Fingerprint: Definition, History and Benefits

Today’s increasingly sophisticated technological advances, bringing with them the surrounding environment also merge in progress with the sophistication of this technology.

One of the technological advancements that has brought real sophistication is the fingerprint, a fingerprint is an electronic device used for scanning a person’s fingerprints.

Fingerprints or fingerprints are a new innovation in identifying the identity of a person through fingerprints which will be recorded and stored through data by the device.

This technological advancement has been widely used by the community, one of which is for attendance or presence of a company or office.

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By using sophisticated electronic devices that can record and store data from a person’s identity, manual storage will no longer be needed.

The technology used by fingerprint is an automatic system typical of today’s technological sophistication. In addition, fingerprint is one of the right solutions to save time in filling out attendance.

What is Fingerprint and Its History

Fingerprint is a technological advancement of a tool that is used to record someone’s fingerprints and store that data in a system.

The history of this one technological sophistication has been going on since 1890, starting with a scientist from England who studied the identification of a person through fingerprints.

Research conducted by these scientists is carried out for the needs of solving criminal acts.

From this research that requires quite a long time, it can be concluded that every human fingerprint has nothing in common. Even though they have the same type of fingerprints, every human being is different from other humans in terms of these fingerprints.

In the end, this fingerprint is used as a way to identify the identity of a person. Then at the beginning of the 20th century, the use of fingerprints was carried out by the British police for criminal settlement purposes.

Entering the history of the use of fingerprints in Indonesia, the identification system using fingerprints was introduced by a soldier from Germany.

Fingerprint is one of the external cultures brought by the soldier since he was assigned to the Makassar area. After graduating from police education in Indonesia, the soldier who is of German descent was assigned and introduced the use of fingerprints in the Indonesian police.

This is the beginning of the history of the use of fingerprints in Indonesia, which began with a soldier and continues today.

Larger developments in the use and utilization of fingerprints were then carried out in 1959-1960. The system developed for the use of fingerprints as a person’s identification is carried out optimally so that it can be used in other fields later.

Until now, the use of various innovations that have been carried out on fingerprints can be used to fill employee presence in the office.

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Fingerprint Utilization for Online Attendance

Fingerprint is an electronic device that uses the fingerprint identification of its employees to monitor the presence of the employee concerned. This sophisticated technology allows a company or office to monitor employee attendance in an easier way.

The way this fingerprint system works is by scanning fingerprints through two stages, namely taking a fingerprint image and then deciding whether the fingerprint pattern taken is the same as the data stored in the database.

There are several ways to take a person’s fingerprints, but one of the most widely used methods today is optical scanning.

Even now there is  an online attendance application  that can be integrated with the fingerprint system in the office for employee attendance purposes.

The tool will automatically carry out the data collection process from the scanning that has been done. After that, filling in the attendance of these employees will be recorded after the incoming data is correct.

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Benefits of Using Fingerprints for Employee Attendance

This growing innovation in the world of staffing provides several benefits for the company’s HR team, including:

1. Reduce cheating

The first benefit of having a fingerprint is that it can reduce fraud for employees or employees who are lazy to go to work but only fill in attendance. In general, employees or employees who prefer to “entrust attendance” will no longer be able to do that if they use the fingerprint system to fill in the attendance list.

2. More practical

The next benefit of using a fingerprint is to use a fingerprint system to fill in the attendance list, it can be said that the required process will be considered more practical.

Of course this can happen because just by sticking your thumb on an electronic device for fingerprint scanning, attendance will be filled in automatically when the scanning process is complete.

3. Accurate data

The next benefit of fingerprints is that the data stored will be more accurate than data stored manually on paper. Because it uses today’s technological sophistication, the data storage system from the fingerprint scanning process will be more accurate.

In addition, the time used when filling in attendance will also be more accurate. So that it can better see whether the employee or employee is late or not.

4. Time efficient

The activity of sticking a finger on a fingerprint machine or fingerprint detector if calculated mathematically, takes less than one minute. In contrast to the attendance method that uses an attendance card, or a signature that takes a long time.

Fingerprint is an electronic device that utilizes technological sophistication to process fingerprint data scanning in a shorter time.

5. Fast process

The last benefit of a fingerprint is that the process needed to fill in time attendance will be faster. If the method of filling in attendance manually employees or employees will fill in a piece of paper one by one, then fingerprinting is not applicable.

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Problems Often Occur When Attendance Using Fingerprint

Even so, there are still some obstacles that you might encounter in using fingerprint technology innovations, namely:

1. System Error

Standalone attendance has limitations on finger capacity and transaction records that will affect the machine system, the more data stored, the longer the fingerprint identification process will take.

If left in this condition until the “No more Space” warning appears, it can result in the machine hanging and transaction scans not being accepted. System errors usually often occur in tools for scanning that have been used for a long time.

2. Less maintenance

Lack of maintenance on the scanning machine that is used to fill in the attendance list for this employee can also trigger various other problems.

Because the electronic device used for scanning fingerprints is rarely maintained, the tool will get dirty and errors are more likely due to dirt. Fingerprint is filling in attendance using an electronic device, so it needs regular maintenance.

3. Tool is broken

There are several causes of the problem of not receiving employee scans. Cases of not receiving a scan can be all employees or some, this can happen because it turns out that the machine or tool used for the scan process has been damaged.

The beginning of the damage to the machine can be from poor and infrequent maintenance, to full storage in the automatic storage system.

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Characteristics of the Best Fingerprint Provider Features

1. Client service

Clients’ trust in Talenta by Mekari is a top priority for this company to always provide the best service to clients. This advantage is available in the form of a wide range of products offered to clients, to be able to find more features or services that suit their needs.

2. Teamwork

The results of the achievements of a team cannot be separated from good relationships between individuals in the team. Therefore, with good cooperation, the services provided to clients will be maximized. The role of the team in this company is the key to producing maximum service to clients who have collaborated.

3. Good relationship with clients

Still related to cooperation, companies that provide fingerperint services are cloud services that always maintain relationships with clients.

With good relationships between companies and clients, trust will increase from the clients themselves. This advantage is also one of the foundations for Mekari to successfully serve its clients.

4. New product

Apart from providing selected software and applications to assist business people in developing their business, Mekari also continues to create new innovations.

This is done so that the company’s HRD team can provide maximum service by providing an  attendance management application  to monitor employee performance and productive time.

5. High quality

By continuously increasing new product and service variants for clients, Mekari also does not forget to always develop these two aspects with the best quality.

Not only focusing on new things, but also focusing on improving standards and quality of the products and services themselves.

That is a complete explanation of fingerprint which is a new innovation in making it easier to fill in the presence of a company or office.

In other words, fingerprint is the right answer for business people who are looking for advanced technology that can shorten the time for filling attendance more efficiently.