Employee absence reports are one of the most frequently used reports by the company’s HR team. Because both the function and purpose help optimize the company’s operations. Therefore, HR will always be concerned with registering employee attendance every day, month, or even yearly.
However, many of the company’s HR teams still have difficulty forming neat and effective reports with complete information. This is quite unfortunate because it can increase the chances of input errors ( human error ) and the errors that occur can be felt by all employees who work at the company.
Next, Mekari will explain the employee attendance report along with the sample report form.
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What is an Employee Absenteeism Report
The employee attendance report is a collection of data recapitulation regarding the number of employee attendance in one month of work in a company.
In simple terms, the information displayed is the start time the work starts until the work time ends. In addition, employees who are unable to attend can also be detected whether they are absent due to illness, permission, or absent from work.
Summarized but detailed data in the report can provide knowledge about the employee’s whereabouts while he is working. The HR team then uses the report to carry out analysis and assessment. As a reference for interpreting work performance, productivity and input for calculating monthly salaries.
The existence of an employee absence report also has several purposes. With information about employee attendance, HR can find out workforce needs, employee behavior patterns, holiday trends, labor relations and company productivity, as well as audit trails of the Labor Law.
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As for the development of the HR industry, there are more and more types and forms of employee absence reports according to the function and purpose of making them. Starting from the creation per certain period of time, to the media used to make the report.
Employee Absenteeism Report function
Employee absence reports come in various types and forms, but basically their functions and roles are similar to one another. Many people also still do not know about the core function of the report.
Therefore, several important functions of having an employee absence report include:
- Ensuring that the company’s operations can continue to run optimally
- Get information about the performance and performance of each employee
- Become one of the component benchmarks in awarding appreciation, bonuses, to promotion.
- One of the important indicators in the payment of employee salaries
- Monitor company productivity
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What Are Examples of Employee Absenteeism Reports?
So that the process of making employee attendance reports goes well and correctly. Following are some examples of report forms that are often used by HR in general.
Manual Attendance Report
The most well-known and frequently encountered employee attendance report is the manual attendance report. Usually, making this report is quite easy because it only uses templates and formulas contained in Excel .
The attendance list is then printed in hardcopy form which will then be manually inputted into the media. Then every working day, employees will record filling in the time of arrival and departure of employees. HR then checks and supervises every day.
In the absence report in manual form, there are usually several columns of information such as an absence schedule, records of total working hours and overtime hours, number of absences and also delays in working time. All of this will later become an asset for calculating the payroll of each company employee.
Because it is filled in manually, sometimes there will be a queue when employees fill in their absences and human errors often occur. Therefore, attendance reports in manual form tend to be less effective.
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Online Attendance Report
Apart from going through a manual process, making reports can also be done more easily through an application so that it can be accessed online.
There are various kinds of convenience by forming attendance reports online. If you use this model, various report templates are available and can be used more easily without the hassle.
The process that goes through also takes place in automation, starting from recording employee attendance ( clock in/clock out ), recording employee attendance, storing data automatically in the cloud, to calculating payroll . All you have to do is download the report after all the processes have been successfully passed.
Weekly Absence Report
The following is the employee absence report template format for the weekly report time period.
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Monthly Absence Report
Next is the employee attendance report template format for the monthly time period in xls form.
Annual Attendance Report
Then for the annual employee or employee reporting time period, here’s an example of the template format that you can use.
So, that’s an explanation of the employee attendance report along with an example template so you can easily make it. Hope it is useful!