Democratic Political System, Definition, Kinds and Characteristics

Mudabicara.com_ An American political scientist named Francis Fukuyama wrote a book called The End of History and The Last Man. This book shocked political scientists with the conclusion that the end of world history was in a liberal democratic system.

As a scientist who is aware of historical evolution, Fukuyama’s surprising conclusion is based on careful analysis. For Fukuyama after the Cold War only capitalism and the liberal democratic system remained strong. It was that which convinced him that the end of the evolution of human ideology and the world’s political system was liberal democracy and capitalism.

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Moreover, based on historical records , democratic government systems and capitalism are systems that are widely adopted by many countries in the world rather than the forms of government of communism, monarchy and even fascism.

But what exactly is the meaning of a democratic system? What is its history? How many kinds of democracy are there? and what are its characteristics? This time, mudabicara will discuss about the democratic political system , its meaning, types and characteristics. For more, see our review below:

Overview of the Definition of a Democratic System

The democratic system literally means government by the people. The term democracy comes from the Greek demokratia which appeared in the mid-5th century BC to denote the political system that existed in several Greek city-states, most notably Athens.

Democracy itself is etymologically derived from the Greek Demos which means people and Kratos which means government. In terminology, a democratic system is a government system that openly involves the community, in other words, government of the people, by the people, for the people.

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As a system of government, democracy provides full space for citizens to participate in determining government policies and decisions.

In the modern era, the democratic system is the only political system that is most widely adopted. This proves that the democratic system is the most suitable system of government for modern society.

A Brief History of the Democratic System

Then the real basic question is when did the democratic system actually exist? and how the development of this democratic system?

Yes, the democratic system was first used by Cleisthenes, an Athenian leader in 507 BC. Historical records reveal that Greece has used a people’s government system or democracy for almost two centuries.

But what needs to be emphasized at that time, of course, was that Greece was not a state in the modern sense of the word. At that time Greece consisted of a collection of several hundred independent city-states with rural areas.

With such a geographical reality, the most appropriate government association for the Greek system of government at that time was a democratic system of government or the people.

In the 10th century, European countries were actually still experiencing feudalism and church intervention, where the government was only controlled by the oligarchs who had wealth.

Civil liberties were just an illusion, until in the end a collective consciousness emerged of the European people to get out of the grip of the feudal system of government.

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The Magna Carta phenomenon became the initial foundation for European society, especially Britain, to find civil liberties as well as the seeds of democracy. This phenomenon places limits on the monarchy in England regarding their absolute power.

Although until the Middle Ages, the face of medieval Europe was not yet out of the trap of feudalism. Besides political rights only belong to some people, it turns out that politics is only allowed for men.

European Democracy Turning Point

The turning point in Europe experienced democracy after the figure of Pasquale Paoli declared the Republic of Corsica in the 18th century. The Republic of Corsica was the first country to adopt a constitution based on the Enlightenment.

In his government Pasquale Paoli gave voting rights and political rights to women. Unfortunately the Republic of Corsica did not last long after France took over the system of government as well as the country.

History records that after World War 1 and World War 2 the democratic system was growing. For example, Germany, which implements a fascist system, becomes a common enemy for countries that adhere to a democratic system. Germany is the only country that has lost two world wars.

Democracy found its golden point after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall, which in fact embraced communism and fascism.

After the cold war, the world countries were divided into two blocks, namely the western block which adopted democracy and the eastern block which adopted communism. Since the collapse of the eastern block, it has found a straight path as the only winning system.

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So it is not surprising if Fukuyama declared liberal democracy and capitalism to be the end of the evolution of ideology and government systems. For him, only a democratic system can accommodate freedom, recognition of human dignity and fundamental desires.

Definition of the democratic system according to the experts 

1. Aristotle

An early philosopher Aristotle defined democracy as freedom. For him, only through freedom can people or citizens share power within a country.

2. Montesquieu

An enlightened political expert Montesquieu introduced the concept of the theory of power sharing. Power in a country is divided into three parts, namely executive, legislative and judicial.

The executive is a person who has the power to implement laws and regulations, such as the president or prime minister. The legislature is the person with the power to make laws, such as the House of Representatives.

And lastly, the judiciary is a judicial institution that has the power to try the implementers of laws such as the Supreme Court. These three institutions stand alone without any intervention from other institutions.

3. Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people. In principle, democracy is the people.

4. C.F. Strong

According to CF Strong, democracy is a system of government based on a representative system. The government will guarantee responsibility for every policy and decision. In addition, in a democratic system every citizen who has reached the age limit of adulthood can participate in politics

5. Joseph A. Schemer

Democracy is a government that has an institutional plan to reach political decisions. Every citizen has the right to get power based on the majority vote of the people.

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6. Philippe C. Schmitter and Terry Lynn Karl

Democracy is a system of government in which the leader is responsible for a policy or decision to the state in accordance with its territory. In a democratic system, citizens cooperate indirectly with their representatives.

7. John L Esposito

John L Esposito democracy is a system of government that clearly separates the executive, legislature, and judiciary.

In addition, the democratic system provides full space for citizens to be able to participate and be actively involved in policy-making as well as being an overseer of the policies issued.

8. Sidney Hook

Sidney Hook An American philosopher defines democracy as a form of government in which all decisions are based on the majority vote of the people without coercion.

9. Haris Soche

Democracy is a form of government based on the people. Therefore, the people have the ability to defend, regulate and protect themselves looking for threats from other people or the government agency itself.

10. Henry B. Mayo

Democracy is a system of government whose power is obtained from conscious elections as well as political freedom. In this system, public policies are based on people’s representatives who are then supervised by the people.

10. Affan Ghaffar

Afffan Gaffar defines democracy as a state goal that is ideally realized as well as democracy is a manifestation of world politics.

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Types of Democratic Political Systems

In a democratic system of freedom of expression, the rule of law and equality is the main fuel and is upheld. This system upholds the sovereignty of the people regardless of background. Below is an explanation of the various democratic systems that you need to know:

1. Direct Democracy

Direct democracy is a democratic system that requires high political participation from citizens. While citizens have the right to participate in deliberations and policy-making, direct democracy does not have a parliamentary assembly or representation.

For example, the government wants to ratify a policy or regulation, then citizens will provide an opinion poll as well as determine how the policies and regulations will be issued.

2. Indirect Democracy

Indirect democracy is a democratic system that is implemented through a representative system. This democratic system makes citizens have the effort to choose who has the right to represent them in parliament. With this freedom, citizens have the opportunity to voice their aspirations as well as accommodate the political voting rights of minority communities.

The indirect democratic system is present as a solution for an area that is too wide, with a large population as well as increasingly complicated problems.

3. Parliamentary Democracy

Parliamentary democracy is a democracy that provides space for parliament to regulate and carry out state duties. In a parliamentary system, the Prime Minister in his state duties is responsible to the parliament.

Because parliament has the right to elect and dismiss the government. In a parliamentary democratic system, the executive and legislative bodies have an interdependent relationship with one another.

5. Presidential Democracy

Presidential democracy is the most widely adapted democracy by countries in the world. In this system the highest power is held by the president and the prime minister as well as the president is directly elected by the people.

The president is the highest leader but the president is not responsible to the legislature and at the same time cannot dissolve the legislature.

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4. Pancasila Democracy

The term Pancasila Democracy is only known in Indonesia. Democracy based on popular values ​​led by wisdom in deliberation/representation.

As we know Pancasila as the basis of the state is the result of a common consensus whose values ​​must be internalized in the form of the behavior of its citizens.

To be Indonesia is to be a human being who believes in God, has a just and civilized humanity, unites Indonesia and continues to try to create social justice for all Indonesian people.

6. Liberal Democracy

Liberal democracy is a democracy that guarantees individual freedom but this freedom must be in accordance with constitutional corridors.

So according to political experts, liberal democracy is the same as institutional democracy. The government’s decision is a representation of the needs of the majority of the people.

The government in a liberal democratic system will protect individual rights as long as it does not go out of the corridor of constitutional law.

Characteristics of a Democratic Political System

1. Policy Based on People’s Aspiration.

In a democratic system, citizens have the right to express opinions in order to provide advice and input in policy making. Policies or decisions in a democratic system of course heed the voice of the majority of the people.

This is so that all interests are accommodated and there are no personal or group interests. In addition, it aims to prevent corruption.

2. General Election 

In a democracy, there must be elections. In addition to the arena to find a new government, general elections are evidence of community involvement in determining leaders.

3. House of Representatives 

The House of Representatives is the people who are elected as representatives of the people in the general election. The task of the House of Representatives is to be an extension of the interests of the people who elect it.

4. Upholding the Rule of Law

As a democratic system that gives freedom to citizens, democracy must uphold the rule of law. This means that all forms of community activity will get freedom as long as it does not violate the rule of law and the law becomes the initial foundation in carrying out social actions.

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5. Political Parties

In a democratic system, political parties are a medium to gain power. Every individual has equal opportunity in politics. I don’t know if I want to be President or People’s Representative.

However, the prerequisites for achieving this must all be through political parties. Political parties are a kind of vehicle to accommodate people’s aspirations as well as control functions against the legitimate government.

6. Have the Law

The law means the rules of the game in government. Freedom in a democratic system means freedom is bound because citizens must have freedom but without disturbing the freedom of other individuals.