What is Social Welfare Science? Definition and Purpose

Mudabicara.com_ Social welfare science has become one of the favorite college majors in the millennial decade. In addition to providing knowledge about the mechanism for building social welfare, this department also provides knowledge about policy making.

However, before entering the discussion about social welfare science, mudabicara need to know about the definition of social welfare science and the purpose of social welfare science. Now! For more details, see the following young talk reviews:

What is Social Welfare Science?

Literally the word welfare is closely related to social conditions. From this we understand that the basic definition of social welfare science is the study of governance about building social conditions or conditions.

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In addition, welfare is a system of life, social, material, and spiritual life which is filled with a sense of safety, decency and peace, both physically and mentally.

The context of peace is everything that allows every citizen to make efforts to fulfill their physical, spiritual and social needs as well as possible.

So, in terms of social welfare science, it is a science that studies about various angles of how the environment and social systems work, which includes how humans can live properly.

Definition of Social Welfare Science according to experts?

1. Midgley

According to Midgley, social welfare is a state of human well-being ( a condition or state of human well-being ).

Furthermore, Midgley argues that social welfare is a condition in which human life feels safe, happy and fully able to meet the basic needs of nutrition, health, education and shelter.

On the other hand, social welfare is a reflection where humans get protection from the main risks that threaten their lives.

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2. Suharto

According to Suharto’s view, social welfare also includes a planned process or effort carried out by individuals, social institutions, communities and government agencies.

It aims to achieve and improve the quality of life through the provision of social services and social benefits.

3. Suparlan

According to Suparlan, social welfare is a condition that indicates a prosperous state of society in general. This includes physical, spiritual, and social conditions.

Not only the improvement and eradication of certain social vices; but in the form of a state and activity.

4. Friedlander

Social welfare according to Friedlander is an organized system of social services and institutions.

It aims to help individuals and groups to achieve satisfactory levels of life and health.

In addition, social welfare is a science that studies personal and social relationships which then provide opportunities to develop their talents and abilities.

The goal is to improve their welfare in accordance with the needs of their families and communities.

5. Durham

Durham defines social welfare as organized activities to increase social welfare by helping someone.

In this way, needs are met in various aspects of life such as health, family welfare, standard of living and maximum social relations.

Social welfare services pay attention to individuals, groups, communities and the wider population. These services include treatment, healing, and prevention.

This is one of the activities that reflects that humans are social creatures who even though they help each other so that life continues to run in harmony, harmony and create a prosperous atmosphere.

6. Wilandsky dan Lebeaux

Wilandsky and Lebeaux define social welfare as an organized system of social services and institutions.

It is designed to help individuals and groups achieve satisfactory levels of life and health.

In addition, the existence of social welfare will create personal and social relationships and provide opportunities for other individuals to develop broad abilities.

This will indirectly improve welfare in accordance with the needs of the community.

7. Wieckeden

Social welfare according to Wieckeden is a system of regulations, programs, benefits, services that strengthen or guarantee the provision of assistance to meet social needs.

The existence of these programs, regulations and services as the basis for the population to achieve social order in daily life.

8. Segal

Social welfare in Segal’s view is a condition of welfare of a society. Social welfare referred to here includes health, economic conditions, happiness, and quality of life of the people.

Social Welfare Science Goals

1. Understand How to Achieving a Prosperous Life

The meaning of a prosperous life is the achievement of basic living standards such as clothing, housing, food, health, and harmonious social relations with the environment.

Then this becomes a reference so that it is implemented both for oneself and for society in general.

2. Knowing the Characteristics of Welfare in Certain Community Conditions

The purpose of the condition is a condition that includes the physical, spiritual, and social conditions of the community. This situation can then be analyzed to see which facts require improvement and which must be eliminated.

Causes and good and bad that occur in society will also have an impact on the condition of society itself.

3. Make it easier to map development potential

Social welfare science makes it easier for us to manage a plan whether carried out by individuals or institutions.

Potential mapping aims to improve a special social-based service and prepare allowances that are able to support the achievement of a welfare in society.

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4. Make it easier to create a social service system

The social service system, although it has an organized system, starts from the structure of social institutions to the procedures for how to serve it.

With a good system, it will help individuals or groups to achieve a satisfactory level of life, health and well-being so that they are able to approach the idealized life.

5. Make it easier to map social problems

The existence of social mapping will make it easier for us to make organized activities for improving welfare according to needs. As a result, the assistance will be right on target and meet the main needs in the community.

The fulfillment of the intended needs, such as family life, children, health, social adjustment, living standards, and social relations.

6. Maximizing Social Welfare Services

Social welfare services will be easy when we are able to see the main problem so that slowly we will get problem solving.

For example, health insurance social services which include health care, healing, and prevention. As a social welfare service, health insurance must be evenly distributed both in terms of facilities and costs.

7. Can Be a Reference for Welfare Standards

In studying a condition of well-being in human life, we need various characteristics, characteristics and indicators to become a standard.

Standardization will be a common measure of whether the condition of the community has achieved prosperity or not so that steps and methods become important in formulating the achievement of social welfare.

8. Can Make Social Actions and Volunteering

As young people, we have critical and open thinking so that we are able to formulate social actions that can reduce inequality.

Social action is an effort to realize social welfare through various ways, both government and non-government. If in government we can take the road by pushing for legislation.

With the law, it will give birth to social policies that are able to encourage structured and systematic welfare.

9. Can Increase Sympathy And Empathy

Young people who study social welfare will see in detail the basic problems of society so that they will increase their sympathy and empathy for others.

Social welfare problems cannot be separated from social problems so that to achieve social welfare we need to separate one problem from another.

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10. Can Be A Reference How To Achieving Sustainable Prosperity

As young people we need to know how to achieve sustainable levels of prosperity such as Economy, Employment, Education, Health.

At the government level, welfare must be a policy that is able to accommodate all citizens so that there is no sharp inequality.