What is Identity Politics? Definition, characteristics, impact and examples

Identity politics is of course one of the important discussions in  social political institutions  in Indonesia, issues that have been found a lot about identity politics lately have also frequently appeared in the mass media. Both identity politics based on religion, gender, ethnicity and so on.

That’s why this paper will provide an explanation of the meaning of identity politics and its examples in society.

Identity Politics

Identity politics essentially refers to  social processes and social interactions  in which  individuals and groups  organize themselves and act based on identity, as is the case with ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or   other forms of social groups. 

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Because of this, it is only natural that in identity politics, individuals or groups use identity as a basis for fighting for their interests, rights and aspirations.

The Definition of Identity Politics

Identity politics is politics based on the similarity of various nations and social forms in society. Identity politics is used to gain voices in democratic elections in various parts of the world.

Understanding of Identity Politics According to Experts

The definition of identity politics in the view of experts, among others, is;

1. Abdullah (2002)

In his view, the definition of identity politics is politics whose main basis of study is to embrace certain basic similarities, both religious, ethnic, and also gender equality.

2. Cressida Heyes

Identity politics in its definition is a type of political activity that is studied theoretically based on experiences of equality and injustice felt by certain groups, so as to gather unity to increase their degree and prestige.

3. Stuart Hall

Identity politics is interpreted as a process that is formed through the human subconscious system, this system occurs because of dissatisfaction in dealing with various kinds of social problems that occur.

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Conclusion Meaning

From the understanding of the experts above regarding the notion of identity politics, it can be concluded in general that identity politics is politics based on the commonalities of people who are marginalized or who try to gather strength to reject certain groups.

So that the emergence of identity politics is due to the recognition that the identity of a person or group influences their life experience and position in society. Identity can include aspects such as ethnicity, religion, language,  cultural elements , sexual orientation, or disability.

Characteristics of Identity Politics

Characteristics, which exist in identity politics, among others, are as follows;

  1. Have similarities and goals to form power based on its political map.
  2. Dissatisfaction that arises from within the community who feel marginalized
  3. Providing political paths as an alternative to uniting forces in a series of democratic agendas.

Impact  of Identity Politics

The existence of identity politics can have both positive and negative impacts. The explanation;

Positive impact

Among others;

  1. Encourage inclusion
  2. Creating justice
  3. The occurrence of social change for the better

Negative impact

Among others;

  1. Causing polarization
  2. There was tension between groups
  3. Reducing political issues into narrow debates about identity
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Examples of Identity Politics

Examples that can be given regarding identity politics include the following;

  1. Ethnic Identity Politics

The first example is identity politics based on ethnicity, for example the sorting by region carried out in various regions in Indonesia. Prioritizing ethnic similarities to gain victory and power.

  1. The Politics of Religious Identity

An example of religious identity politics, for example, is the formation of PAN (National Mandate Party) which is based on competition with PKB (National Awakening Party). The two parties in  this type of social political institution  both have religious symbols to gain strength and victory. For Muhammadiyah-based PAN, and for NU-based PKB (Nahdlatul Ulama).

  1. Gender Identity Politics

Gender and gender are currently emerging as one of identity politics, for example, there is a special quota that is implemented by the government to provide opportunities for women to have a career in politics.

Of course, this condition led to the emergence of identity politics, where women who had felt marginalized in the end were able to unite to provide support and send women’s representatives in the world of politics.

Thus the writing and explanation regarding  the meaning of identity politics  and examples according to the expert. Hopefully this article can provide complete references for all readers who are currently looking for literacy regarding “Identity Politics”