How to Increase Employee Productivity Quickly

Employee productivity is increasingly becoming a concern because it can be a measure of the success of a company.

According to Muchdarsyah Sinungan (1997) work productivity is a measurement to see how effective the energy and time spent with the work completed.

Employees who have high work quality will certainly have an impact on their success in achieving  company targets or key performance indicators  (KPIs).

Achieving KPIs or even exceeding them will have a major impact on the company. 

This is because it can be an indicator that the company has succeeded in achieving the company’s mission and goals and measurable company profits.

Seeing this, of course, companies are constantly competing to be able to develop motivation and increase the work productivity of their employees through a variety of unique and diverse ways.

Therefore, Mudabicara will explain how to increase employee work productivity in a good and proper way so that you can implement it in your company.

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How to Increase Employee Productivity

There are several aspects that you need to pay attention to so that the methods and strategies that you want to apply to increase employee work productivity can work properly. That is:

1. Know the Employee Productivity Reference

There are several important elements that you need to pay attention to and understand before planning a strategy to increase employee productivity.

There are three main elements, namely the enthusiasm or motivation of employees, how employees work, and the results of employee work.

These three elements are interrelated with one another, that is what can affect an employee’s work productivity that occurs because there is a causal relationship.

2. Map Employee Characteristics and Needs

It will be a zero result if the strategy you plan is not rooted in the problems and needs that employees feel at work.

Employees will judge that the HR team and company management are not competent in managing the company’s operations. 

This causality will ultimately lower motivation and goals at work and have an impact on low employee productivity.

Therefore, understand what employees need to increase employee work productivity and record it properly in HR employee management records.

3. Establishing a Safe and Comfortable Work Environment

There are two aspects that affect the condition of the work environment, namely the physical aspect and the dynamics that are formed in the work environment.

The physical aspect can be in the form of tools and facilities that support employees when working, such as a cool room, air circulation, stationery equipment, to the internet network.

While the dynamics that exist in the work environment have the greatest influence in maintaining a safe and comfortable work environment.

The habit of gossiping, dysfunctional communication, so that there are no  healthy boundaries  that are formed to reduce  the mood  of employees at work.

Conversely, a supportive work environment, work life balance, and constructive criticism can improve and maintain employee motivation well.

4.   Good Management of Employee Engagement

The application of good employee management is to formulate a policy or program that consists of giving rewards and punishments in their work.

This method can provide a motivational boost and employee morale to be able to carry out their duties better.

Stay away from all things that smell negative and reduce quality, and increase productivity and performance gains.

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How to Increase Employee Productivity

Improving employee work productivity  is a way to continue to optimize employee performance and performance in carrying out their duties.

Forming a strong bond between the company and employees can be a solution to continue to maintain their level of productivity at work.

Here are several ways to increase employee work productivity in the company:

1. Self Development Program

One of the goals of employees at work is to improve themselves in order to build a better career.

Form a self-development program consisting of a variety of unique and varied training. Adjust to the needs of employees in the company.

Proper training can increase employee work productivity.

You can also manage it creatively so you can save on company expenses.

Such as forming internal seminars or workshops where the speakers come from company employees with high capabilities.

Or hold cross-training to find the right employee work position which can also help increase productivity.

2. Routine Work Evaluation

Sometimes there are some employees who are not aware that their productivity is decreasing or employees who are indifferent to their performance at work.

Evaluation can help employees and companies gain  insight  into their performance and performance at work.

It is better if the evaluation is carried out routinely and periodically so that the company’s productivity can be measured well and high.

You can implement evaluations through direct assessments from superiors or  supervisors  as well as  feedback  between employees to get  points of view  from various perspectives.

3. Sistem Reward and Punishment

The reward and punishment system can be a program with the most potential to affect employee work productivity.

Because giving bonuses and  rewards  can increase employee motivation so that they achieve their maximum abilities.

This also shows that the company respects and appreciates employees who excel. Conversely, a  punishment system  is implemented to deal with employees who violate the rules or stay away from these violations.

Some reward ideas   that you can apply such as free food stamps, additional leave/day off, bonuses and salary increases, and free vacations/  paid vacations .

Then to keep employees away from violating actions, they can impose a decrease in salary and position, overtime, and dismissal for the punishment.

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4.   Employee benefit programs

Wages or salaries are given to employees because they have completed their obligations, namely work.

While allowances or employee benefits  are additional income that functions to maintain the comfort of employees in the company.

This is the key in increasing the work productivity of employees who are encouraged because of their comfort in working in a corporate environment.

The benefits that can be given to employees are quite diverse, starting from family allowances, welfare benefits, health benefits, flexible work systems ( hybrid  or  work from home ), as well as career path  programs  or financial welfare.

In addition, there are many ways to increase employee productivity within the company. Among them:

5. Clear and realistic KPI targets

6. Form a positive work culture

7. Adequate physical environment

8. Form a forum for employee ideas and input

9. Family health program

10. Holding joint activities outside the office

11. Holding thematic activities on special dates

12. Form a hobby and community forum

13. Fitness and  mindfulness facilities

14.  Employee Assistance Program  (EAP).