Mudabicara.com_ The reality of the universe is the leading theory of Anaxagoras. He is one of the classical philosophers with a pluralism school of thought. Anaxagoras thought about the theory of the reality of the universe became one of the popular thoughts among scientists.
This is because Anaxagoras’s thoughts on the theory of the reality of the universe depart from several solid foundations and principles. Now! This time, mudabicara wants to review Anaxagoras and his thoughts on the theory of the universe. Check out the following reviews!
Biography of Anaxagoras
The city of Klazomenai, Lonia, Asia Minor is where Anaxagoras was born in 500 BC. Almost half of his life Anaxoras settled and lived in the city of Athens.
Anaxagoras thought began to grow and mature in the city of Athens. It was common knowledge that Greece, especially Athens, was the place of scientific civilization at that time. Anaxagoras breathed his last at the age of 72 in 480 BC.
While living in Athens, Anaxagoras befriended Pericles. He was a famous politician in Athens. In addition, Anaxagoras was also a contemporary of Empedocles and the early atomic philosophers, such as Leukippo and Democritus.
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Anaxagoras had a famous disciple named Euripides. He was a famous playwright in Greek literature and there is no doubt that Anaxagoras himself had written a book in prose. However, only a few fragments of his work are still preserved, and even then in the first part.
Anaxagoras’s thoughts were heavily influenced by the School of Miletus and Archelaus. So how did Anaxagoras think about the reality of the universe?
Anaxagoras’ Theory of Reality
The Components That Make Up the Universe
Talking about the universe doesn’t just exist. Rather, the universe exists and exists because there are several components that make it up.
Anaxagoras also said that the basic components that make up, make up the universe are not a single thing. The composition of the universe consists of several components in which are not the same magnitude.
If Empedocles said that the number of components that make up the universe there are only 4 substances. In contrast to Anaxagoras, he said the number of components that make up the universe is infinite. Anaxagoras called it the seeds (Spermata).
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Anaxagoras assumed the theory of the universe that every object or even the entire reality of the universe consists of a mixture of things. Where the mixture contains all the seeds in a certain amount.
Anaxagoras and His View of Man
For Anaxagoras, a human senses cannot absorb all the seeds that are already available on an object. But only the seed itself dominates.
From this explanation, Anaxagoras gives an example if humans see gold, then humans are able to recognize or detect and say that it is gold. The cause that is digested from the human senses is based on what seed is dominant in the golden seed.
However, in reality, in addition to gold seeds, things seen by the senses also contain copper, silver, iron, or other seeds.
However, these seeds are not dominant so they cannot be seen or captured by the human senses.
Anaxagoras’s view or analogy also occurs in the human body. In the human body there are also various kinds of elements or components that make it up. Such as flesh, bones, skin, blood, hair, heart, liver, and so on.
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Of the many elements that exist in the human body, they are mutually sustainable. This means that the growth and development of hair and nails does not just exist, but is also formed because of other elements that make it up.
According to Anaxagoras, of the many components that make up humans such as nails or hair, according to him, it cannot be separated from the content of the food that humans eat, such as fruits, vegetables, or meat.
If we have seen how Anaxagoras thought about the components of the universe, then how did Anaxagoras see the universe itself and How did Anaxagoras understand living things as inhabitants of the universe?
Anaxagoras’ Understanding of Living Beings
1. The Universe
Anaxagoras’ view of the universe is not much different from the views of earlier philosophers from Lonia, especially Anaximenes.
In this case Anaxagoras argues that the elements of the universe consist of glowing stones due to the high speed impact of the vortex of wind that moves the stones. The thing that is able to move the elements that make up the universe is called “Order”.
Talking about the power of order itself is ubiquitous and is also a very gentle form. This means that this power unites various elements to form the universe.
In other words, the power in question is the power of God. Although the context of God referred to here is not God which refers to the mystical-mythological tradition of Greek society, but God who covers the entire universe.
On the other side of the universe, Anaxagoras also touched on astronomy, in this case Anaxagoras was the first to express the theory of lunar eclipses and solar eclipses.
Even interestingly, Anaxagoras was also the first to say that the moon consists of mountains and valleys on its surface.
Anaxagoras also explained that the moon does not have its own light, but the moon gets its light from sunlight.
Anaxagoras’ view of astronomy was a remarkable achievement at that time. Considering that at that time there was no technology capable of observing celestial objects.
Anaxagoras’ astronomical thought was then the basis for later thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. Although in its development, Anaxagoras was accused of opposing the Greek gods.
2. Living Beings
Living things are complementary components of the universe as inhabitants of the universe. In Anaxagoras’ view of living things, he distinguished them from non-living things.
Talking about living things in Anaxagoras’ view cannot be separated from the concept of Nous. Where in the teachings of Nous distinguish between the spiritual and the physical.
Departing from this concept of Nous, Anaxagoras also gives the view that Nous is the most subtle element (leptos) and the purest (katharos) of all things that exist.
For Anaxagoras Nous indeed controls everything. But Nous is not present in non-living beings. Whereas in living beings there is Nous.
Interesting when talking about living things. Anaxagoras in his thoughts also alludes to human perception itself.
Where, humans are created when humans compare the opposite effects or qualities that an object has on the human senses.
As far as the development of Anaxagoras thought he did not pay much attention to ethical and religious issues. According to the book Bertrand Russell-History of Western Philosophy says that Anaxagoras was an atheist.
In addition, Anaxagoras was a follower of the same anaximism from Lonia. So from this, it makes sense that Anaxagoras in his thinking was more developed in the scientific tradition than the southern Italian or Sicilian philosophers who tended to be Spiritual.
In the history of Anaxagoras’ journey, the description of Atheis is an accusation from his enemies until he is threatened with death.
However, Anaxagoras finally survived thanks to his friend Pericles, he got out of prison and fled to the city of Lampsakos.
The importance of Anaxagoras lies in the historical factor because Anaxagoras was the first to bring the philosophical tradition to Athens and was ultimately influenced by the thoughts of the father of philosophy Socrates.