What is Political Sociology? Definition, Studies, Concepts and Examples

The development of social science at this time is getting better than before. In particular, the discipline of sociology, in its early  history,  was part of philosophy.

Sociology continues to develop in its studies until it gives rise to a special study that teaches about politics, or better known as political sociology.

On the other hand,  the object of study of political sociology  is very important to be understood by every  individual and group  in society considering that all segments of human life require politics.

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Even from the time he was born until before his death to expand the power of recognition needed politics.

Political Sociology

Political sociology is two terms that become one, namely the terms sociology and politics. Sociology is defined as a science that studies  the definition of society  and the consequences of what society does, meaning that sociology here is a science that teaches and examines the actions that exist in society.

While the definition of politics is a science that resolves various conflicts in human life, especially in making decisions through certain policies that are influenced by rules, values ​​and norms that exist in society.

Definition of Political Sociology

Political sociology is a science that specifically studies the regularity of power, government, social institutions that exist in the state, authority and other things that exist in people’s lives and influence the pattern of life that exists in society.

Definition of Political Sociology According to Experts

The definition of political sociology according to experts, among others;

1. Tom Bottomove

according to him, the notion of political sociology is knowledge that provides studies on social classes, social movements, political institutions, political parties, local politics and global politics.

2. Maure Dekverger (1996)

the meaning of political sociology is a science that provides teaching about power over people’s lives.

3. Fanlks

in his view the meaning of political sociology is a science that deals with power between society and state institutions.

4. Kolkori

in his study of political sociology, is a study that specifically provides an explanation of community participation in the arrangement of power that exists in types of social institutions.

5. Rush and Ahoff

he definition of political sociology is the science that teaches about public relations and politics, which ultimately affect life in the social order.

6. Maunce Duverger

The study of political sociology is a science that teaches about power to humans, either in groups or individually.

7. Pitirim Sorokin

one of these sociologists, gave an explanation that the notion of political sociology is a science that provides an explanation of the relationship between humans and power and the impact that results from that relationship.

8. Gordon Marshall

in his view, the notion of political sociology is a part of sociology that examines the causes and effects of power that exist in people’s lives.

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Characteristics of Political Sociology

Being one of the characteristics of political sociology is as follows;

1. Empirical

Meaning that political sociology is not the result of prejudice or conjecture with social conditions.

2. Theoretically

 In this view, the characteristics of political sociology as a science are based on the study of existing theories in sociology and political science.

3. Logically

This feature indicates that the studies in political sociology can be understood with common sense.

4. Cumulative

Which means that there is a good relationship in political sociology, for example the relationship between one theory and another or even the rebuttals compiled in previous theories.

5. Nonethic

Meaning that in the view of political sociology it does not question good and bad but rather describes the goals to be explained according to capacity in political sociology.

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Scope of Political Sociology

The scope of study in political sociology is as follows;

1. Political Sociology as a Study of the State

The first study in political sociology is specific to the state, especially in the response of the people in it and the policies that must be taken to sustain and prosper the community.

In this case, an example that can be done is the Smart Indonesia Program Policy or the Healthy Indonesia Program which is carried out in an effort to generate Demographic Bonuses in Indonesia. This policy was taken by the state based on a study of political sociology.

2. Political Sociology As The Study Of Power

Apart from being a study of the state in its role, political sociology is also used in responding to lasting power in good ways. This power is obtained through studies in political sociology, especially in attracting public participation to be able to give trust.

An example that can be given, for example, is during a political campaign that requires the participation of the Indonesian people in order to gain support.

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Political Sociology Concept

The concepts in the study in political sociology are as follows;

1. Political Socialization

Socialization in political sociology is very important for anyone who wants to obtain power. This concept was discovered through the notion of social research, so that the results match what is in society.

2. Political parties

This second concept relates to political parties in providing teaching and providing insight to the community.

3. Political Recruitment

The third part in the concept of political sociology is to provide political recruitment, either as a member or in the desired participation.

4. Political Communication

Political communication is important in the concept applied in political sociology. This communication is provided through studies that are in obtaining power.

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Examples of Political Sociology

Studies in political sociology at this time are very easy to find in the midst of Indonesian society. Among others;

1. Survey on Pilkada or Pilpres

Political studies that can be seen when there is a survey about the electability of candidates in the Pilkada or Presidential Election produce accurate data and recommendations so that the desired power can be achieved. Examples in terms of political institutions that often carry out this study are LSI, LPI and so on.

2. The Role of Groups in Decision Making

Another example of studies in political sociology can also be seen from the role of social group forms that are of interest in political decision making. This is for example the existence of a labor alliance that fights for labor rights at the local and national levels or the role of the HIPMI organization to accommodate the aspirations of every entrepreneur in Indonesia.


From the explanation, it can be said that the notion of political sociology in general is a branch of science in sociology that teaches about the understanding of social phenomena as a result of the relationship between power, social institutions and society. Because of that, its aspects are inseparable from the role of the state in regulating and influencing political life.

Thus the explanation of the meaning of  political sociology  according to experts, the scope, concepts, and examples in society in everyday life. Hopefully this discussion can provide insight and knowledge for readers who are looking for references.