What Is Appreciation? Definition and Benefits for Employees

The following are various forms of appreciation that companies can apply as a form of appreciation and gratitude to your employees.

Meanwhile, this form of appreciation for employees has a significant role and benefits for the company to experience in the long term

Appreciation itself is a form of how companies provide  positive feedback  after employees give their best performance at work.

Through this article, Mekari will try to explain in full about appreciation, the importance of appreciation for employees, and the various best forms of appreciation for company employees.

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Definition of Appreciation

Appreciation has a meaning that is quite multi-interpreted. The meaning of appreciation in the work environment is a form of recognition, appreciation, and positive evaluation of individuals who have given their best achievements or performance at work.

There are many forms of giving appreciation to employees. Starting from the simple things like  positive feedback  and words, giving time off, to annual bonuses.

The Importance of Appreciation for Employees

A work environment that often provides various forms of appreciation for employees will form a positive and comfortable environment.

In addition, in fact a comfortable work environment can provide  motivation for employees  and encouragement so that employees can maximize their daily performance. This impact also provides real benefits in increasing company profits.

Even so, there are still many companies that have not implemented an effective work environment like this. This can also be detrimental to the company.

Based on  survey results in 2022  regarding  employment engagement . 46% of employees leave their jobs because they feel unappreciated, and 65% of employees admit that they will work even harder if their contribution is recognized by company management.

Looking at these data, a work environment that does not apply good forms of appreciation to its employees can cause  the company’s employee turnover  rate to increase and reduce employee retention rates and productivity.

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The Best Form of Appreciation for Employees

Then, what is a good form of appreciation for employees?

Here are some forms of appreciation that are suitable for your company, ranging from simple to more unique ways.

1. Acknowledgments 

This is one of the simplest ways you can work environment. In fact, thank you is basically the most basic of habitual norms to be ingrained in your work environment.

Saying thank you can signal that every little thing an employee does is appreciated and acknowledged. This also distances the company’s management from a negative perspective, in which employees are just robots who continue to work until their energy runs out.

In giving thanks, apart from being able to do it directly in front of the employees themselves. You can also do this through the company’s social media channels.

So that employees feel proud that they are appreciated in such a way by the company. Other employees also become more motivated to improve their work performance in order to get the same thing.

2. Compliment and  Constructive Feedback 

Apart from saying thank you, you can also add praise for the performance that the employee has provided or for an increase in work performance.

This can help you improve your relationship with the employee, and employees are happy because their work is appreciated.

Apart from praise, giving  constructive feedback  can also be another solution. This will give the impression that you really care about your employees and help them improve their development.

3. Providing discount offers and promos

Who doesn’t love a discount on their favorite item or food?

Offering  discount vouchers  and price promotions is a favorite form of appreciation for employees besides salary and leave bonuses.

With discounted discounts, employees can buy items they like but require a fairly high cost.

It can be adjusted to the interests of employees, those who use it to buy daily necessities can also reach it more easily.

So it can also indirectly maintain the welfare of your company’s employees.

4. Container for Self-Development

At work, employees also want to increase their experience and knowledge. So that later they can build a career according to what they have achieved.

This can also benefit the company, as employees with more experience can form a stronger company.

Therefore, providing a platform for self-development that is funded by the company can be a good and positive form of appreciation.

One of them is by opening a mentoring program that can become employee learning through employees who are more senior and professional in their fields.

This form of appreciation in the form of a mentoring program can develop employees’ deepest potential more easily thanks to the experiences of employees who have previously taken the same path.

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5. Day-off

Providing one day of rest or special leave ( unrecorded time-off ) is a form of appreciation that employees like.

By providing a full day of continuous rest for the mind and body after work, employees can reduce their chances of feeling stressed and  burnt out

Despite giving this relatively short rest period, employees can return to their workplaces feeling calmer and clearer. Then work more effectively and high productivity.