distribution or allocation is the process of sharing and allotment of values in society. Division is a basic concept of political science because it relates to the division of authority, values and power.
David Easton describes the political system as the whole of the interactions that regulate the distribution of values authoritatively (based on authority) for and on behalf of society.
Whereas Harold D. Laswell defines political science as a matter of who gets what when and how.
So the division or allocation of values in a binding manner which is often not carried out evenly, causing conflict, is related to government power and policy.
This means that division and allocation is the distribution and allotment of values in society. Values can be abstract, such as judgments or principles, such as honesty, freedom of opinion, freedom of speech.
And values can be concrete, such as houses, wealth, property, cars and so on.
This is an explanation of the basic concepts of political science, thank you for visiting the youthtalk website portal . If you find this article useful, please share this article. Thank You