What is a Political Institution? Definition, characteristics, functions, concepts and 4 examples

Communities in an area and region need strict regulations and  types of social institutions  that can accommodate aspirations related to the life of the nation and state.

Recognizing the existence of various different interests and the impacts that could arise, in the end led to the emergence of political institutions in society.

Therefore, this paper will provide an explanation regarding the meaning of political institutions, their characteristics, functions, concepts, and examples that are easy to find, for example, parliamentary political institutions consisting of members who are democratically elected or appointed to represent the voice of the people and make laws.

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Political Institution

The existence of political institutions has different roles and functions in a country’s political system.

There are political institutions that play a role in making political decisions, implementing policies and supervising the government as is the case in Indonesia.

But there are also types of political institutions that provide a forum for people’s political participation as seen in the monarchical political system.

Definition of Political Institutions

Political institutions are a set of social and status norms that specialize in the exercise of power and authority, so that in this case the existence of political institutions includes government, state, power, and policies taken by the authorities.

Definition of Political Institutions According to Experts

Regarding the definition of political institutions according to experts, among others;

1. W.Schorel

in the sense that a political institution is an institution or agency that is formed and specifically regulates and creates rules for electing a state or region that is responsible in accordance with the will of the people.

2. Surbakti

in its definition, a political institution is a type of social institution formed to regulate certain areas of leadership.

3. Kamanto Soenarto

 in his definition of a political institution is a body formed with the aim of regulating all forms of power and authority.

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Characteristics of Political Institutions

In a political institution, it has several characteristics to be called active in politics, including;

  1. There is a unified human community.
  2. There is an active political/governmental association.
  3. Exercising authority in certain territories.
  4. Carry out functions to fulfill the public interest carried out by the association.

Role and Function of Political Institutions

The roles and functions that exist in political institutions, among others;

1. Forcing Society

Political institutions have the right to force community members to comply with the norms that apply in political institutions. Political institutions have tools such as the DPR, MPR, and the Constitution to ensure that the prevailing norms are obeyed by the people.

2. Directing Society

Political institutions can direct the public to elect leaders or officials who are deemed capable of structurally carrying out their role as political elites. This direction can be done through outreach and campaigns.

3. Mediate Problems

In the life of a heterogeneous society, disputes often occur. Political institutions can act as intermediaries, for example the Constitutional Court which acts as a mediator when disputes arise in regional head elections.

4. Protecting Society

Political institutions can be a protector for society, especially with regard to the rights of citizens. Various incidents of mistreatment of domestic helpers abroad can be overcome through political institutions, for example by issuing a moratorium on sending migrant workers.

5. Channeling Political Aspirations

Political institutions have the function of compiling and channeling aspirations/demands in the political field. Aspirations and constructive criticism are needed in political institutions.

Aspirations and criticism by individuals or groups can create a healthy political climate.

Everyone has the right to give political aspirations, one of which is a political party. Indonesian citizens have the freedom to form political parties.

6. Create Public Policy

Political institutions aim to consider various alternative policies proposed by political parties and other parties. The goal is to choose the best policy that will be used as government policy.

7. Implement Policy

Political institutions, of course, play a role in carrying out various policies that have been made by the authorities. An example of implementing the policy is the provision of a 30% quota for women to be able to participate in political institutions as well as a form of gender equality.

8. Regulating the Political Process

Political institutions regulate the process of achieving certain political positions through membership in a party. Furthermore, each party can carry out regeneration so that they can be involved in the correct political process, for example through the election of people’s representatives.

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Main Concept of Political Institutions

And the expert opinion regarding political institutions, it can be concluded that the basic concept of political institutions is as follows.

1. State

Namely an organization within a certain territory. The state has the highest legal power and is obeyed by its people.

2. Power

Namely the power or ability to influence other people according to the wishes of the perpetrator. With the existence of power, political institutions can obtain and maintain the things desired by members/groups of people in these institutions.

3. Decision Making

namely the activity of making decisions in order to achieve certain provisions .

4. Public Policy

namely decisions taken by political institutions to achieve goals. Parties who make policies/decisions are those who have power in an area.

5. Distribution and Allocation

namely the division and allotment of values ​​in society. Distribution and allotment usually can not be evenly depending on the parties who have power.

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Separation of Powers in Political Institutions

Political institutions are closely related to the division of power into three institutions. The three institutions have a mutually supportive relationship. The three institutions referred to are as follows.

  1. Executive , namely the political institution in charge of running the government, for example the president.
  2. Legislature , Is a political institution in charge of drafting laws, for example the DPR.
  3. Judiciary , Is a political institution that carries out the task of supervising the performance of the executive and legislature.

Examples of Political Institutions

Examples of Political Institutions

In relation to political institutions, there are several examples that are found in legal government, including;

1. Indonesia

Examples of political institutions in Indonesia, in this case, are Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body), Panwaslu (Election Supervisory Committee), DPR (People’s Representative Council), DPRD, DPD, and so on, which generally serve as supervisors and policy makers.

2. Political parties

Political parties as institutions can be interpreted as social organizations that take part in politics which are formed to coordinate and represent certain political and ideological interests, and compete in general elections.

3. Constitutional Court

The constitutional court is part of the existence of an institution tasked with overseeing compliance with the constitution and deciding constitutional disputes that arise in the legal system, especially those arising from political disputes.

4. Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is a part of the form of an institution tasked with receiving and investigating public complaints about abuses of government power and protecting individual rights, especially community matters.

Such is the writing about  the meaning of political institutions  according to experts, their characteristics, functions, concepts and examples in society in everyday life. Hopefully this discussion can provide insight and knowledge for all readers in understanding it.