10 Benefits of Studying Philosophy for Young People

Mudabicara.com_ Discussing the benefits of studying philosophy does feel heavy and difficult. In addition to the abstract discussion of philosophy, philosophy is also considered unable to contribute to everyday life.

But make no mistake, you know a lot! benefits of studying philosophy. This time, Mudabicara will discuss 10 benefits of studying philosophy for young people.

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What is the Definition of Philosophy?

The word philosophy is etymologically derived from the word philia which means love or friendship and the word sophia which means wisdom or wisdom. While in terms of philosophy is a person who loves wisdom or lovers of wisdom.

According to Socrates philosophy is the view of life of a group or person regarding the life that they aspire to. Meanwhile, according to his student Plato philosophy is the basic idea of ​​human beings to live together and according to Prof. N. Drijarkara SJ philosophy is a radical human mind.

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However, it is necessary for all young friends to know that all branches of science have their own philosophical foundations. For example, philosophy of science, philosophy of history, philosophy of law, philosophy of sociology and so on.

10 Benefits of Learning Philosophy for Young Children

Here, Mudatalks will review in depth 10 benefits of studying philosophy for young people.

1. Train Rational Thinking

By studying philosophy, all young friends will be able to think rationally because philosophy provides a logical understanding of arguments that make sense or not. People who philosophize are certainly required to ask fundamental questions and try to keep looking for rational answers.

2. Practice Critical Thinking

As young friends know that the beginning of the emergence of philosophy questioned the existence and non-existence or questioned the creation of the universe. So studying philosophy means that young friends learn critically, in other words, someone who thinks philosophically will naturally have a critical nature.

3. Practice Clear Reasoning

By studying philosophy, young friends will be able to reason clearly. Reasoning clearly means that young friends will be able to use language briefly, completely, thoroughly and systematically.

That way, young friends will be able to express their opinions in correct, logical and rational language.

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4. Practice Appreciating Differences

By studying philosophy, young friends will be able to accept differences of opinion wisely. That’s because young friends have the ability to think clearly and logically so that when young friends judge different arguments, they don’t refuse hastily.

5. Can Distinguish Right And Wrong

By studying philosophy, young friends will also learn about logic. With the correct logic, basically, young friends have the ability to distinguish what is right and what is wrong with the nature of good and bad.

Young friends can see this from the notion of logic, which is the result of consideration of the mind expressed through words and expressed in language. On the other hand, logic is the science of the principles, rules, laws, structures, or forms of the human mind that can lead the mind to a truth.

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In the end, by studying philosophy, young friends will be able to obtain the correct logic to determine the truth.

6. Help Express Opinions Clearly.

Studying philosophy will lead young friends to be able to express their opinions clearly. The clear meaning here refers to the systematics of the language, the building of rational arguments and the choice of quality word diction.

It is common that people who study philosophy will read a lot of books so that they will have a lot of vocabulary to express their opinions.

7. Able to Think Systematically

Young friends must first understand what it means to think systematically. Systematic thinking is a way of thinking in new ways to solve problems and see problems from various angles.

So that by studying philosophy, young friends will have a sharp social analysis knife so they can see the problem from various sides. Besides, when young friends have opinions and are refuted, young friends will be able to defend opinions rationally and unemotionally.

8. Teaching About Tolerance

In the history of philosophy, young friends will know many different styles of thinking from the characters. 

Call it early figures such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, they have different opinions even though young friends know that Plato is a student of Socrates while Aristotle is a student of Plato.

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This means that by looking at the phenomenon of differences of opinion and ideas but still respecting and respecting each other, by studying philosophy, young friends will reap the values ​​of tolerance and tolerance.

9. Knowing the Great Figures of Philosophy

This is one of the greatest benefits when young friends study philosophy. Young friends will get to know many world thinkers and the theories produced by them.

The following is a list of philosophical thinkers, including Marcus Tullius Cicero, Socrates, Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Christian von Wolff, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Herbert Spencer, Imanuel Kant, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Martin Heidegger, Hans Georg Gadamer , Max Weber , Emile Durkheim, Jurgen Habermas, Friedrich Nietzsche, Auguste Comte and Michel Foucault.

It should be underlined that the names of the characters above are only partial. So if young friends want to know more specifically, let’s start now to study philosophy and read a lot of books.

10. Knowing the Schools of Philosophical Thought

After knowing the figures of philosophy, by studying philosophy, young friends will also be able to understand the historical schools of philosophy.

There are several schools of philosophy among them. First , Idealism, Idealism is a school which states that reality or reality consists of soul and ideas. Second , Rationalism, Rationalism is that prioritizes reason as the only reliable source of knowledge.

Third , Empiricism, Empiricism is a philosophical school which believes that all knowledge comes from human experience. Fourth , Dualism. Dualism is a combination of idealism and materialism. Dualism believes that reality consists of two distinct sources.

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Finally, Positivism, Positivism is a philosophical school that believes that natural science is the only true source of knowledge.

The flow of positivism rejects activities related to metaphysics. This school does not recognize speculation, even though it is based on empirical data.

Thus 10 Benefits of studying philosophy for young people version of Mudatalks.