Understanding Receipts is a term that is no longer foreign to our ears. In general, a receipt is a proof document of a payment or receipt of money that has been made.
However, the term receipt is a non-standard term, but is often used by the public. According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the correct standard word is receipt. The definition of a receipt itself is usually defined as a letter of proof of receipt of money.
Understanding Receipts
The definition of a receipt is a document that functions as proof of payment or receipt of funds. The recipient issues and signs the document, which is then handed over to the payer or money giver.
There are receipts to simplify the bookkeeping process for recording cash inflows and outflows. Receipts generally include company header information, receipt number, name of the person giving the money, nominal amount (numbers and letters), explanation of the purpose of the payment, location and date of payment or receipt of the money, and also the signature and name of the recipient.
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To ensure that the receipt has legal force in court if there is a dispute or other problem, mudalovers can provide an attachment in the form of a stamp with both parties signing proof of receipt.
What are the characteristics of a receipt?
There are at least three general characteristics that mudalovers needs to understand in order to be able to use receipt proof sheets easily, including:
- The evidence sheet has been divided into two parts, right and left subparts. Both parties receive part of this proof of payment, the right sub (smaller print) is intended for the seller as proof of payment, and the left sub is for the buyer.
- The receipt is divided into two copies, with the top or original part for the paying party and the bottom or file for the party receiving the money.
- Both parties include complete information regarding the product, the amount of money to be paid, the address and date of purchase, and the name and signature of the seller as valid proof that both parties have completed the payment transaction.
Types of Receipts Based on Their Use
Receipts have various types depending on their use. This article discusses five types of receipts, including:
1. Proof of Payment Receipt
In principle, receipts function as proof of payment. The use of this type of receipt usually occurs during buying and selling activities. Proof of payment can be in the form of installments or full payment. This receipt generally also explains the amount of money for payment and information from the payer.
2. Product Transaction Receipt
Product transaction receipts provide information about goods purchased by customers. This mark includes various information such as the item’s complete serial number, item type, customer address, and item price.
3. Money Transfer Receipt
This type of receipt is generally used in the banking industry. On proof of money transfer payment, there is a feature where the recipient’s account number is clearly listed on the receipt.
4. Cash receipt receipt
This type of receipt explains which deposits and withdrawals will be sent as financial proof at the next review. Workplaces generally also use this type of receipt.
5. Money handover receipt
Money handover receipts are the most frequently used and most commonly used type of receipt. If you use the money handover receipt type, mudalovers must be able to state the amount of money sent to a person, institution or company.
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Receipt Format
In the previous point we have touched on the issue of receipt format several times. Yes, before writing or making a receipt, it is a good idea for mudalovers to understand what the format of a good receipt is.
There are several important elements that must be present in the format for making a sample receipt, namely:
1. Receipt/Receipt Number
In general, the writing of alphabet letters and numbers is adjusted to the seller’s wishes as a distinction between one receipt and another.
2. Place and Date of Receipt Creation
The place and date of issuance of the receipt should be stated clearly because it can be used as proof of the transaction and the receipt will be useful for recording cash flows. If an inspection is needed in the future, the information will be able to be read clearly. This can minimize the possibility of misunderstandings from both parties.
3. Name
A clear name is a sign of who the proof of payment is intended for. Please clearly state the name of the person giving the money and the recipient.
4. Products
Information regarding product type, quantity, price, etc. is generally included in the receipt, especially with the type of payment receipt.
5. Nominal Payment
The amount of money paid needs to be written clearly. Usually it is not just written in numbers, but also letters. In other words, it is written in the form of a rupiah symbol or whatever currency is used, then written again in sentence form.
6. Purpose of Payment
The purpose of payment means what the money is paid for. This must be written clearly. For example, purchasing electronic goods at shops or other goods. So that if one day there is a complaint about the goods being sold, buyers can more easily make product warranty claims.
7. Signature
The party who signs the receipt can be said to be the party responsible for the transaction. Therefore, don’t just sign a blank receipt. There have been many examples of cases that have occurred due to misuse of these receipts by certain parties.
If the receipt will be affixed with a stamp, make sure the signature of the recipient of the money is on the stamp at the same time as the receipt paper. So that the writing between the receipt and the stamp are interconnected.
8. Stamp duty
The frequently used stamp duty has a value of IDR 10,000. However, not all receipts use stamps. Usually only for transactions that have large value and are correlated with the law. For example, purchasing a motor vehicle or land.
The use of stamp duty must comply with the provisions of the Indonesian Minister of Finance, namely:
- Transactions with a nominal value of under IDR 250 thousand do not require stamp duty
- Transactions with a nominal value of IDR 250 thousand to IDR 1 million must use a stamp of IDR 10 thousand
- Transactions with a nominal value of more than IDR 1 million must use a stamp of IDR 10 thousand.
9. Company Seal
The stamp or seal must be on proof of transaction including receipts. The stamp can indicate whether the payment is paid in full or is an installment. The stamp indicates the transaction was carried out under the authority of the company. This is to ensure that the transaction is valid.
How to Make a Receipt
A receipt is a piece of paper that has proof of payment as a receipt. Receipts must be owned by all business people, both individuals and companies, so that they can be used as records for yourself and others.
The way to write a receipt also has mudalovers requirements , it cannot be done haphazardly. Because, receipts have a very crucial role in carrying out transactions, especially if the amount of money is large. If there is a writing error in the payment amount or recipient’s name, the receipt can be declared invalid.
So, what is the correct way to write a receipt? Check out the explanation below.
1. Enter Receipt Number
In general, receipts have a number column at the top. So, this receipt number has a function to make it easier for mudalovers to check receipts, so that it will be easier for mudalovers to arrange receipts from the first number to the last.
2. Write the names of the recipient and depositor
The receipt also needs to state the names of the depositor and recipient. It is best to write the name in full and not just a nickname.
3. Enter the date of the transaction
Don’t forget to enter the date when the transaction was made. This is done so that the depositor and recipient both know when the transaction occurred.
4. Enter the amount of money
The next step is to enter the amount of money made during the transaction into the receipt. This makes transactions more transparent because the depositor and recipient can know the size of the transaction.
As a reminder, writing the amount of money on a receipt is divided into two, namely writing with letters and numbers. Make sure that when writing the amount of money there are no mistakes, especially when entering numbers.
5. Write a Payment Description
In general, receipts have a column “For payment”, in this column mudalovers must write a clear and detailed description of the payment. So the recipient of the receipt can understand that this transaction was carried out for what purpose.
6. Add your signature
So that a receipt can be said to be valid, the receipt also includes the signature of the depositor and recipient. If necessary, also include the company stamp which is used as an official proof of payment.
How to Use Receipts
After understanding the definition, how to make it, and examples of receipts, you need to know how to use them because these receipts are very commonly used by the public. Apart from that, you also need to understand how to use it so that receipts are not misused.
Prepare receipt forms and carbon paper as copiers when mudalovers writes the contents of the receipt.
Fill in using the right writing utensil, such as a pen. Don’t use pencils or markers. The writing is also tried so that it is not too big or too small. It is important to write receipts in clearly legible writing.
Understand the Difference between Receipts and Receipts, Invoices, and Notes
To make it easier to differentiate between receipts, invoices and notes, it would be better for mudalovers to understand the meaning of each briefly.
1. Receipt
As previously discussed, a receipt is a document that functions as proof of receipt or payment of funds.
The parties involved, namely the recipient and payment of funds, include complete information regarding the product, amount of money, address and date of purchase, along with the name and signature of the seller as valid proof that both parties have completed the payment transaction.
To make the legality stronger, mudalovers needs to put a stamp of IDR 10,000. On a stamp duty, both parties or the receiving party are required to sign the proof document. Relevant parties also need to write down the receipt number to distinguish one receipt from another and can be sorted according to the time of the transaction.
2. Invoices and notes
Invoices are a type of transaction document that can be used to track sales transactions. Generally, sellers make this invoice consisting of three copies. When the first sheet is sent to the buyer, the seller keeps the second sheet for billing purposes, and the third sheet is saved in the invoice book. mudalovers can monitor the sales process using automatic software .
While notes are conceptually almost similar to invoices, both are created by the seller. It’s just enough to consist of two copies. Where the buyer will receive the first sheet. The use of invoices and notes is also only used as proof of purchase which does not require stamp duty.
Examples of Everyday Use of Receipts
There are many activities that occur using receipts. The main thing is for buying and selling goods. The most absolute requirements are the number, names of both parties, nominal value, purpose of payment, date of transaction and signature.
The following is an example of the correct use of receipts based on the purpose of the transaction, including:
1. Receipts for individual sales and purchases of land and property
There is no header, just the number, name and signature. Equipped with a Rp. 10,000 stamp which will later be used as a requirement for the certificate creation process.
2. Receipts from large-scale shops such as motorbike or car dealers
Use letterhead that shows the company logo. The number has been automatically registered from the system, filled with the payer’s name, amount, recipient and company stamp.
3. Receipt for payment of fees in installments
For example, school tuition fees, there is a column for the installment number. Use letterhead from the school, validate using the signature of an authorized official, as well as a stamp from the school.
Blank Receipt Case
There are many practices or crimes and one of them is selling blank receipts. The goal is to make money. Using blank receipts so that they can be filled with the value or amount of money according to the wishes of irresponsible individuals or parties.
For example, Mudalovers was asked to buy 15 units of computers by the company. Let’s say the original price of 1 computer unit is IDR 10 million. Then mudalovers carried out mark ups or corruption that was detrimental to the company by filling in empty receipts. Changing the price of the laptop to IDR 20 million per unit, so that mudalovers gets a profit of IDR 5 million x 15 units = IDR 75 million.
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Conclusion Understanding Receipts
In principle, receipts function as proof of payment. If mudalovers is the party carrying out the transaction, mudalovers should ask for proof of the transaction in the form of a receipt to prevent potential crimes.
Receipts have an important role in daily life, especially in transaction activities. Therefore, use this receipt according to its function and do not misuse it to gain illegal profits.