Biography of Bung Tomo: Life History and Struggle

Mudalovers, do you know this hero? His name is very popular among the people, especially Surabaya, like heroes in other areas, such as Thomas Matulessy, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Pangeran Diponegoro, Pangeran Antasari, and Tuanku Imam Bonjol.

Sutomo, or better known by the people’s nickname Bung Tomo, is a hero who is known for his role in the Battle of 10 November 1945. At that time, the people of Surabaya fought against the Dutch who were using the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA).

Sutomo  was able to inflame the enthusiasm of the fighters to defend Indonesia’s independence. His figure is attached to him as a patriot who always dared to fight against the invaders. He fought on the path of agitation and propaganda.

His speech succeeded in igniting the enthusiasm of the youth and students to work hard on the battlefield in Surabaya. He also played a role in disarming Japan, then sending most of the weapons to Jakarta.

To get to know this figure more clearly, let’s look at the following brief explanation of Bung Tomo’s life history together.

Bung Tomo’s Family History

Bung Tomo was born in Kampung Blauran, Surabaya on October 3 1920 with the name Sutomo. He is the eldest of six children. His younger siblings are respectively named Sulastri, Suntari, Gatot Suprapto, Subastuti, and Hartini.

His father was named Kartawan Tjiptowidjojo, a middle class man who had worked as a government employee, private company staff, tax office assistant, and employee of a Dutch export-import company. Kartawan admitted to having blood ties with several followers of Prince Diponegoro who were buried in Malang.

Sutomo’s mother was named Subastita, a woman of mixed Central Javanese, Sundanese and Madurese descent, the daughter of a local distributor of Singer sewing machines in the Surabaya area, who before moving to Surabaya had been a municipal police officer and a member of Sarekat Islam (SI).

Sutomo married Sulistina, a former nurse for the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) on 19 June 1947. This couple was blessed with four children, respectively named Titing Sulistami (born 29 June 1948), Bambang Sulistomo (born 22 April 1950), Sri Sulistami (born 16 August 1951), and Ratna Sulistami (born 12 November 1958).

Career in the Life of Bung Tomo

1. Youth Career

  • Member of the Indonesian Nation Scout Movement Class I (the first is for East Java, while the second is for all of Indonesia);
  • Secretary of the Greater Indonesia Party (Parindra) Branch Branch at Duku Wall, Surabaya around 1937;
  • Freelance journalist for Soeara Oemoem Daily in Surabaya in 1937;
  • Editor of the People’s Defenders Weekly in Surabaya in 1938;
  • Chairman of the Great Indonesia Youth drama group in Surabaya in 1939;
  • Journalist and writer for the Daily Express corner in Surabaya in 1939;
  • Assistant correspondent for Poestaka Timoer Jogjakarta Magazine for Surabaya under the guidance of Anjar Asmara in 1940;
  • Deputy editor-in-chief of the Domei News Agency, Indonesian language section for all of East Java in Surabaya in 1942–1945;
  • Chief editor of the Antara News Agency in Surabaya in 1945.

2. Career during the Physical Revolution 1945–1949

  • General Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Rebel Front (BPRI) from 12 October 1945–June 1947 (merged into the Indonesian National Army);
  • Member of the Advisory Council of Commander-in-Chief General Sudirman;
  • Chairman of the Weapons Production Coordinating Board throughout Java and Madura;
  • Inaugurated by President Soekarno as a top member of the Indonesian National Army (TNI), together with General Sudirman, Lieutenant General Oerip Soemohardjo, Commodore Soerjadarma, and Admiral Nazir. He was given the rank of Major General of the Indonesian Army with the task of coordinating the army, navy and air force in the field of information and war equipment;
  • Member of the Joint Staff of the Indonesian Armed Forces;
  • Chairman of the Army Committee which oversees intercity trains and buses, with the task of coordinating all land transportation equipment in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and is directly responsible to the Commander in Chief of the TNI;
  • Made a broadcast announcing the first Indonesian military call-up.
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Bung Tomo’s Central Role

The central role of Bung Tomo’s struggle in the Battle of 10 November 1945 began with the arrival of the British and Dutch on 25 October 1945. Troops who were part of the Rehabilitation of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees (RAPWI) were part of the Allied troops who won the Greater East Asia War over Japan.

The aim of RAPWI was to assist in the rehabilitation of prisoners of war and internment in disarming the Japanese army. Allied troops had previously landed in Jakarta on 15 September 1945 or less than a month after the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was declared by Soekarno-Hatta on 17 August 1945.

The arrival of Allied troops in Surabaya made the atmosphere in the city tense. There began to be friction with youths and fighters who were determined to defend Indonesia’s independence, including the incident of tearing the Dutch flag at the Yamato Hotel on 19 September 1945.

This incident sparked further polemic. On October 27 1945, British troops began occupying government buildings in Surabaya, resulting in a series of conflicts for several days.

On October 29 1945, President Soekarno came to Surabaya to stop the fighting. Bung Karno’s presence resulted in a ceasefire agreement between the Allies and the fighters in Surabaya on October 30 1945.

However, it turned out that an incident occurred on the same day and resulted in the death of the commander of the Allied troops in East Java, namely Brigadier General Aubertin Mallaby. Mallaby’s position was then replaced by Major General Robert Mansergh, Commander of the British 5th Division.

On November 9 1945, Mansergh issued an ultimatum to the people of Surabaya. The contents of the ultimatum include:

  • All Indonesian leaders in Surabaya must report themselves;
  • All weapons owned by the Indonesian side in Surabaya must be handed over to the British;
  • Indonesian leaders in Surabaya must be willing to sign a statement of unconditional surrender.

However, the warning was not welcomed by the fighters and all levels of society. The next day, November 10 1945 at 06.00 WIB, no one from the Indonesian side came to surrender.

This of course sparked anger from the Allies, who then bombarded Surabaya. A major war could not be avoided, known as the Battle of 10 November 1945. The city of Surabaya was destroyed by bombardment by joint British and Dutch troops. Casualties also fell.

However, the battle is remembered as a symbol of the Indonesian people’s resistance against occupying foreign forces. This event is the date on which Heroes’ Day is celebrated every November 10.

The Battle of Surabaya which took place from late October to late November 1945 was undoubtedly one of the major battles in modern Indonesian history. The battle involved a combination of the People’s Security Army (TKR) and people’s militias on one side and British troops and Gurkhas on the other.

One of the important elements behind the tenacity of the fighters and people of Surabaya in surviving is their strong spirit and belief in defending Indonesia’s independence. It is formed by those who are able to invite and mobilize the masses.

The role of the leaders of the people’s struggle in Surabaya can be seen through their very persuasive speeches to mobilize the masses. From the Indonesian government in Surabaya there were Resident Sudirman and Governor Surio, while from the community a central figure emerged, namely a former journalist named Soetomo, who is familiarly called Bung Tomo.

Many people believe that the Battle of 10 November 1945 is an icon of the Indonesian independence revolution, while Bung Tomo is an icon of the Battle of 10 November 1945.

“Allah is the Greatest! Independent!” are the closing words of his speech that people still often remember.

Indonesian youths who worked at Japanese radio in Surabaya took over the radio facilities not long after independence was proclaimed. One of the groups participating was the Indonesian People’s Rebellion Leadership (PPRI), led by Bung Tomo.

PPRI wishes to broadcast “our mission, the Indonesian people, especially the implementation of the Doenia Peace, which is currently being disrupted by NICA and its gang”. PPRI has a “revolutie-zender” (revolution transmitter) called Rebel Radio.

PPRI also asked for support from the international community. To reach foreign audiences, PPRI asks Indonesians who can speak foreign languages ​​to register to become PPRI members.

The Bung Tomo Rebellion Radio broadcast reached outside Indonesia, including Thailand and Australia. These broadcasts succeeded in encouraging the international community to pressure the Dutch and British to relax their attacks, and even brought in various forms of aid for the people of Surabaya.

Youth and students are one of Bung Tomo’s main targets. When the Surabaya battle broke out, he asked the Surabaya youth not to leave the city. He also asked for additional troops for Surabaya.

His request was answered because not long ago the TKR headquarters in Yogyakarta sent a commander and more than twenty cadets to help the fighters in Surabaya.

Bung Tomo Rebellion Radio also asked for medical support for the victims of the Surabaya battle. This call on the air was greeted by other Republican sympathizers in the form of hundreds of nurses who came voluntarily and a number of doctors. Likewise, when the announcer asked to be supplied with food, in a short time food aid arrived.

Bung Tomo succeeded in persuading the masses because he understood how to invite the people of Surabaya to participate in the battle. His egalitarian attitude or “leadership without hierarchy”, typical Surabaya rhetoric, and his call for takbir were able to capture the aspirations and spirit of the masses, especially youth, Islamic groups and the lower classes.

It is not surprising that the Battle of 10 November 1945 was also known as  jihad fi sabilillah . The fighting spirit of the Indonesian people has been invigorated by the fatwa from Bung Tomo.

His speeches often opened with the musical tune “Tiger Shark”. This may be aimed at attracting the interest of Surabaya’s educated youth who are familiar with Western pop culture.

Apart from shouts of “freedom”, the conclusion of his speech was takbir. This shows that he views the war as having spiritual meaning, a medium to attract the attention of Muslims throughout East Java.

Bung Tomo was “not a religious fanatic”, but at the same time “considered Islam very important”. He is not a soldier who carries weapons to fight the enemy. However, his greatest contribution to Indonesia during the battle in Surabaya was more visible as a propagandist in his radio studio, rather than fighting on the street.

Between 1950-1956, Bung Tomo was included in Prime Minister Burhanuddin Harahap’s Cabinet as Minister of State for Former Armed Fighters/Veterans, concurrently Minister of Social Affairs (Ad Interim).

Bung Tomo then became a member of the Constituent Assembly representing the Indonesian People’s Party since 1956. He was the people’s representative until Soekarno dissolved this body through the 1959 Presidential Decree.

Sutomo strongly protested Sukarno’s policies, including taking him to court, although he ultimately lost. As a result, he slowly withdrew from the world of politics and government.

At the beginning of the New Order, Bung Tomo again emerged as a figure who initially supported Suharto. However, since the early 1970s, he began to criticize Suharto’s programs, including the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah development project. As a result, he was arrested and imprisoned for a year on April 11, 1978 on charges of subversive actions.

After leaving prison, Bung Tomo seemed no longer interested in being vocal about the government and chose to use his time with his family to educate his five children.

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National Hero title

On October 7 1981, Bung Tomo died in Padang Arafah while performing the Hajj pilgrimage. In contrast to the tradition of burying pilgrims who died in the holy land, Bung Tomo’s body was brought back to his homeland.

In accordance with his will, Bung Tomo was not buried in the Heroes’ Cemetery like other figures, but in the Ngagel Public Cemetery, Surabaya.

Bung Tomo’s name was then officially confirmed as a national hero at the 2008 Heroes’ Day commemoration at the Merdeka Palace. At that time, his wife directly received the decree number 041/T/Year 2008 which was handed over by the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Giving the title of national hero to Bung Tomo also ended the prolonged polemic that had arisen at that time. This appointment was based on pressure from various parties, including GP Ansor and the DPR Golkar Party Fraction.

The proposal to give Bung Tomo the title of national hero was submitted to the government, but did not receive approval. However, Bung Tomo’s extended family on the other hand also never questioned the title.

The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Mohammad Nuh, explained that there are several procedures that must be followed before a struggle figure gets the title of national hero. These procedures include being proposed by a group of people to the provincial government, the proposal is then forwarded to the Department of Social Affairs.

After arriving at the Department of Social Affairs, the proposal is submitted to the team providing national service awards for follow-up. If deemed worthy and meets the requirements, the figure will receive the title of national hero.

Apart from that, the president on the other hand also has the prerogative to give a title to someone who is considered to have contributed to the nation and state. However, everything still has to go through applicable procedures and mechanisms.

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So, that’s a brief explanation of  Bung Tomo’s life history and struggles . Appreciate the services of heroes, like Bung Tomo, not only by remembering them silently and giving thanks, but also by imitating their attitudes and actions.

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