Biography of Ir. Soekarno : the Proclaimer of Indonesian Independence

Mudalovers must be familiar with Ir. Soekarno, the Indonesian National Hero who was the first president of the Republic of Indonesia. His struggles and services for the Indonesian nation are countless, in fact his greatness is not only famous domestically but internationally. That is why the biography of Ir. Soekarno is very interesting to discuss and know about for generations of Indonesian people.

The figure of Soekarno has a special place in Indonesian society and provides many role models for the nation. Soekarno put a lot of energy, thought and even his life at stake for Indonesia, from fighting colonialism to building this nation into what it is today. Soekarno became an important figure in Indonesian history whose services will always be remembered.

The following is a brief explanation of the biography of Ir. Soekarno is what Mudalovers needs to know as the nation’s generation so that they can learn positive values ​​from the proclaimer’s story.

Biodata Ir. Sukarno

Full name: Ir. Sukarno

Nickname: Bung Karno

First name: Kusno

Place, date of birth: Surabaya, June 6 1901


Wife Names: Fatmawati, Hartini, Ratna Sari Dewi, Kartini Manopo, Haryati, Yurike Sanger, and Heldy Djafar

Children’s Names: Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati, Guruh (from Fatmawati) Taufan, Bayu (from Hartini) Kartika (from Ratna Sari Dewi)

Education: HIS in Surabaya, Hogere Burger School (HBS), Technische Hoogeschool (THS) in Bandung

Died: Jakarta, 21 June 1970

Buried: Blitar, East Java

Personal Life of Ir. Sukarno

Ir. Soekarno or familiarly called Bung Karno was born on 6 June 1901 in Surabaya, East Java with his first name Kusno Sosrodihardjo and died on 21 June 1970 in Jakarta. Bung Karno is the son of Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Because he was sick, little Soekarno was cared for by his older brother Raden Hardjodikromo in Tulungagung. Soekarno returned to live with his father and mother in 1909 in Mojokerto.

It was in Mojokerto that his father was assigned as head of  the Eerste Inlandse School  and Soekarno also attended school there Since moving back with his parents, Soekarno changed his name from Kusno to Soekarno so that he would no longer be sickly and could grow up healthily. Since childhood, Soekarno has been an accomplished child and is even able to master many languages. That is why Soekarno’s intelligence was known to the world.

In 1911 Soekarno moved again to ELS which was equivalent to an elementary school which was specifically prepared to enter the Hogere Burger School (HBS) in Surabaya. In 1915 Soekarno finished his schooling at ELS and then lived at the house of his father’s friend, Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto or HOS Cokroaminoto, who was the founder of the Islamic Union. Since then, Soekarno noble became acquainted with the world of struggle which ultimately made him really want to fight for the Indonesian nation.

At the Cokroaminoto residence, young Soekarno began to study politics and practice a lot of speeches. It was there that Soekarno began to know and interact with great figures, such as Dr. Douwes Dekker, Tjipto Mangunkusumo, and Ki Hajar Dewantara. They were the leaders of the National Indies Partij organization at that time.

Studying at HBS gave Soekarno a lot of experience and lessons, until he finally graduated in 1921. After that Soekarno moved again, namely to Bandung and lived with Haji Sanusi to continue his education at the Technische Hooge School (THS) majoring in civil engineering or us. known now as the ITB campus. It was there that Soekarno received his engineering degree, graduating on May 25, 1926.

Soekarno graduated along with eighteen other elements right on ITB’s 61st Anniversary on July 3 1926. According to Prof. Jacob Clay, as head of the faculty on campus, expressed his pride because there were 3 Javanese engineers, namely Soekarno, Anwari, and Soetedjo, and engineering degrees from other regions.

During his lifetime, Soekarno married a number of women, namely Fatmawati, Hartini, Ratna Sari Dewi, Kartini Manopo, Haryati, Yurike Sanger, and Heldy Djafar. Due to his marriage, Soekarno was blessed with 11 children. In the end, some of Soekarno’s descendants also followed in their father’s footsteps in the world of Indonesian politics.

Namely his daughter, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who once served as the 5th president of the Republic of Indonesia, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, and Sukmawati Soekarnoputri. His first son with Fatmawati, Guntur Soekarnoputra, did not enter the world of politics like he and his younger sisters.

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Political Journey of Ir. Sukarno

Talking about Ir. Soekarno’s biography would be incomplete without discussing his extraordinary work in the world of politics. Ir. Soekarno even entered the world of politics from a very young age. Soekarno first became famous in 1915 when he was a member of the Surabaya Branch of Jong Java. According to Soekarno, most organizations in Indonesia are still Javanese centrists who only think about culture.

This is what made Soekarno need to answer this challenge. Because of his sadness, Soekarno also gave a speech using ngoko (rough Javanese) at the annual Jong Java plenary meeting in Surabaya. Not long after, after a month of the meeting, Soekarno came up with the idea of ​​making the Jong Java newspaper use Malay, not Dutch.

Soekarno then founded the Algemeene Studie (ASC) in Bandung in 1926 which was the result of inspiration from Dr. Soetomo at the Indonesische Studie Club. This ASC organization was the forerunner to the founding of a major party in Indonesia, the Indonesian National Party, which was born in 1927. It was thanks to being active in the PNI organization that Soekarno was arrested by the Dutch because he was considered a danger to the colonial government.

On December 29, 1929, Soekarno was arrested in Yogyakarta and transferred to Banceuy prison in Bandung. Then in 1930 he was transferred to Sukamiskin prison and in this year Soekarno issued a plea against Indonesia to sue which was phenomenal at that time until he was finally released on December 31, 1931. After being released from prison, in 1932 Soekarno joined the Indonesian Party (Partindo), which was still a splinter of the PNI. because at that time the PNI was disbanded and declared banned by the Dutch.

However, his activities in Partino again led to Folders being imprisoned in 1933 because his movements were dangerous for the Netherlands. Because his exile was so long and so far away, other Indonesian national figures almost forgot about Soekarno’s existence and involvement. This did not make him give up and Soekarno continued to send letters to Ahmad Hasan, an Islamic Unity Teacher.

In 1938 Soekarno was then exiled to Bengkulu Province until 1942. During the Japanese colonial period in 1942 Soekarno was released again. After a long journey, in 1943 the Japanese prime minister, Hideki Toja invited Sukarno, Muhammad Hatt, and Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo, whose presence was then warmly welcomed by Emperor Hirohito. The three of them were considered members of the Japanese imperial family by being given the Imperial Star (Holy Diamond).

Since the Japanese colonial period, many organizations have emerged, such as Java Hokokai, BPUPKI, People’s Power Center (Putera) to PPKI with the main figures namely Soekarno, KH Mas Mansyur, Ki. Hajar Dewantara, and other figures who are active in national movement organizations. Finally, the figures of the national movement bought clenbuterol collaborated with the Japanese government for Indonesian independence. Although there were still those who carried out underground movements, such as Amir Sjarifuddin and Sutan Syahrir, who did not fully believe in Japan and considered them dangerous and fascist.

During the long struggle, finally Soekarno and Moh. Hatta proclaimed the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17 1945, which was pressured by young people and was kidnapped to Rengasdengklok. Since then, Soekarno was appointed as the first President of Indonesia and became known as the Proclaimer, accompanied by Mohammad Hatta as his deputy. Previously, on June 1 1945, at the BPUPKI session, Soekarno had put forward the idea of ​​the basis of the State, namely Pancasila, which is still the basis of our State.

After successfully formulating Pancasila, Soekarno attempted to unite the archipelago into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Even the nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America were also attempted by Soekarno at the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung until it finally developed into the Non-Aligned Movement. It was thanks to Soekarno’s services that many countries in the Asia and Africa region were successful, although there were also prolonged conflicts due to injustice in their countries. That is why Soekarno is known for carrying out free and active politics in the international world.

Due to the success of his struggle for Indonesia, Ir Soekarno also experienced a period of decline in his politics after Vice President Mohammad Hatta finally decided to resign and separate from Soekrano in 1956. Apart from that, there were also many separatist rebellions that occurred in several regions in Indonesia. Based on historical records, the peak of the rebellion was the rebellion known as G30S PKI which devastated Indonesian society at that time.

Because of this incident, Soekarno was ostracized by the president who replaced him, namely Suharto. Because of his old age and frequent illnesses, Soekarno finally died in Jakarta, specifically Wisma Yaso on June 21 1970. Then his body was buried in Blitar and has become an icon of the city of Blitar to this day. Soekarno’s grave is always busy with pilgrims and tourists who come on certain days and is very busy during the Proclamator’s haul.

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Relics of Ir.’s Personal Belongings. Sukarno

The passing of this figure who was once the number one person in Indonesia left behind many historical items in his struggle for the Indonesian nation. Until now, Mudalovers can still see the items left by Ir. Soekarno in several famous museums in Indonesia:

1. Black cap

In historical documents, we are certainly familiar with Soekarno, who always wore a black cap. This item has even become Bung Karno’s trademark. Until now, we can still find many people who still use this black peci. In fact, it was almost rare to see Soekarno without his black cap at that time.

2. Yellow Wesi

Soekarno’s yellow wesi or yellow iron was shaped like Minak Jinggo’s mace. This item was considered to have supernatural powers for Soekarno.

3. Command Stick

This command staff, made from wood from the Kalak mountains, Ponorogo, East Java, was never lost or abandoned by Soekarno. Even during his visits abroad, Soekarno still carried this stick. This stick has become an item that Soekarno must carry everywhere

4. Keris from the Puputan War

Soekarno was very fond of collecting various kinds of keris, one of his collections was the very famous puputan war keris. Many people even believe that this keris made Soekarno become president of Indonesia.

5. Monkey Stick

The monkey stick owned by Ir. Soekarno was found when he was in Dutch exile. Soekarno often carried this stick in his daily activities.

6. White Coat

The white coat was clothing that Soekarno often wore at several national events at home and abroad. In fact, this item has become the Proclaimer’s unique identity. This white coat can make Soekarno’s appearance more dignified and bring a positive aura to him.

7. Ajian Lembu Sekilan

This item belonging to Soekarno is said to be a spell from Patih Gajah Mada who had supernatural powers to maintain Soekarno’s safety.

8. Keris Loses Body

This powerful keris, which was known to be owned by General Sudirman, was also owned by Sukarno. This keris was also considered to have certain supernatural powers for Soekarno during his lifetime.

Award Received by Ir Soekarno

Mudalovers need to know that Soekarno’s greatness was not only domestic but also recognized worldwide. During his lifetime, Soekarno received many awards from Honoris Causa Doctorate degrees from 26 universities at home and abroad. Soekarno received many awards during his work in the world of politics, especially his struggle for statehood. The following is a list of awards that Soekarno had during his lifetime that Mudalovers needs to know:

  1. First Class Star of The Order of the Supreme Companions of South African President, Thabo Mbeki
  2. Lenin Star From the Russian Government
  3. Grand Yugoslav Star From the Yugoslav Government
  4. Grand Of The Order Of The Southern Cross From The Government Of Brazillia
  5. Grand Knight of the Order If Oats IX of the Holy See Vatican
  6. Satyalancana Pioneers Independence from the Indonesian Government
  7. White Lion Medal From Czechoslovakia
  8. The Gold Medal Of The Consecration From The Holy See Vatican
  9. Collar Of The Order Of San Martin From The Government Of Argentina
  10. Medal Of The Order Of The Golden Spur From The Holy See Vatican
  11. The Medal Of The Highest Order From The Australian Government
  12. Philippine Legion of Honor From the Government of the Philippines
  13. Medal of Resistance, First Class From the Government of North Vietnam
  14. Order of The Condor of the Andes From the Government of Bolivia
  15. Sewindu Star of the Indonesian Armed Forces (APRI) from the Indonesian Government in 1959
  16. Star of the Republic of Indonesia Adipura from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  17. Guerrilla Star from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  18. Star Mahaputera Adipura from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  19. Main Bhayangkara Star from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  20. Star Sakti from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  21. Garuda Star from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  22. Bintang Dharma from the Republic of Indonesia in 1959
  23. Main Service Star of the Republic of Indonesia in 1963
  24. Proclaiming Hero of the Republic of Indonesia in 1983
  25. Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum From the Government of Japan in 1961
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So, that’s the biography of Ir. Soekarno is what Mudalovers needs to know as the young generation of the Indonesian nation. The best way to appreciate the services of national heroes is to recognize and study the history of their struggle. The story of Ir.’s struggle. Soekarno for the Indonesian nation taught us a lesson about how valuable this nation is for us to protect.

Mudalovers can take many positive values ​​from Ir. Soekarno’s biography as a person who was idealistic, thoughtful, brave, and persistent in not giving up easily. Soekarno has also made a major contribution to the development of the Indonesian nation to become the country it is today.