The 6 Best Sharia Investments

Sharia investment is one of the investment options that is increasingly in demand by the people of Indonesia. Many people are attracted to Islamic investing because it combines Islamic principles with potential investment benefits. 

So,  come on,  discuss what sharia investment is, what are the best types of sharia investment products, as well as the advantages and ways to invest in sharia products. Read more below,  OK !

What is Sharia Investment?

Sharia investment is a type of investment that is carried out by taking into account sharia principles applied in Islamic law. Sharia investment has the goal of maximizing profits for investors, but must also pay attention to the moral, ethical and fair aspects in investing.

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This allows investors to invest in a way that promotes religious and ethical values, and at the same time obtains the expected financial returns.

Sharia investment is defined as an investment made with due observance of sharia principles in conducting transactions. These sharia principles include:

  • Must not contain usury or interest
  • Must not contain elements of gambling or speculation
  • Must not contain the element of buying and selling riba (bay’ al-riba)
  • It should not contain elements of gharar or uncertainty
  • May not contain elements of maysir or profits obtained without a clear effort.

In sharia investment, moral and ethical aspects are emphasized at every stage of investment. Sharia investment ensures that investors do not take profits based on aspects that are not beneficial to society in general. 

In this context, sharia investment pays attention to the concept of “investing with values” as the basis for sharia investment.

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The Best Types of Sharia Investment Products

One of the things that makes Islamic investment attractive is the wide variety of investment products available. 

These types of sharia investment products have different characteristics and risks from conventional investments, so investors need to pay attention to these things before deciding to invest.

Here are some of the best types of sharia investment products that you can consider.

1. Sharia Shares

Islamic stocks are shares traded on the stock exchange in compliance with sharia principles. Islamic stocks have different characteristics from conventional stocks, because they pay attention to sharia principles that do not contain elements of usury, gambling, or profits that are obtained without a clear effort.

2. Sharia Bonds

Sharia bonds are bonds issued under sharia principles, such as mudharabah, musyarakah, or ijarah. Islamic bonds also have different characteristics from conventional bonds, because they pay attention to sharia principles that do not contain elements of usury, gambling, or profits that are obtained without a clear effort.

3. Sharia Mutual Funds

Islamic mutual funds are a type of collective investment that obtain funds from investors and are managed by investment managers with sharia principles. 

Funds obtained from investors will be invested in Islamic stocks, Islamic bonds, or other Islamic investment instruments. The profits generated will be shared in accordance with the applied sharia principles.

4. Sharia Sukuk

Sharia sukuk is a type of sharia bond that uses a financing scheme or asset ownership with sharia principles. Sharia Sukuk is considered as an alternative for investors who want to invest in instruments that generate financial returns, but still pay attention to Islamic principles.

5. Sharia deposits

Islamic deposits are deposit products at Islamic banks with Islamic principles that are different from deposit products at conventional banks. Islamic deposits have different characteristics from conventional deposits, because they do not contain elements of riba or interest.

6. Sharia Business Unit

Sharia business units are investments in business units that are run according to sharia principles. Sharia business units can be small or large businesses, but must pay attention to sharia principles in running the business.

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Possible Sharia Investment Benefits

Islamic investment offers the potential for significant financial returns. Here are some of the benefits of sharia investment that you might get.

1. Huge Profit Potential

Sharia investment has a large profit potential because it is carried out in stable and sustainable sectors, such as the financial, property and infrastructure industries. Sharia investment also aims to maximize profits for investors, so as to provide significant returns in the long term.

2. Not Involving Riba or Interest

Sharia investment does not involve elements of riba or interest in its transactions, so that investors do not need to worry about the moral and ethical aspects of investing. This also makes Islamic investments safer and more transparent than conventional investments.

3. Low Risk Potential

Sharia investment has a low risk potential because it is carried out in a stable and sustainable sector, and does not involve elements that can pose high risks such as speculation and usury. 

In Islamic investment, the risks that may occur are carefully calculated, so that investors can minimize unwanted losses.

4. Contributing to the Development of Islamic Economics

Sharia investment not only provides benefits for investors, but also contributes to the development of a better Islamic economy. 

Sharia investment helps develop the Islamic economic sector and creates sharia-based jobs. This is critical to building a more just and sustainable economy.

5. Has Potential Social Benefits

Islamic investment is not only oriented towards financial gain, but also has the potential for significant social benefits. 

Sharia investment can be directed at sectors that pay attention to social aspects such as education, health and the environment. This allows investors to have a positive impact on the surrounding community and environment.

Sharia Investment Risks That Can Occur

Islamic investment offers the potential for significant financial returns, but is inseparable from the risks that must be taken into account. Sharia investment risk must be considered carefully before deciding to invest. The following are some of the risks of sharia investment that may occur.

1. Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is related to the ability of investors to sell sharia investment products at the desired price. Sharia investment products with low liquidity tend to be difficult to sell at the desired price. 

This is related to the lack of investor interest in these sharia investment products, which has an impact on the selling price of these products.

2. Market Risk

Market risk is related to price fluctuations of sharia investment products which are influenced by external factors such as economic conditions, politics, and so on. 

This can affect the value of sharia investments owned by investors and cause financial losses.

3. Corporate Risk

Corporate risk is related to the company’s ability to meet financial obligations and generate profits for investors. This can happen if a company managed by sharia principles experiences difficulties in running its business or experiences significant financial losses.

4. Inflation Risk

Inflation risk is related to rising prices of goods and services which can reduce the purchasing power of money. This risk can affect the value of sharia investments owned by investors, so that sharia investments are unable to balance inflation.

5. Legal Risk

Legal risks related to changes in regulations or laws that may affect sharia investment products. This risk can have an impact on the profits and value of sharia investments owned by investors.

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In choosing an Islamic investment product, you must take into account the risks associated with the product. You need to find information about sharia investment companies that are trusted and have a good track record in managing investor funds. 

You also have to take into account the risks and benefits of the sharia investment products that you will choose, and allocate funds wisely to get the maximum profit from sharia investments.

Thus the article regarding the meaning of sharia investment, the best types of sharia investment products, the benefits and risks. Hopefully the above article is useful, yes!