eSharing cultural elements is essentially unique in each region, with all the unique features of each region that describe the conditions of a region. Western and eastern cultures do have very visible differences.
Especially when we look at the way of thinking and lifestyle of eastern and western people, all of which in the form of social actions cannot be the same.
Eastern culture
Culture is something that has its own meaning and function. We can interpret that culture is something that develops in society, where it is shared by the characteristics of a social group that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Culture is one of the characteristics of a region. Every region has the same culture. But when divided into two parts, namely the eastern and western hemispheres, they have very different cultures from various aspects.
Western culture tends to promote a free lifestyle and prioritizes personal interests. Everything related to a person’s personality will be a top priority.
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Understanding Eastern Culture
Eastern culture is a culture that developed in Asia, such as countries in Southeast Asia, one of which is Indonesia. Eastern culture tends to be a form of culture that prioritizes politeness norms with certain rules.
Beside that, Eastern culture is known for being friendly and doing things more relaxed. Most people do not have very big ambitions to obtain anything, especially wealth. This makes people more relaxed and enjoy what they are doing.
Eastern culture is basically influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism. These two religions dominate everything related to culture. This religion has become so ingrained in society that it cannot be eradicated. It’s just that sometimes there is cultural acculturation or cultural assimilation.
Understanding Eastern Culture According to Experts
Culture does have many points of view with all the definitions in each part. The following are some opinions about eastern culture,
1. Soelaeman
Eastern culture is art and culture that originates from the dominant religions in the eastern world. Eastern culture prioritizes intuition over reason. In living life, people will appreciate everything in it and enjoy all existing existence. Has no ambition to rule the world.
2. Indonesia Dictionary
Eastern culture is everything related to the activities and creation of the human mind which concerns many things, including ways of life, ways of thinking, views on survival for the eastern hemisphere or the Asian continent.
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Characteristics of Eastern Culture
The following are the characteristics that exist in eastern culture in the social environment that we find. Among others;
1. Simple
Eastern culture is famous for the simplicity of its people. This simplicity can be seen in many things in community activities. This is related to lifestyle, clothing style, and so on.
If we look at it now, it might be a bit different. Currently there are many influences from other cultures. Many people are starting to follow the western embassy trend. This will slightly change existing habits.
2. Control yourself
Try to control yourself, this is done so as not to make other people feel disturbed by the things you do. Self-control is also closely related to many things in everyday life.
3. Obey existing norms
Social norms that exist in society will be obeyed and implemented. Violations of existing norms will result in social sanctions which sometimes make a person feel depressed. This happens a lot in our environment, that norms are very important and are upheld.
4. Hold fast to religion
Religion as a guide to community life. It has become a habit for people to remain guided by their religion. This strong desire will be reflected in society’s attitude which prioritizes religious interests.
5. Tends to avoid problems
When there is a problem, don’t solve it harshly, but instead look for other ways that can provide goodness for both parties. We as lay people will think that this method seems to avoid problems and is complicated.
Solving problems this way also takes longer. There are many things that make the problem feel more complicated. In contrast to western culture, people will be more assertive and choose the faster path even if it makes other people hurt or disappointed.
6. Live in togetherness
People live their daily lives not for personal gain but rather live hand in hand with the environment. There are many things that can be done together, so that society looks more harmonious.
This definition of harmony makes people feel comfortable and not lonely when carrying out an activity. Many activities prioritize togetherness, especially in rural environments. People also like things that are shown to be in the common interest.
7. Live based on trust
Everything that is done in daily life is based on religious guidance. Both social activities, culture and daily life always conform to the rules of the religion adhered to.
Society will prioritize everything related to religion. All actions are based on religion. Society believes that religion is the most correct thing and must be done as an obligation.
8. Prioritize feelings
When carrying out any action, do not only use logic but also feeling. The feeling in question can be empathy, sympathy, and so on. All these feelings only arise in communities that adhere to eastern culture.
People who adhere to the baray culture will tend to be indifferent, except to people they know. When something happens to the surrounding environment, sometimes you don’t care. The level of concern is very low.
9. Prioritize togetherness
Togetherness is the main thing. Have a strong sense of oneness and unity to live life. A sense of oneness and unity is always cultivated so that it will always be maintained.
It is hoped that the togetherness felt by each individual can make someone comfortable. Always prioritize common interests rather than personal interests in certain situations and conditions. This makes eastern society look more unified.
Examples of Eastern Culture
The following are several examples of eastern culture that are easy to find in everyday life. Among others;
1. Courtesy
There are norms of politeness that regulate members of society in carrying out their daily lives. The norms of politeness will continue to exist within a person when adopting eastern culture.
Examples of politeness norms involve many things related to everyday life. These politeness norms involve many things related to how to speak, behave, dress, eat, and other rules that exist in society.
2. Mutual cooperation
People who like living together create a sense of mutual assistance in the form of mutual cooperation which is still common in the eastern part of the world. This of course makes the feeling of brotherhood still felt.
Indeed, currently not all people still apply this because it has been influenced by western culture. People who still apply this are usually those in villages or in ordinary housing.
3. How to dress
People in the eastern hemisphere tend to wear more closed clothing than western communities. The most visible thing is that the clothes are not too revealing and many people choose to wear traditional clothes.
Nowadays, there has been a shift in many people imitating western people’s way of dressing. This includes the impact of globalization throughout the world. We know that western nations are the market masters.
4. Courteus
The community is known for being friendly and providing all the comforts provided to the people around them. This feeling of hospitality will definitely be felt by foreigners who have just come to the eastern region. This is also because the culture in the east must respect other people. They will greet each other whenever they meet someone anywhere. Try to do good to fellow humans.
5. Prohibition of same-sex relations
The existence of prohibitions on various forms of acts involving same-sex sexual relations is part of eastern culture. Regarding this, for example, several countries that are closely associated with eastern culture prohibit all members of society from practicing LGBT.
These several examples of eastern culture can provide an overview of eastern culture itself. Hopefully it can increase understanding of our culture and maintain it even though globalization has occurred, we must continue to maintain the existence of our culture.
So, that was the article that we can explain to all readers regarding the meaning of eastern culture according to experts, characteristics and examples that are easy to find in Indonesia in everyday life. Hopefully it will provide education.