Criminology is an object of study that examines the meaning of crime from a social perspective. Therefore, more fully criminology can also be understood as the study of crime and criminal behavior which may be based on principles of sociology and other non-legal fields, including psychology, economics, statistics, and social anthropology.
But what is certain, the object of this study is not only about crime in general but what is the impact of crime on society, the causes of crime and the individuals who commit crimes.
Therefore, the focus of the study is to find out what makes individuals commit crimes or commit forms of criminal social action.
The roots of the study of criminology can be traced back to social movements to reform criminal justice and the social criminal system more than 200 years ago.
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Where for the first methodology of collecting and using crime statistics in the 19th century then laid the foundation for a generation of increasingly sophisticated tools and methods, leading to our modern use of descriptive statistics, case studies, typologies, and predictive analytics.
Oleg, that’s why criminologists examine various related fields, the characteristics of people who commit crimes, the reasons why people commit crimes, the impact of crimes on individuals and groups of people, and studies are also carried out to prevent crime.
Definition of Criminology
Criminology is the study of crime as it relates to society, science, government and law, so the field of criminology provides many opportunities for stimulating employment, mostly in law enforcement and psychology, but also in other fields.
Definition of Criminology According to Experts
The definition of criminology according to experts, among others:
1. Romli Atmsasmita
The definition of criminology can be divided into two, namely: (1) a narrow definition, the chronology specifically studies crime;
(2) Broad definition, criminology studies penology and methods related to crime, as well as the problem of preventing crime by non-punitive action.
2. Sutherland
The definition of criminology is as a whole science that deals with crime as a social phenomenon.
3. WA Bonger , The meaning of criminology can be defined as a science that aims to investigate the widest possible range of crime phenomena.
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Criminological Theory
Empirical studies related to criminological theory generally fall into the classical category. With the following explanation;
- Classical theory explains criminal behaviour as a conscious choice by individuals.
- Biological theory claims that it is partly determined by certain inherited biological traits.
- Psychological theories explain criminal behaviour as a consequence of factors such as the meaning of upbringing and childhood experiences.
- Sociological theory says that crime is largely influenced by various factors within a community, such as systemic oppression and informal social control.
From this theory it can of course be argued that the field of criminology can lead to improvements throughout the criminal justice system, including responses to crime and the treatment of victims and criminals.
It also brought about several advances in police tactics and practices, such as community-oriented policing.
Scope of Criminology
The scope of criminology includes perspectives on lawmaking, law violations, and societal reactions to broken laws. The explanation;
- The process of making criminal law and criminal procedure
- Criminal etiology which discusses the theories of the causes of crime;
- Reaction to the occurrence of violations of the law. This is not only aimed at lawbreakers in the form of repressive actions, but also aimed at potential lawbreakers in the form of criminal attempts.
In more detail, WA Bonger divides the scope of criminology broadly into two, namely pure criminology and applied criminology. Each of these scopes is further divided into several types. Here’s the explanation:
1. Pure criminology
The study itself includes;
A. Criminal anthropology , is the science that studies the signs of evil humans.
B. Criminal sociology, is the science that studies the causes of crime in society.
C. Criminal psychology, is the science that studies criminals from a psychological perspective.
D. Psychopathology and Neuropathology , is the science of mentally ill criminals.
E. Penology , is the study of the growth and development of punishment.
F. Applied Criminology
The object of study includes:
1. Criminal hygiene , is a branch of applied criminology that aims to prevent crime by consistently applying the law, implementing a system of life insurance and welfare.
2. Criminal politics , is a branch of applied criminology that seeks to deal with crime where the crime occurs.
3. Criminalistics , is a branch of criminology that examines the implementation of criminal technical investigations and criminal investigations
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Criminology Study Objects
The objects of study of criminology include:
1. Crime
From a legal point of view, crime is a series of acts that have been determined by the State as crimes in its criminal law and are punishable by certain sanctions. This sanction could be in the form of social sanctions or directly punished in prison.
2. Perpetrators/Criminals
Criminals or criminals are people who violate criminal law and have been sentenced by a court for their violation. In criminal law, the perpetrators of crimes or criminals are known as convicts.
3. Community reactions to crime, perpetrators, and victims of crime
In this case, criminology studies and researches and discusses the views and responses of the community towards actions or symptoms that arise in society which are seen as actions that are harmful or harmful to the wider community, but the law has not yet regulated them.
Criminology Goals
The goal of criminology is;
1. Understanding the causes of committing a crime
The stages to understand the reasons why someone commits a crime is the goal of studying this discipline. The reason is because a person’s crime can be caused by social conditions or the local community or because that person has the talent to become a criminal.
2. Determine the cause of committing the crime
The ultimate goal of criminology is to determine the root causes of criminal behavior and develop effective and humane ways to prevent it.
These goals have resulted in several schools of thought within the discipline, each of which looks at different factors involved in deviant behavior and arrives at different conclusions about how best to approach the problem.
Therefore, here are some reasons that explain the importance of why criminology is important, including:
- Crime reduction : Criminology helps society understand, control, and reduce crime. Studying crime helps discover and analyze its causes, which can be used for crime reduction policies and initiatives.
- Helps understand criminal mindsets : Criminology helps understand criminal mindsets, why they commit crimes, and the factors that influence them. This helps in proper allocation of resources for controlling crime.
- Criminal reform : Apart from controlling and reducing crime, criminology can also suggest appropriate steps for the rehabilitation of criminals.
Benefits of Criminology
The following is a brief explanation regarding the benefits of being in criminology, including:
- Solving Crimes
An in-depth understanding of the motives of a crime, the personality type of the perpetrator, and empathy for the victim helps criminologists to be of great benefit to society after the crime has been committed. They look for intricate patterns, both from a big picture and detail perspective, that help solve crimes that trouble the general public.
- Crime Prevention
Through social research and academic awareness, criminologists can predict patterns of family background, socioeconomic status, mental health, and other factors that might lead to certain types of criminal activity.
Their knowledge helps them to work directly with people, such as in counseling or therapy settings, who may be considered at high risk for crime. Criminologists offer the ability to analyze those demographics and trends to help create public awareness and develop crime prevention programs.
- Intellectual Use
Criminologists use their research, analytical and reasoning skills, and the challenges they face regularly to help them stay mentally sharp.
They use their intelligence and creativity to review cases, solve problems. A criminology background allows for a social awareness that can be applied in unexpected ways, such as to a crime writing career.
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Criminology example
A wide variety of specializations exist within criminology. For example, criminologists may focus their practice on certain types of crime, such as:
- Armed robbery
- Murder
- Prostitution
- Permian Kosaan
- Serial crime
Criminologists can also focus their work on different aspects of the criminal system, such as:
- Crime scene investigation
- Crime prevention
- Criminal litigation
- Rehabilitation
- Correct
Criminologists can also apply their knowledge and training in a variety of subspecialties, such as:
- Victim rights
- Juvenile justice system
- White collar crime
- DNA evidence
- Government policy initiatives
- Community based initiative
- Job Arrangement for Criminologists
On the other hand, criminology studies why certain areas have more crime or how crime affects victims. Everything related to criminals, crime and crime victims is covered in the study of criminology.
That’s why studying criminology can provide several benefits, especially for a criminologist who usually has an educational background in psychology or the sociology of crime, and uses intelligence and expertise to help solve crimes and protect society from various examples of social problems.
That was the complete article that we can share with all readers regarding the definition of criminology according to experts, theory, scope, object of study, objectives, benefits, and examples of studies. Hopefully it can add insight.