Definition of Innovation: Benefits, Forms and Examples

In life, of course we want something that develops. Because life is stagnant and that’s all it will be boring. Therefore, there are times when we need something new and challenging.

We can call something new with innovation. In life, there are many innovations that can be applied.

Whether in terms of education, business, society, or in other fields. Innovation will be needed in order to obtain something new and better.

If you want to learn more about the notion of innovation, then this article will explain about it. So, watch the article until it’s finished so you can get insight into what innovation is.

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The Definition of Innovation According to Several Figures

Innovation is something new and does not exist in general. This innovation itself is synonymous with young people. Because the young soul still has a lot of energy and thoughts.

That way, many new and unique things were born from the youth. Nowadays these young people are better known as the millennial generation. The definition of innovation according to some experts is as follows:

1. According to Nurdin (2016)

The definition of innovation according to Nurdin is something new, which is introduced and carried out by new practices or processes (both goods and services) or it can also be something new but adopted from other organizations.

2. According to Sa’ud (2014)

Then according to Sa’ud, innovation is a creative choice, arrangement, as well as a set of humans with new material sources, and also using unique ways to produce improvements to the achievements that have been the previous goal.

3. Kuniyoshi Urabe

According to Kuniyoshi Urabe, innovation is not defined as a one-time phenomenon, but something that requires a long and cumulative process. Among them is the decision-making process by members of the organization, starting from finding ideas or ideas to marketing targets.

4. They Come, Andrew H.

According to Van de Ven, Andrew H, innovation is the development as well as the implementation of new ideas that are carried out by someone within a certain period of time with certain transaction activities within the organization.

5. Stephen Robbins

Furthermore, according to Stephen innovation is a new idea or idea which is applied to initiate and update a product, process, or service that has existed before.

6. Everett M Rogers

Then according to Rogers, the notion of innovation is ideas, motorcycle taxis, ideas, and practices that are based on and accepted as something new, either by a person or group to be applied or adopted.

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What Are the Characteristics of Innovation?

There are several characteristics of the existence of innovation, including:

1. New

The first characteristic of innovation is novelty. Because everything created because of this innovation is something that did not exist before, or is perfecting what already exists. This new concept was created from a hard thought on the maximum utilization of existing natural resources without reducing their function and role.

New innovation also means that the idea has never been used by anyone. Even though it already existed, it means it was adopted because it was suitable as a solution.

2. Planned

An innovation will be planned in accordance with the desired conditions. This is important because it will affect the future. Because it is done deliberately, innovation is carried out with a process and preparation that is mature, clear, and has been seriously planned, so that the process is not rushed. Without planning, of course everything can lead to disappointment.

3. Typical

The third characteristic of innovation is distinctive. As something new, innovation will have its own characteristics. Even though it is the result of adoption, there must be a uniqueness that emerges. By implementing it in a new place, innovation will create its own uniqueness, even though it starts with adoption.

4. Have a clear purpose

Finally, the hallmark of innovation is the existence of clear goals. Based on clear knowledge, there will be certain objects that are studied and want to be developed. That way, the direction and goals of innovation are clear beforehand. Without a clear object, innovation can be misdirected and not implemented properly. It may even fail to implement.

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Innovation Benefits

As something that is developed and made new, innovation has benefits as well as goals. As the definition of innovation has been explained above, innovation is an idea or idea that requires a process in its realization. That way, goals also characterize an innovation. So, here are some of the benefits that come from innovation:

1. Provide solutions to solve problems

One of the benefits of innovation is being able to solve problems. Something new can replace old things that are full of problems. The presence of new ideas and ideas makes every existing problem can be solved properly.

Especially with regard to product issues, if there are old products that can no longer be marketed, innovation must be carried out in order to attract people’s interest in these products on the market again.

2. Increase one’s productivity

By thinking of new ideas and ideas, it means that someone will take the time to use his brilliant mind. Not only thoughts, but innovation will also grow when someone conducts an experiment or research.

So by innovating, it means that the person has also used the time to remain productive at work and work. And this can also be done by many people, be it bosses, employees, students or lecturers.

3. Increase toughness

Someone who innovates tends to have the ability to utilize the intelligence they have. That is, he is also tough, because to produce an innovation, the person must adapt to new problems and think about solving these problems.

4. Can produce something unique

Innovation can produce or even create unique and quality things. Especially people who have innovations are classified as quality people. Moreover, when the innovation he makes is successfully realized, it means he can produce something new and different from what already exists.

That was the benefit of innovation. Of course innovation will also be useful for someone in improving their quality. Because innovation is born from ideas and brilliant ideas from the results of someone’s thoughts and experiments.

Innovation Goals

Then what is the purpose of doing innovation? Here’s the answer:

1. Improve quality

The main purpose of innovation is to improve the quality of something, be it a product or service. Innovations that come with new ideas and ideas are expected to be able to make a product or service much more valuable and of higher quality than before.

2. Widen the network

With its novelty, it is hoped that a product or service can reach more markets. Innovation is also expected to be able to widen the business wings of a business. Like e-commerce businesses that are increasingly growing today. The range of innovative products will of course also be wider, because people like something new.

3. Can create new markets

Innovation on the results of a product or service, will be able to provide opportunities to open new markets. Opportunities for unique and interesting things, especially those that have never existed before, are certainly wide open.

4. Become a substitute for the previous product

With innovation, existing products can be replaced with new ones. Moreover, if the previous product or service was not effective and efficient, innovation can be born to make the product or service even better than before.

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Forms of Innovation and Examples

Until now, of course there have been very many innovations in various fields. Both in the fields of technology, education, economics, and various other types of fields. Innovations that are present provide fresh air for everyone, because their presence can be a solution to various deficiencies that existed before.

Innovations born from new ideas are also often the solution to existing problems. The following are forms of innovation as well as examples:

1. Technology Innovation

The first form of innovation is innovation in technology. Where this innovation was born to provide convenience for humans in carrying out various daily activities.

The most rapidly growing innovation in the field of technology is social media. In the past, social media could be enjoyed very limitedly, but now its development is very rapid.

With the onslaught of globalization and the inventions of experts, social media comes with features that greatly facilitate communication between people. Like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Youtube and other social media. Now everyone can connect either through audio or audio visual with various people from far away.

2. Transportation Innovation

Second, there are innovations in the field of transportation. Where the means of transportation are now easier to find. In addition to product innovations, such as the introduction of electric cars and motorcycles, as well as those that are environmentally friendly because they do not require gasoline, there are many other innovations. Transportation services have also changed for the better.

If in the past it was difficult for people to travel quickly because they had to wait for other passengers, now there are online motorcycle taxis that can be ordered privately.

In fact, the development of online motorbike taxis is also very rapid, even reaching the grab car order which is much easier to do. These online motorcycle taxis and grab cars are examples of innovation that are present as a solution in the midst of transportation problems experienced by the community. So do not be surprised if the community welcomes it with enthusiasm.

3. Educational Innovation

In the world of education, innovation also plays a role. One of them can be seen from the inclusion of the anti-corruption curriculum in schools.

This is of course preceded by rampant corruption practices in Indonesia. With massive education through anti-corruption learning in schools, it is hoped that corruption that occurs can be reduced. The new curriculum is the result of collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Culture and the KPK.

4. Public Service Innovation

Furthermore, there are innovations in the field of public services. There are many public services that are now easier to do since there have been innovations in various fields. Like services that previously could only be done manually, now they can be done online.

The emergence of technology provides opportunities for various public services to be carried out easily. Various services that require transactions can also be carried out without coming directly to the public service office. This has changed the public’s view of bureaucracy, which has been seen as a frightening scourge.

5. Health Innovation

Furthermore, there are innovations in the health sector. In this field there are many things that can be done. Many new discoveries that can improve public health. One of them is when the corona virus becomes a pandemic. The Peduli Protect application was created which aims to detect someone’s journey so that when there is an indication of Covid, their whereabouts can be immediately known.

6. Crowdfunding innovation

Innovation in the field of Crowdfunding is one of the innovations engaged in the social sector. This innovation provides services in the form of appeals for funds directly to the public. An example is when someone joins a charity organization, such as an abandoned stray cat rescue organization.

In building an organization, of course, a lot of funds are needed. Moreover, to maintain wild cats, which are not small in number. So these organizations can open donations or charities through various platforms such as, NUcare, and other digital platforms to get fundraising from donors out there. So, the part of fundraising that can be done online is a new innovation that is very useful for many people.

7. Government Innovation

At number seven there is innovation in the field of government. There are many new ideas and ideas raised in running the government. Especially innovations that arise from various societal problems. The government certainly faces many challenges to resolve thousands of complaints and problems experienced by its people.

Therefore, new thinking is needed to overcome these various things. But of course there will be gaps for the public to disagree with new innovations from the government. For example, in the policy for making NPWP and SIM extension which can be done online.

It turned out that this actually gave birth to very convoluted rules and procedures. So when you want to implement an innovation in the field of government, it must be done carefully and requires quite a long process.

8. Entrepreneurial Innovation

Furthermore, there are innovations in the field of entrepreneurship. Well, in this field there are many types of innovation. Starting from food product innovation, clothing, boards, and various other products. In the field of entrepreneurship, the community has a wide opportunity to be able to produce more interesting and unique innovations from existing products.

In the culinary or food business, for example, old types of snacks, if remade with innovations that taste much better, will certainly sell well in the market. Especially now that a lot of old food is being sold on the side of the road.

This will certainly make people want to return to nostalgia with past snacks that are now rarely found. For example, like egg rolls, puthu cakes, leker, and so on. In addition to old snacks, there are also many innovations in food products with instant packaging.

Where people can make it at home when they want without queuing to buy it. An example is instant aci meatballs, instant noodles, and various types of frozen food which are very easy to store. These foods are also durable and can be stored back in the refrigerator or freezer to be cooked again at a later time.