Mudabicara.com_ Auguste Comte is the father of sociology. Because of Auguste Comte’s theory and knowledge, sociology can become a science independent of philosophy. The following is an article about the profile and thoughts of the father of Sociology Auguste Comte.
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The figure of Auguste Comte
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Auguste Comte was born on January 19, 1798 in Montpellier, France and died on September 5, 1857 in Paris.
Auguste Comte is credited with being the Father of Modern World Sociology because it was from him that the word sociology was first used. Comte’s father was Louis Comte. He was a tax official while his mother Rosalie Boyer was a very religious person.
Reported by Kompas, Auguste Comte is someone who is precocious. Because, at an early age he had to join the fight against republicanism and skepticism that occurred in France.
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Comte then entered school in 1814 in Paris. The school used to be for training military engineers but later turned into a public school for general knowledge.
Only lasted two years, Comte had to change schools in 1816. There Comte’s new place to study mathematics and journalism. Comte also spent time reading philosophy and history books.
Comte was very interested in the study of human history. He made a friend, Henri de Saint Simon in Paris. A French social reformer and one of the founders of socialism.
Auguste Comte’s Way of Life
Auguste Comte and Saint Simon had the same thought. Even some articles of Comte were published by Saint Simon. Over time, Comte felt different views, especially regarding the point of view and scientific background.
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Finally the Comte decided not to cooperate with Saint Simon. In 1826 Comte began to introduce the science of positive philosophical systems.
Even in 1828 to 1829 Comte managed to publish positive philosophy in a book entitled Cours de Filsafatie Positive.
From 1832 to 1842 Comte was a teacher and examiner in several schools. But in his last years he got into a fight with the school and had to lose his job.
Comte married Caroline Massin in 1825 but the marriage ended in 1842. Comte’s life was then fully supported by his students in France.
Comte spent his time composing several other great works. He even completed his sociological formula.
His entire work emphasizes morality and moral progress as human knowledge and endeavor. At the same time provide an explanation of the government or political organization that is needed.
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His writings then spread widely throughout Europe. Many intellectuals later translated and published his work.
Auguste Comte died of cancer in 1857. In his environment, Comte was known for his stubborn and selfish personality.
But it is directly proportional to his passion for human welfare through his ideas. Auguste Comte tirelessly spread and introduced his ideas to increase public knowledge.
Comte’s thought For Comte, the development of human knowledge both individually and as a whole, through three ages.
Auguste Comte’s Version of Knowledge Development
Theological age
At this time, humans believe that behind natural phenomena there is a supernatural power that regulates the function and movement of these phenomena.
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Here people believe that they are on a higher level than ordinary human beings. The theological age is divided into three, namely animism, polytheism, and monotheism.
Metaphysical Age
In this era, humans are only the goal of shifting from the theological stage. The characteristic feature is that the power that was previously supernatural has turned into a power that has an abstract meaning and is integrated with nature.
Positive times
This positive era according to Comte as the highest era of human life. In this day and age, humans limit themselves in their investigations to the facts.
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On the basis of observation and using the ratio, humans try to establish relations or equations according to the order in which there are facts.
This is a brief profile of Auguste Comte, who is well-known as the father of modern sociology.