Plants are one of the living creatures that live side by side with humans and animals. Plants provide many benefits for human life and the balance of nature.
The most important benefit is as a source of oxygen production for the life of all living creatures.
Each part of a plant has a function and benefit for the life of the plant itself and can be used as a natural resource. The parts of plants are leaves, flowers, roots, stems and fruit.
Just as humans have a heart as the axis of life, plants have roots which act as a source of life.
Roots are parts of plants that are generally embedded in the soil. Plant roots themselves have a fairly complete structure.
Roots have a cap that functions to protect the tip of the root when it penetrates the soil. Apart from that, there is a root nucleus which functions to transport the results of photosynthesis and water. Then, there are root stems, root hairs, root branches, and root tips.
Roots have a role as strengthening plants and absorbing food and water. Because of this crucial role, roots are the most important part of plants.
Not only does it have an important role, it turns out that this type of root also has different benefits and functions. However, in general, roots are divided into two types, namely tap roots and fibrous roots.
However, along with the development of science and technology, new types and root systems have begun to be discovered, each of which has its own uniqueness. Several types of roots are found apart from fibrous roots and tap roots, namely hanging roots, respiratory roots, supporting roots, pseudo roots, attached roots.
In this article, we will learn more about one type of root, namely the tap root. Do you know what is meant by tap root? Not yet? Don’t worry, you can read the full explanation below, okay?
Definition of Taproot
This type of root has large roots, main, central and dominant roots. Typically, the taproot is very thick, grows straight down, and is tapered. This type of root is the first root to grow from the seed and will remain the largest main root of the plant.
The main root will have shorter and smaller branches. The difference in size between the main root and the branch roots can be clearly seen. These root branches are often also referred to as lateral roots.
Not only the main root and root branches, the tap root also has a root cap and root hairs. This type of tap root is generally owned by dicotyledonous plants. The main function of these roots is the same as roots in general, namely to store food reserves and absorb water and the results of photosynthesis.
The tap root system differs from the fibrous or adventitious root systems of plants with many branching roots.
However, there are many plants that grow tree roots during germination that develop a branched root structure. Although there are some that rely on the main root for storage, and can maintain the dominant root for centuries.
So that Mudalovers have a clearer picture of tap roots, below we will describe the characteristics of tap roots. Check out the explanation below.
Characteristics of Taproots
Taproots are generally characterized as being large, long, and found in dicotyledonous plants or plants with open seeds. Apart from those mentioned above, the taproot type has several other characteristics, namely:
- Can be found in dicotyledonous plants or gymnosperm plants
- The roots are large, long and strong
- Has a main root as a central root
- It is the main root of differentiated plants
- Roots grow deep beneath the surface of the soil
- It has root branches which are called lateral roots
- Roots do not originate and develop from plant stems
- Can store food reserves in certain circumstances
- Can reach water deep in the ground
- The leaves of taproot plants are parallel or pinnate
- It does not have a network that functions to hold particles on the soil surface
So, those are the characteristics of tap roots, Mudalovers . Hopefully Mudalovers can recognize this type of root more clearly. Next, we will explain further about the function of the tap root.
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Taproot Function
The presence of these large roots certainly makes the plant stronger. Its long size also makes this type of root able to reach water and nutrients quite far or deep below the soil surface.
Therefore, plants with tap roots can be more resistant when faced with the dry season.
Taproots have important functions which are generally almost the same as the functions of other types of roots. The following are some of the functions of tap roots.
- Makes plants stand firmly, strong and not easily separated from the ground
- As a means of respiration in some plants
- Absorbs nutrients and water more optimally, then transports them to all parts of the plant body
- As a place to store food reserves
Types of Taproots
Taproots also have several different types in a number of plants. The two types of tap roots are as follows.
1. A taproot that has no branches
As the name suggests, this type of taproot has no branches. This type of root functions as a storage place for food reserves. This unbranched taproot is divided into three types, namely fusiform, napiform, and filiform.
Fusiform roots are shaped like spears, the root base is large with a tapered tip. The base of the root is large and the tip has fibers. One of the plants that has a fusiform type of tap root is radish.
Next, the taproot of the napiformis type has a shape like a top. The root base of this type is round and large, and the root branches have fibers. The tip of this type of root has a pointed and narrow shape. An example of a plant with a napiform type of tap root is jicama.
The last type of unbranched taproot is filiform. The roots of this type are small and long like threads. Because of their shape, filiform roots are said to be similar to fibrous roots. Apart from that, filiform roots do not have many branches compared to other types of tap roots.
2. Taproot with branches
This type of taproot has many branches. Usually plants that have this type of tap root are strong trees, because the downward conical shape of the roots is able to absorb a lot of water.
After getting to know the types of tap roots, we will then discuss examples of plants that have tap roots. Read the explanation until the end, okay?
Human life is very dependent on plants, both for food, medicine, environmental health and beauty. For thousands of years the history of the existence of plants on this earth.
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Examples of plants that have tap roots
1. Acacia Tree
Acacia or whose scientific name is Acacia, is a strong tree with a single taproot whose roots can reach a depth of 10 meters. The acacia tree is a tree that has a tap root with a large and striking trunk.
The acacia tree itself is quite large, with a height that can reach 15-20 meters. The roots of the acacia tree are dull white to brownish in color. The root stem has a rough and spiny surface. This acacia tree is usually used as a material for making furniture.
2. Orange
The citrus plant, which has the scientific name Citrus, is also one of the plants that has a tap root. However, oranges actually have a tap root system and also fibrous roots. The tap root of an orange plant can reach 4 meters in length.
3. Banyan Tree
The banyan tree, which has the scientific name Ficus Benjamina, is a very large and tall tree. Apart from being a strong tree, the banyan tree also has a large and strong tap root, which is useful for supporting a very large tree trunk.
The banyan tree itself has a height of 15 meters or more. Apart from the tap root, the banyan tree also has hanging roots that grow from the trunk to the ground, which function as a means of respiration or breathing for the tree.
Get to know children about trees and plants, so that your little one’s insight into trees and plants will increase. Parents can introduce trees and plants by using the book I’m Glad There: Trees and Plants.
4. Teak Tree
The teak tree or whose scientific name is Tectona grandis has a taproot system which allows this tree to live in dry and barren land. Teak trees have straight, upright trunks and can continue to grow for hundreds of years.
Teak trees are known as trees that have sturdy and good trunks, so they can be a good furniture material, because of their durability. If you want to find durable wooden furniture, furniture made from teak wood is the right choice.
5. Cotton
The cotton tree, which has the scientific name Gossypium, is usually cultivated as a raw material for textiles. Cotton plants have long, deep taproots that penetrate underground. The taproot on a cotton plant can grow longer than the cotton plant itself.
6. Dandelion
Dandelion flowers are a type of flowering plant that has a taproot system. In addition, dandelion root branches will spread and grow strongly. Apart from being beneficial for this plant itself, dandelion roots are often used as herbal medicine for digestive health.
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7. Carrots
Even though it is small in size, the plant which has the scientific name Daucus carota subsp. sativus is a taproot that grows as a food reserve. Over time, the roots of the carrots will change shape to become larger, rounder and elongated.
Roots that have undergone these changes are usually known as carrot tubers which function to reproduce. We often use this orange root as a food that is rich in nutrients and nutrition.
Well, that’s Mudalovers’ explanation of what taproots are, their characteristics, functions, types, and plants that have taproots. Now Mudalovers understand more about tap roots. Hopefully this article can provide benefits for those of you who read it, by adding to your insight.
Mudalovers , that’s the article “What is a Taproot? Definition, Characteristics, Functions and Examples of Plants” . For Mudalovers who want to learn more about the meaning of tap roots and other plants, you can learn by reading various books available at .
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