Biography of Tri Rismaharini, Career Journey to Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

Dr. (HC) Ir. Tri Rismaharini, MT or who is often called Risma is the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who took office on December 23 2020. Is  n’t  this lady cool? Very inspiring for women out there to keep going.

Then, what was Risma’s life like from childhood to becoming Minister of Social Affairs, here is a more detailed explanation about Tri Rismaharini.

Tri Rismaharini’s Childhood

Tri Rismaharini was born on November 20 1961 in Kediri, East Java. Tri Rismaharini is the third child and has five siblings. Tri Risma’s father is named Muhammad Chuzaini and her mother is Siti Mudjiatun. Tri Risma spent her childhood in Kediri. However, when she was a teenager, Risma and her siblings had to move to Surabaya because several things happened.

When she was entering elementary school, Tri Rismaharini studied at Kediri State Elementary School and graduated from school in 1973. Tri Rismaharini continued her studies by studying at SMP Negeri 10 Surabaya and successfully graduated in 1976. Then Tri Rismaharini continued her studies at SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya. and graduated in 1980.

Tri Rismaharini took a bachelor’s degree and majored in Architecture at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology or ITS Surabaya and completed her education in 1987. Tri Rismaharini continued her Master’s degree by taking the City Development Management program at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology or ITS Surabaya and earned her master’s degree in in 2002.

In April 2014 at the ITS EXPO event, Tri Rismaharini expressed her desire to become a lecturer at her alma mater when she finished serving as Mayor of Surabaya. And on March 4 2015, Tri Rismaharini received the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya or ITS. An honorary degree was given to him in the field of Urban Development Management in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning.

Tri Rismaharini ended her single life and married Djoko Saptoadji and was blessed with two sons and a daughter. His son’s name is Fuad Bernardi, and his daughter’s name is Tantri Gunarni. It is known that Tri Risma also has a family relationship with Mohammad Nuh, namely a cousin relationship. Mohammad Nuh is the Indonesian Minister of National Education who served from 22 October 2009 to 24 October 2014.

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Tri Rismaharini as Mayor of Surabaya

Before serving as Mayor, Tri Rismaharini served as Head of the Department of Cleanliness and Parks or DKP for the city of Surabaya and Head of the Surabaya City Planning Agency or BAPPEKO until 2018. Tri Rismaharini has pursued a career as a civil servant or civil servant for the City of Surabaya since around 1990.

Tri Rismaharini is the first woman to serve as Mayor and also the first woman to be directly elected as Mayor through regional head elections throughout the history of democracy in Indonesia. Tri Rismaharini is also the first female regional head in Indonesia and is often included in the list of the world’s best leaders.

It was through this direct election that Tri Rismaharini replaced Bambang Dwi Hartono, who then served as Risma’s deputy. The candidate pair Risma and Bambang were promoted by the PDIP party and won the 2010 Surabaya regional elections with votes reaching 38.53% or 258,187 of the total votes.

On September 28 2010, the couple Risma and Bambang were officially inaugurated by the Governor of East Java, Soekarwo, in the plenary session of the Surabaya City DPRD. Tri Rismaharini served as Mayor of Surabaya from 28 September 2010 to 28 September 2015 and 17 February 2016 to 23 December 2020.

Tri Rismaharini started her term of office by organizing the city of Surabaya from what was previously poorly managed. Tri Rismaharini has continued her duties since her inauguration as Mayor in 2010. During Tri Rismaharini’s leadership from DKP to becoming Mayor, the city of Surabaya became more beautiful, greener, fresher and better organized than the previous city of Surabaya.

However, on June 14 2013, in the middle of his term of office, Bambang DH resigned on June 14 2013 because he was running as a candidate for Governor of East Java in the 2013 East Java regional head election. After Bambang’s resignation, Risma was accompanied by Whisnu Sakti Buana, who is his son. senior PDIP politician or deputy chairman of the MPR RI for the period 1999 to 2004. Soetjipto Soedjono who was elected by acclamation as deputy mayor of Surabaya in the plenary session of the Surabaya City DPRD on November 8 2013 and was officially inaugurated on January 24 2014.

In 2015, in the simultaneous regional head elections, the pair Risma and Whisnu were promoted by PDIP and were re-elected as Mayor of Surabaya with an absolute victory of 86.34% of the vote or 893,087 votes from the total number. On February 17 2016 Tri Rismaharini and Whisnu Sakti Buana were inaugurated as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surabaya for the 2016 to 2021 year at the Grahadi State Building at the same time as the inauguration of 16 Regents or Mayors resulting from the 2016 Simultaneous Regional Elections in East Java.

As Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini succeeded in changing the city of Surabaya from what it used to be. Now the city of Surabaya is more organized and more beautiful.

1. City Planning

Tri Rismaharini built city parks as a restoration of the Bungkul park on Jalan Raya Darmo by choosing the concept of an  all in one entertainment park , a park at the Dolog Roundabout, an Undaan fruit park and a park in Bawean as well as several other places that used to be dead but now there are lots of residents every night. Surabaya who visited.

Tri Rismaharini also built a pedestrian path by choosing a modern concept along Jalan Basuki Rahmat which then continued to Jalan Tunjungan, Blauran and Panglima Sudirman.

2. Dismissal Issues

On January 31 2011, Tri Rismaharini had not been in office for a year, the Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD, Whisnu Wardhana, removed Risma with the right of inquiry. This decrease was due to the Surabaya Mayor’s Regulation or Perwali Number 56 of 2010 concerning Calculation of the rental value of advertisements and the Surabaya Mayor’s Regulation Number 57 concerning the calculation of the rental value of limited advertisements in special areas of the city of Surabaya which increased the advertisement tax to 25%.

Tri Rismaharini is also considered to have violated the law, namely the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation or Permendagri Number 16/2006 concerning Procedures for drafting laws in the regions and Law Number 32 of 2004 which has been amended by Law Number 12 of 2008. This is because the Mayor does not involve the relevant Regional Work Units or SKPD in discussing or drafting the Perwali.

This decision was supported by six of the seven political factions in the council, including PDIP, which supported it. Only the PKS faction refused on the grounds that the dismissal action was considered too far and did not have enough evidence and data. Regarding Perwali Number 57 which he issued, Tri Rismaharini has the reason that taxes in special areas need to be increased so that entrepreneurs do not do whatever they want by placing advertisements on public roads and also so that cities do not become advertising wilderness. Through high taxes, the government hopes that advertising entrepreneurs will switch to placing advertisements in the mass media, rather than placing billboards on city streets.

Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi also spoke out regarding this matter and emphasized that Tri Rismaharini was still serving as Mayor of Surabaya and considered that the reasons for Tri Rismaharini’s impeachment were made up. Then news circulated that this was because many members of the Surabaya City DPRD were not happy with the politics of Tri Rismaharini, who was known for not compromising and continuing to progress in developing the city of Surabaya. Apart from that, Risma also strongly rejected the construction of a toll road in the middle of Surabaya City which would not reduce traffic jams. .

Tri Rismaharini is more focused on continuing the frontage road and MERR-IIC or Middle East Ring Road  projects  which connect the Rungkut industrial area to the Suramadu Bridge in the eastern area of ​​Surabaya which will also be useful for equitable development of Kita Surabaya.

3. Resignation Issue

There was news circulating that Tri Rismaharini wanted to resign as Mayor of Surabaya, this news spread after Risma’s interview on a national private television station in mid-February 2014. The causes of Risma’s resignation include the election and inauguration of the Mayor which according to Risma did not comply with procedures, problems Surabaya Zoo, to the issue of toll road construction in the middle of Surabaya City.

The resignation plan was almost rejected by the entire people of Surabaya, due to the achievements made by Risma while leading Surabaya, until the emergence of a movement on an online site called “Save Risma ” to support Risma’s leadership as Mayor. This issue suddenly seemed to confirm Risma’s decision to resign based on the assumption of incompatibility between Tri Rismaharini and her deputy, Whisnu Sakti Buana as Mayor because Whisnu was one of the figures behind the plan to impeach Risma in early 2011.

The news began to subside when the General Chair of PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, intervened together with the leadership of the PDIP DPP who came to Surabaya on March 1 2014, who was also accompanied by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo. Megawati asked Risma to continue her term as Mayor of Surabaya until her term ends on September 28 2015.

4. Bungkul Park

At that time, the Wall’s ice cream company which was under the auspices of PT. Unilever Indonesia is holding an event to distribute free ice cream to the people of Surabaya which will be held in the middle of the park, namely Bungkul Park, on May 11 2014. Residents gathered in droves to distribute ice cream and broke through the existing plants. Even two-wheeled vehicles also trample existing plants. This resulted in blocked roads and serious damage to crops.

The ice cream distribution event was disbanded by the Police and Satpol PP at around 10.00 WIB. After some time, Tri Rismaharini came to the location where the ice was distributed. Risma was furious when she saw the condition of the plants in Bungkul Park. Tri Rismawati immediately approached the organizing committee to distribute ice cream. Risma said,  “Do you know how long it takes to make Bungkul Park beautiful?!” Risma said in a high tone. Risma asked her staff at the Surabaya City Cleaning and Parks Service to report the event organizers to legal action. Risma also asked her staff to use the environmental damage law as a basis for reporting.

As the organizer, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk is ready to take responsibility for all losses experienced by the Surabaya City Government. The park damage incident occurred due to the large number of residents who came, and the event was not predicted by the organizers. Dion Aji Setiawan as East Java Area Sales Manager of PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk said that his party did not expect the enthusiasm of Surabaya residents for free ice cream to be high. The organizing committee prepared 10,000 pieces, but the number of visitors who came reached 70,000 people, and there were even some visitors who came from outside the city of Surabaya.

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The city of Surabaya, led by Tri Rismaharini, has many achievements, such as:

1. The city of Surabaya won the Adipura Kencana trophy eight times in a row, from 2011 to 2018 for the metropolitan city category, and also the Adipura Plenary Cup in 2016.

2. In 2012 Risma also made Surabaya the best city for participation in the Asia Pacific.

3. In October 2013, Risma won the city of Surabaya the  2013 Future Government Awards  at Asia-Pacific level.

4. The city of Surabaya implements a fast response system or  central clearing house. Where residents can send their complaints and suggestions via telephone, SMS, electronic mail, fax, internet sites and social media.

5. In 2013, Bungkul Park received  the 2013 Asian Townscape Award  from the United Nations as the best park in Asia.

6. Surabaya also received the  FutureGov version of the International Future City award  for Surabaya Single Windows or SSW in 2014.

7. Tri Rismawati was also named the third best mayor in the world by  the World City Mayors Foundation  for her success in turning Surabaya into an orderly and neat city, in 2015.

8. Tri Rismaharini was also included in the list of 50 influential figures in the world according to Fortune magazine along with other figures in 2015. Risma received an assessment that she had succeeded in making many breakthroughs regarding the extraordinary environment in Surabaya. Risma is also considered successful in changing a big city with millions of residents that is polluted, congested and slums into a metropolitan city that is orderly and rich in plants. Risma is also considered successful in turning many barren burial grounds into water absorption spaces so they can ward off flooding.

9. On August 13 2015, Risma received the honorary award of the Main Service Star from President Joko Widodo along with 14 other figures at the State Palace.

10. In November 2015, Risma also received an anti-corruption award from the  Bung Hatta Anti-Corruption Award . Risma received this award because during her time as Mayor of Surabaya she succeeded in making the city beautiful and orderly and developing an e-procurement system or electronic goods procurement auction.

11. Tri Rismaharini received the  Lee Kuan Yew City Prize  in July 2018, this award is because the city of Surabaya is considered one of the big cities in the world which is able to maintain and manage villages in the middle of the city with excellent government management and community participation amidst the pace of development a city that is growing rapidly.

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Tri Rismaharini as Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

On December 22 2020, Tri Rismaharini was chosen by President Joko Widodo as Minister of Social Affairs in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, replacing Juliari Batubara who was caught in a corruption case involving Covid-19 Social Assistance funds. Tri Rismaharini’s inauguration was held on December 23 2020 and was appointed directly by President Joko Widodo during the reshuffle of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. Tri Rismaharini was introduced by President Joko Widodo in the courtyard of the Merdeka Palace along with six other Ministers who were the result of a cabinet reshuffle.

On September 14 2018, Tri Rismaharini was elected by acclamation as President of UCLG-ASPAC for the 2018-2020 term to replace the Governor of Jeju Province, South Korea, at the 2018 UCLG-ASPAC Congress or the Asia Pacific Association of Municipal and Regional Governments in Surabaya.

So, that’s a biography about Tri Rismaharini’s career journey. This woman is really cool and can be used as a role model. If you want to emulate Mrs. Tri Rismaharini’s achievements and leadership style,  Mudalovers can read the articles available at We always try to provide the best!