Easy Ways to Make Project Receipts

Have you ever heard of receipts? Receipts are one of the papers that are commonly found when we make a transaction. This project receipt is a proof of transaction, where it can be used to prepare a financial report.

However, what are the types of receipts, or their full meaning. Maybe some of you are still not familiar. Therefore, here I will discuss about project receipts in full. So, consider the following explanation to better understand what a project receipt is.

Definition of Project Receipt

Project receipt is a document that serves as proof of payment or also as proof of receipt of funds. This project receipt  is actually the same thing as a regular receipt, it’s just that on a regular receipt it can be used for many general receipts.

Usually, this receipt is issued and also signed by the receiving party. Where it will then be submitted to the party giving the money or paying for a proof.

The existence of a project receipt document can simplify the process of bookkeeping. The bookkeeping process in recording cash flows both incoming and outgoing. Project receipts have the same structure as regular receipts, although with a different name.

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This project receipt will include information from the company’s header, the receipt number, the name of the money giver, the nominal amount of money both numbers and letters, an explanation of the purpose of payment, the location of payment or receipt of money and the date of payment or receipt of the money, and lastly is the signature and also the full name of the recipient.

To be able to ensure that a project receipt has strong legal force in court. If only if there is a dispute or other problems. You can attach a stamp and then on the stamp, both parties will sign proof of receipt.

Characteristics of Project Receipt

After discussing the meaning of Project Receipts, now is the time to discuss the characteristics of Receipts. Regular receipts and project receipts have the same characteristics. Where there are at least three general characteristics that you need to understand. This is of course so that you can use the proof sheet from

Receipt of this Project easily and correctly. These characteristics are as follows:

  • This sheet of proof of project receipt is divided into two parts. Where in the Project Receipt section it is divided into sub-right and left. Both parties, either the seller or the buyer, will receive a part of the proof of payment or Receipt of this Project, Sub right is the part with smaller print. This section is for the seller as a proof of payment, and the Project Receipt on the sub left is for giving to the buyer.
  • The preparation of this project receipt is in two copies, with the upper or original yqi project receipt for the paying party. Meanwhile, the Project Receipt at the bottom or the file is for the party receiving the amount of money.
  • Both parties, both the seller and the buyer, will include complete information about the product, the nominal amount of money to be paid, the address and also the date of purchase of the goods, as well as the name and signature of the seller as valid proof that the two parties have completed a payment transactions.

Types of Project Receipts Based on Their Use

Receipt This project actually has various types. The type of Project Receipt is also in accordance with their respective uses. Here, I will discuss five kinds of project receipts, which include:

1. Project receipt for proof of payment

In principle, project receipts or other receipts have a function as proof of payment. In using this type of Project Receipt, we usually get it when we buy and sell.

Proof of this payment can be in the form of an installment or also a full payment and can be made by  online payment . The project receipt as a receipt will usually also explain the amount of money to make the payment and also some other information from the payer.

2. Project Receipt for product transactions

The project receipt used for this product transaction will provide information related to the item to be purchased by the customer. This transaction sign will also include about some information.

The information that will be included in the project receipt for this product transaction is such as the complete serial number with the item, the type of item in the transaction, the address of the customer, and also the price of the item in the transaction.

3. Receipt for money transfer

This type of project receipt is generally only used by the banking industry. In a proof of payment such as a money transfer, there will be several characteristics. Where in the proof of receipt there will be the account number of the recipient clearly stated on the receipt.

4. Project receipts for cash receipts

This type of Receipt Project Receipt will explain about deposits as well as withdrawals.

Where the Receipt of this Project will contain both deposit and withdrawal transactions, which is what is sent as a financial proof at the next review. Kw

5. Project Receipt for handover of money

Project receipts for cash transfers are one of the most common types of receipts and are also the most commonly used.

When using a type of money handover Project Receipt, you must be able to state the amount of money sent either to a person, institution, or to a company.

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How to Make a Project Receipt

In making a project receipt, of course, there will be some important details that must be on the receipt so that it can make it look more professional. The logo and signature of the company are the two most important aspects.

Why is that? This is because these two things are evidence so that the ownership of the project receipt is clearer.

Apart from these two things, other aspects to consider are as follows:

  • Number of Receipt: this will usually be in the form of writing letters and also the alphabet according to the wishes of the seller. This is used to distinguish between one project receipt and another.
  • A Name: This will indicate to whom the receipt of the transaction made will be issued.
  • Type of Product: Specifically on a project receipt for product payment, the type and quantity of goods sold must be stated. This is of course to provide a more detailed explanation.
  • Total transaction price: This is a total price that must be paid by the buyer in the transaction.
  • A stamp duty: In some types of project receipts, they will use a stamp duty as one of the factors that will make the proof of receipt valid.

Apart from the manual way, the current Project receipts can also be made digitally. Making project receipts digitally can be done with an  invoice application.

Where by using this application, of course the process of making project receipts will be done more easily and save time and energy.

Components of Making a Receipt of Payment

In making Project Receipts used for payments, of course there will be several components that must be properly considered. To find out what components are, here is the list:

1. Receipt Number

Number for Project receipts that serves as a differentiator from other types of receipts. In addition, usually this number will use a letter or number format as described earlier.

This of course will adjust from the conditions or habits of the seller. Here, you should be able to write down the number clearly so that there are no mistakes that will make it difficult one day, when you want to re-check.

2. Identity of Receipt Giver and Recipient

Column used to write the full name of both the giver and the recipient side of the transaction.

3. Nominal Money

Column used to write down the nominal amount of money received or also given. In this column, write down the nominal value of the money, for example Rp. 2,000,000.-

4. Transaction Time

Column used to write down the time of transaction execution.

5. Purpose of Transaction

Column used to clarify the type of transaction that is currently in progress. In this column, clearly state the purpose of the transaction.

Examples are: Repayment of the purchase of a motorbike or maybe repayment of a down payment for the purchase of a TV.

6. Signature

Column used to affix the signature and full name of the giver. If you also use a stamp in each transaction, the signature must be near the stamp.

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How to Use a Receipt

The next thing that will be discussed is how to use a project receipt. After learning about the meaning of receipts, how to make receipts, as well as several other things that are in a receipt from proof of transaction and its components.

What you need to know next is about how to use a receipt from this transaction hill. This is of course because this document will be very public if it is used by the public.

Apart from that, you also need to know how to use the receipt so that this receipt document is not misused. Here’s how to use it:

  • Prepare a blank for the receipt and also a carbon paper as a copier when you write down the contents of this transaction receipt.
  • Fill in the transaction receipts using the right writing instruments, for example, a pen or ballpoint pen. Do not use a writing tool such as a pencil or marker, this is because the pencil is too thin and can be erased, whereas if the marker is too thick it cannot be read clearly. It is also endeavored to write on proof of transactions or receipts so that they are not too big or too small. It is very important to write down a proof of transaction or receipt in writing that can be read clearly and neatly to make it easier for people who will read it.
  • Fill in all data from this Payment Receipt as required in full.

How to Use Stamps When Making Transactions

After learning about a number of things about receipts including how to use them, then you also have to know about how to use stamp duty. Stamp duty, of course, is no stranger to knowing. The use of this stamp is also very important and as important as the receipt itself.

This is because in several types of transactions, to make a transaction proof or receipt has a strong value in the eyes of the law. The use of a stamp duty can also be done online through an electronic stamp duty. In its use, there are several uses of stamp duty that can be issued by the Ministry of Finance. Some of the uses of these materials are as follows:

  1. If a transaction made by a party or is currently in progress has a nominal price of under Rp. 250,000, a stamp duty is not required.
  2. If a transaction that is being carried out by a party or is currently in progress, has a nominal value above the price or around the price range of Rp. 250,000 to a price of around Rp. 1 million, then the proof of transaction or receipt will use a 3000 stamp duty.
  3. If a transaction that is carried out or is taking place has a nominal price of over one million rupiah, then a 6000 stamp duty must be used in the receipt or proof of the transaction.
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Understand the Differences of Receipts, Invoices, and Notes

After discussing Receipts, it feels incomplete if you don’t discuss some of the brothers from this transaction proof. There are also several documents that are used as proof of the transaction process. Some of these documents include notes and invoices.

1. Receipt

As explained in full before above, this document, namely a receipt, is a document that has a function as proof of payment or for receiving funds.

Several parties involved in this transaction, namely between the payer and the recipient of the funds, will include complete information about the product, the amount of money given, the address and also the date of purchase, as well as the name and signature of the seller as proof. valid that both parties have indeed completed a payment transaction.

To make the legality of this receipt much stronger, you must provide a stamp. On these stamps, both parties or parties from the recipient must be willing to sign documents from the evidence.

In this Receipt will also be required a receipt number to distinguish receipts from one another and can also be sorted according to the time of the transaction was made.

2. Invoice

Invoice is a type of transaction document used to track a sales transaction. This invoice document will usually be made by the seller consisting of three copies. Meanwhile, the invoice for the first sheet will be sent to the buyer.

Then the seller will save the sheet of the second invoice for billing purposes. Meanwhile, invoices for the third sheet will be stored in an invoice book. You can also monitor the process of this sale by using  the invoice application.

3. Nota

Next, the third and last is  notes . A memorandum document is conceptually similar to an invoice. Both of these documents are made by the seller. However, for this memorandum document it is sufficient to consist of two copies. Where the buyer will receive the first note, and the seller will keep the second sheet.

Actually, in principle, this receipt serves as proof of payment. If you are a party carrying out a transaction, then you should ask for proof of a transaction in the form of a receipt to prevent potential crime.

In addition, transaction activities in a company that are so complex sometimes also make the activity of making these receipts very massive. You can manage company financial management through  accounting software  automatically, easily and quickly.