5 Examples of Cultural Forms of Ideas and Activities

In social science studies, including  the object of sociological study,  a  cultural element  is divided into several things. Including material culture which is a term referring to the relationship between artifacts and activities between social relations in the community environment, while non-material culture includes behavior, ideas, ideas, social norms, social values  ​​and beliefs that contribute to the culture of society as a whole.

Even though it is very easy to differentiate between various aspects, whether we realize it or not, the study of cultural forms in the form of ideas or ideas and activities requires a more in-depth explanation.

Idea Culture or Ideas and Activities

What is meant is the form of culture in the form of ideas and activities. Among others;

1. The Form of Idea/Ideas Culture

Culture in the form of ideas and concepts is a cultural meaning that directly influences behavior and socialization in the social environment of society. So this always refers to several processes that culture uses to shape the thoughts, feelings and behavior of its members. Of which the four most important are symbols, language, values ​​and norms.

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2. Cultural Forms of Activity

Cultural activity is a series of traditional meanings that are owned, represented, or created by a group of people in carrying out a particular culture.

So this matter cannot be separated from the characteristics of humans as social creatures who from the start have grouped into communities to survive. People live together to form similar habits and behaviors.

Examples of Cultural Forms of Ideas or Ideas and Activities

As a more in-depth explanation. The following is an example of a description of the form of culture in the form of ideas and activities. For example;

Example of Idea Culture

For example;

1. Social Values

Part of the form of culture in the form of ideas and notions such as the existence of social values ​​in society. Where someone will receive a reputation if they have committed theft or certain crimes, on the other hand, someone will get a good reputation if they are diligent in worshiping and respecting others.

2. Social norms

Social norms are  part of cultural forms in the form of ideas and ideas. This matter cannot be separated from social interaction, one of which is causing someone to become familiar with social norms. For example, the norm is to lower your body when passing older people, or eat with your right hand.

So in short, every individual and group must be able to adapt and behave according to existing rules.

3. Legislation

The 1945 Constitution is a set of culture that was born from the ideas and thoughts of the nation’s founders. This was created for the government system, especially as a form of supervision carried out by the public to see the running of the government and its officials.

Basically, this law on social control covers various processes that have or have not been previously planned with the aim of inviting, educating or even forcing citizens to comply with all applicable social norms and values.

4. PIIL Psenggiri

Piil pesenggiri for the people of Lampung is a set of cultural traits in the form of ideas and ideals. Where this is especially for the self-respect or self-esteem of Lampung people in maintaining their existence in society. Its implementation also has positive values ​​such as mutual respect and appreciation.

Activity Culture

Meanwhile, for concrete examples of cultural forms that are activities, for example;

5. Mating Attempts

Indonesia is actually known as a multicultural society consisting of various ethnic meanings, ethnic meanings and various racial meanings. So it is not wrong that in various ways of life the cultural application of this activity varies, especially in marriage. For example, in Central Java, which consists of Mayang and Midodareni twins.

From the explanation put forward, it can be said that aspects of ideas and activities within culture can differ subtly from one region to another. For example, when someone travels further, moving from a different region to a completely different part of the world, certain aspects of the culture or ideas and activities become very foreign.

But what is certain is that learned culturally based behavior is not a bad thing. Getting to know unwritten rules helps people feel safe and “ normal .” The reason is that most people want to live their daily lives with confidence that their behavior will not be disturbed or disturb other people. However, even such a seemingly simple act as going to work speaks volumes about cultural politeness.

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Take for example going to work by public transportation. Whether people are traveling in Dublin, Cairo, Mumbai, or San Francisco, many behaviors will be the same, but significant differences also exist between cultures. Typically, passengers will wait for the bus at the stop or wait for the train at the station, then pay the agent before or after boarding, and occupy the available seats.

But when boarding a bus in Cairo, passengers may have to run, because the buses there often don’t stop because they are full of passengers. Dublin bus passengers are expected to hold out their hands to show they want the bus to stop for them.

And when boarding a commuter train in Mumbai, passengers have to squeeze into padded carriages amidst lots of pushing on crowded platforms. Such behavior would be considered the height of rudeness in the United States, but in Mumbai it reflects the daily challenges of getting around on a train system that is taxed to capacity.

That’s why in this travel example, culture consists of thoughts (expectations about personal space, for example) and tangible things (bus stops, trains, and seating capacity). Material culture refers to the objects or possessions of a group of people. Metro tickets and bus tokens are part of material culture, as are cars, shops, and the physical structures where people worship.

So, that’s all the explanation and review that can be given to all readers regarding various  examples of cultural forms in the form of ideas and activities  that can be found in everyday life. Hope it’s useful.