Social change is one of the important topics in the object of sociological study. The reason is important because this change itself cannot be avoided by the community, either in groups or individually.
Therefore, social change is also able to have a significant impact on social processes and social interactions in life.
For example, the existence of technological inventions such as the use of internet networks, humans can easily interact through social media so that this reduces the existence of direct social relations, which on the other hand creates effectiveness but on the other hand, sensitivity to social reality decreases.
Social Transformation
Social change in essence occurs because of influences from within and outside of society. Conditions like this create distrust, thus simultaneously encouraging a change from the previous condition.
Well then these changes in the cultural, social, economic sense, even in the application of social values, social norms, and so on.
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Definition of Social Change
Social change is a different condition that occurs in society, giving rise to negative and positive impacts. Situations like this cannot be avoided because they become a necessity in life by reflecting that everyone moves continuously and does not stay in the same conditions.
For example, in social change, for example, regarding cultural elements in visiting from one house to another in society. As a result of globalization and technological developments, the current system has undergone changes, where many people use news, search for news, and communicate only through social media without having to visit.
Definition of Social Change According to Experts
The definition of social change according to experts, including;
1. Selo Soemarjan,
The definition of change is a necessity regarding changes that start from the type of social institutions in society, so that these conditions affect changes in the existing social system. Good influence in values and norms.
2. Gilin,
Social change is a change that occurs as a form of variation from the way of life that has been accepted by society. These changes are related to geographical conditions, cultural characteristics, material, demography, and ideology. These changes can also be influenced by a new discovery in the social environment.
3. William F. Ogburn
The meaning of social change is a change related to cultural elements. Culture is related to material and immaterial elements, this influence can be seen between the material and the immaterial.
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The Process of Forming Social Change
The process of socio-cultural change does not just happen, it requires a certain period of time, whether it happens sooner or later. However, in the process of social change passed;
1. Acculturation
Acculturation is a process of socio-cultural change that occurs due to daily interactions with the environment. Social change with acculturation occurs because of the will of the community or other factors that make social conditions change.
But what is certain, for the meaning of cultural acculturation itself is a mixture of two or more different cultural elements so that they have a blending pattern and the existing culture.
2. Assimilation
Admittedly or not, there are Indonesian people who can easily accept change and some who cannot accept change. But for the way it can happen because of cultural assimilation, where the meaning of assimilation itself is cultural renewal that forms a new culture with the scope for collaboration between cultures.
3. Diffusion
Cultural diffusion can be said as the replacement of an old culture with a new culture, generally for someone who can easily accept changes that occur in modern society, while those who find it difficult to accept change with examples of cultural diffusion are traditional societies.
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Social Development Theory
The theory of social change is carried out in identifying mindsets through an accountable basis. The basis for thinking/theory of social change according to experts, there are several things, some of which are as follows;
- Evolution Theory
- Cycle Theory
- Functionalist Theory
- Conflict Theory
These 4 theories in social change were then developed again into 6, namely multilinear and unilinear theories as part of the theory in evolution.
Forms of Social Fruition
For various kinds of social change. Among others;
1. Change Revolution and Evolution
Changes are grouped based on how quickly a social phenomenon changes in the community environment. These changes are usually referred to as fast direct changes and slow direct changes.
2. Planned and unplanned changes
Changes in social conditions can be planned and unplanned. Examples of planned changes are carried out slowly and have been planned in such a way, for example, the use of kerosene with LPG by the Indonesian government. Changes that are unexpected are called unplanned changes.
3. Changes have small and big impacts
A change has many types. This is the case when making changes there are those who have small and large influences. Where the effect itself is usually related to the magnitude of the scope achieved by a change.
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Social Change Factors
An explanation of the social change factors among them is as follows;
1. Obstacles to social change
Social change, which is an absolute thing that must be done by the community, has several inhibiting factors. This matter, for example, is the lack of social contact between one community and another.
Although sometimes it can have a positive and negative impact. In the development that occurs, the inhibiting factors cause confusion in the existing social order.
2. Drivers of social change
Social change is a process of change that refers to conditions that are different from previous conditions.
This change is caused by driving factors, for example, the composition of the population is heterogeneous, whether in ethnicity, culture, religion, or others so that exchange or fair competition between people will occur.
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Impact of Social Change
The following are the impacts that occur in social change;
1. Positive
Social changes that occur in society are two sides of a coin, which sometimes make society better and sometimes make society even worse.
However, from these conditions it is also important for the community to continue to accept social change in quotation marks, they have to filter or choose and sort out good and bad results.
On the other hand, an example of the positive consequences of social change is the existence of rice field plow technology which can minimize labor in the agricultural system so that in this case farmers are absolutely more efficient in doing their jobs.
2. Negative
The negative consequences of social change can only occur if society at large cannot adapt to existing developments. So that the tendency is that he will become a consumptive person and not develop according to his wishes.
As an example of the negative consequences of this social change, for example, the development of internet technology in schools is widely used to view pornographic videos or films.
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Examples of Social Change
Examples of social change in society in everyday life. For example;
1. Use of Technology
In the world of technology, there are new discoveries regarding the meaning of social media which are widely used by the public to interact with one another. In addition, the existence of the internet makes it easier for people to find the reading sources they need.
2. Culture
Social changes in culture, for example, there was a culture in the agricultural system. In ancient times, there was a culture carried out by the community, namely stargazing, but nowadays this condition is no longer carried out because of scientific developments so that people trust more in existing scientific developments.
3. Life in Society
There are babies who are born who always use the services of a dukun, but in this era, especially in rural and urban communities, this situation is very rarely done. The community trusts midwives or medical personnel more than traditional healers.
From this case example, of course, there are internal factors, namely the existence because there are dynamics of the population who do not believe in the health capabilities of the dukun. While the external factor is the influence of education which is increasingly progressing day by day.
Such is the explanation of the notion of social change according to experts, processes, theories, forms, factors, impacts, and examples in society in everyday life. Hopefully this article can provide insight and also provide understanding.