An achievement of competence to know the term assessment. Then, what exactly is an assessment?
We often hear assessments, especially when accepting new employees by companies.
Not only that, this term is also attached to the world of education. School assessment is used as a benchmark for the success of delivering the curriculum to students.
This article will discuss work assessments implemented by agencies and companies.
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This assessment also provides performance improvements for employees. You can read a more complete review in the Complete Employee Performance Management Guide .
Definition of Assessment
Assessment is a process of considering any information related to an individual or the current situation for an assessment.
Assessment is part of the process of assessing individuals or situations that can reflect the success or failure of achieving a goal.
You will encounter an assessment process in the world of work when accepting new employees, as well as during promotion for promotion.
Meanwhile in the world of education, assessment is an important aspect that cannot be overlooked in the learning and teaching process.
Through the assessment process, you can measure skills, insights, talents, even the fitness of an individual or other classifications.
Usually, the assessment is carried out in the form of an oral or written test, it can also be in the form of physical activity in a predetermined place.
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The assessment is carried out to find out the positive and negative impacts globally, as well as the potential for utilization and development in the future.
Experts have different views in defining this assessment. According to some assessment experts are:
1. According to Worthen & Sanders
These two experts define assessment as an activity to find important points or values for something.
Where in the search for this value, includes the collection of important information related to an activity.
In addition, it also simultaneously analyzes the appropriate strategy to be implemented in order to achieve the goal.
2. According to Robert M. Smith
Assessment is defined as a comprehensive assessment process to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the decision results.
This process involves a team and aims to develop a lesson plan as an educational service based on the outcomes of the decisions.
3. Nana Sudjana
According to him, assessment is a process when we give value to an object by using certain criteria as the basis or reference for the assessment.
4. According to Suchman
Assessment is the determination of the results of the evaluation of various planned activities, in supporting the successful achievement of objectives.
Purpose of the Assessment Process
Assessment is carried out as an effort to improve the quality or value of situations or individuals.
Because from this process an evaluation of various deficiencies or weaknesses can be carried out.
In addition, with an assessment you can easily identify each competency indicator that you have successfully achieved or realized.
That is the overall goal of the assessment. To be more specific, here are some goals in the world of work.
- A form of appreciation and work motivation for employees so they can continue to contribute with maximum performance
- Open opportunities for promotion in positions or positions within the company
- Adjust job training programs that are relevant to employee needs
- Facilitate the business development process and efforts to achieve targets according to the business plan
- Increase employee loyalty to the company and vice versa
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Assessment function in the company
After knowing what the objectives of the assessment are, we will now proceed to the functional aspects of this process.
The important role of assessment is in presenting the results of an assessment of weaknesses, strengths, and future plans based on its two functions.
The assessment functions are:
1. Summative Function
This one assessment function in the world of education determines whether or not a student passes a particular subject.
Meanwhile, in the world of work in companies, the summative function is the basis for consideration of whether or not new employees are accepted or promoted for promotion.
2. Formative Function
The next function is formative, namely the function as a material tool in looking broadly related to the need for achievement efforts.
From this function you can evaluate, also identify what strengths and weaknesses you have to make improvements and maximize.
Type of Company Assessment
Assessment is applied within the company for various needs related to the quality of human resources or employees.
Both new employees who will join, as well as old employees who deserve to be considered for the opportunity to get promoted.
The following is a type of assessment that is used as an assessment of the quality of the company’s employees.
1. Assessment for Accepting New Employees
In order to obtain the right candidates to fill vacancies, assessment is the basic reference for the suitability of prospective employees with company needs.
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In accordance with the recruitment of new employees , the required assessment includes:
- Cognitive ability test
- Personality test
- Integrity test
- Physical test
- Skill test
- Emotional intelligence test
- Test through the game
- Work simulation test
Assessment for the points above is usually considered during OJT (On the Job Training)
2. Assessment for Promotion
Meanwhile, for promotions or promotions for old employees, an assessment is also needed to consider eligibility.
Company HR team can use hr dashboard to get accurate data for old employees.
What’s more, of course there are many candidates who can be chosen to receive a promotion.
The assessments required in this process include:
- Role play for implementation of new obligations
- Problem solving
- Ability to present company services or products
- Psychometrics to find compatibility of new positions with employees who will be promoted
In carrying out the assessment process, you as the organizer can use three choices of implementation formats.
These formats include:
- The format of the oral exam, each question will be delivered orally and participants can answer it immediately.
- Written exam format, the test will be given in writing and participants must also write down the answers. But with the development of technology, this format has changed to computerized.
- Real practice or performance test format, here the participants’ skills are really tested and confirmed. The results of this exam become a solidification of decisions.
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Tips for Preparing for the Assessment Exam
Here are some tips for preparing for the assessment exam, including:
1. Lots of practice
The first tip for you to spend time to practice more.
Get used to studying similar tests, such as personality tests, interviews, IQ tests and more.
The more often you do it, the more you will get used to it so you don’t feel burdened on exam day.
2. Get enough rest
In addition to frequent practice, you also have to maintain a healthy body with adequate rest.
Don’t stay up late at night before the test. Give your mind time to rest.
3. Be confident
Well, the next tip is to have confidence. It is very important to be able to give suggestions so that you can pass the test with the best effort.
4. Stay focused
Focus is the main key. Never underestimate a test and give full focus to every test well.
That is an explanation of assessment which plays an important role in many fields.
Not only the world of work and education, but also finance, technology and even taxation.
From all the opinions put forward by experts and also the general definition or outline, we can draw conclusions.
That assessment is, the activity of measuring and assessing the ability of an individual and also the potential for a condition or situation.
Where from this assessment considerations will be made, to decisions that prioritize improvements in order to achieve company goals.