What is a Participatory Leadership Style? Definition, Characteristics and Benefits

Mudabicara.com_  Many people think that the success of an organization depends on how a leader runs the wheel of leadership.

In addition, leadership style does have a significant influence on the running of the organization both in structure and workspace.

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But did you know that leadership has many kinds. One of the favorite leadership styles and is widely adopted by government leaders, companies and even organizations is the participatory leadership style.

Now! Now mudabicara wants to review an article about participatory leadership style, its meaning and characteristics. Come on! For more details, read the following article:

Understanding Participatory Leadership Style

Participatory leadership has almost the same meaning as a democratic leadership style where a leader involves his members in policy making and problem solving.

This leadership style places members as an important part of the decision-making process. They are directly involved by discussing with each other in order to find the best decision.

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In addition to the members involved, a participatory leader will ask his members to think creatively and innovatively so that the shared vision and mission can be achieved optimally.

Although the final decision rests with the leader, the contribution of a member is required. This is intended so that members have a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for all decisions that come out of the leader.

This sense of ownership will make members have a high commitment and responsibility towards their respective roles and functions.

An American organizational psychologist named Rensis Likert argues that participatory leadership style can improve several things such as teamwork, communication and member participation in achieving goals.

The reality is that participatory leadership has similarities with democratic leadership where the leader gives trust to members accompanied by loyalty from members.

In practice leadership requires members to be able to collaborate and cooperate both between leaders and members and members with members.

Participatory Leadership Style

The Characteristics of a Participative Leadership Style

Based on the book by Hadari Manawi entitled Leadership to Make Organizations Effective, Participatory Leadership has several characteristics the following are the characteristics of a participatory leadership style:

1. Leadership Depends on the Boss

In the context of maintaining power, a leader is oriented to the influence of his superiors not on members of the organization. Because of the participatory leadership style, the position of the leader depends on the superior, not on the results of the election of members.

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2. Member Participation in Decision Making

Participation in this case does not mean that every member has the space to express ideas or opinions but only to participate in decision making.

In other words, a leader makes decisions after opinions, suggestions and criticisms from members so that the steps in making decisions have been taken first.

3. Calculating Profit and Loss

A participative leader always takes into account the advantages and disadvantages to himself in carrying out work and making decisions. Even so they were able to cooperate with their subordinates

4. There is Mutual Trust

The existence of trust in the implementation of the work resulted in the growth of a comfortable atmosphere full of friendship as well as mutual trust in each other.

In addition, good relationships will increase work motivation so that productivity will be higher.

5. There is a change of mind between members

A person who has a participatory leadership style will start a discussion while providing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) together.

SOP is a rule that must be obeyed even though the discussions and issues change every day. Each member is given the opportunity to have an opinion while the leader responds by responding.

6. Giving Feedback

In the discussion process, a leader is tasked with providing important issues and information as input to its members.

This is intended so that members have a complete picture of the problems and problems. In addition, with this information, a subordinate is expected to be able to provide in-depth input.

On the other hand, a participative leader must be smart in sorting and choosing which information even though it is shared with members. Because not all members have the same understanding. This is to avoid confusion in decision making.

7. Fighting Ideas and Ideas

A leader must be able to encourage members to provide ideas and ideas for the advancement of an organization or company. For example, by way of  brainstorming so that creative ideas emerge from the members.

In addition, the environment must be neutral and open so that everyone feels they have the opportunity to give their best thoughts.

8. Power Sharing

In participatory leadership style, power means together because of the mutual influence between the leader and the members.

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The meaning of the reciprocal process is that a leader will openly accept criticism and suggestions and so must be ready to accept an evaluation assessment from the leader

9. There is a Joint Decision

A decision must be carried out together because it has gone through in-depth analysis. Each member and even the leader must obey and carry out their duties according to their respective functions and roles.

10. Active Leaders Listen And Respond

In the participatory leadership style, a leader is required to carry out two-way communication so that he must have empathy and the ability to listen and respond well.

In addition, the process of listening and responding is an important part of the policy-making process.

Benefits of a Participatory Leadership Style

As a popular leadership style today, the participatory leadership style has several benefits, including the following:

1. Increase Productivity

A leadership style that involves all members is the main key to realizing the cohesiveness and solidity of the work of the entire team.

As a result, all members feel respected and appreciated so as to increase the work productivity of all members.

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2. Increase the Thinking Power of Members

Involvement between members requires them to have creative ideas so that members are encouraged to think innovatively in dealing with every problem.

3. Cooperation Between Members

Participatory Leadership requires all members to cooperate. This is so that all ideas can be accommodated properly and create a comfortable working environment for all members.

4. Cultivate Loyalty

A leader’s trust in members will indirectly foster the loyalty of members to the organization or company.

5. Improve Collaboration

Usually in an organization or company there is often competition between members and between employees. However, with a participatory leadership style, the competition will turn into a collaboration.

6. The Decision Happens To Be Together

The background of a policy and decision in a participatory leadership style is the suggestions and opinions of the members. So when a decision is born, the decision must be followed by all members and is binding.

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In addition, a decision is more acceptable to members because the decision is made through a deliberation mechanism.

7. Formation of a Solid Team

Solidarity is one of the benefits of this leadership style. In addition to cooperation and collaboration, this leadership style places members as an important part in the development process and success of a company and organization.

Disadvantages of Participatory Leadership Style

Although it has several benefits and advantages, the participatory leadership style also has various disadvantages, including:

1. Decision Making Takes Too Long

With the deliberation mechanism, it is possible to exchange ideas and thoughts. If the deliberation can run smoothly then the decision will be completed soon.

However, if there is a coachman’s debate and the leader is not able to mediate, then the decision will be delayed and hampered.

This leadership style does not allow for quick decisions even though circumstances force them to make decisions quickly.

2. Prone to Conflict

Differences of opinion between members often occur in participatory leadership styles although it can be minimized when a leader has strong influence and leadership.

Now! Thus the explanation this time about participatory leadership style, keep learning and reading. Don’t forget to write to mudabicara.