Mudabicara.com_ Sociology is a branch of social science that has an important role in social studies. As a science, sociology has existed since the French thinker Auguste Comte wrote a book entitled Course of Positive Philosophy. Comte is credited as the first person to introduce the term sociology.
Along with the development of the era of sociology is increasingly advanced as well as gave birth to many great figures. One of these great figures is Max Weber. Thanks to his thinking, sociology found the initial foundation of science so that Max Weber is called the father of modern sociology.
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Now! This time, Mudabicara wants to review one of the results of Max Weber’s thoughts, namely the sociological theory of religion. For more details, see the following reviews:
Getting to Know Max Weber’s Theories
Throughout his intellectual career Max Weber wrote many works such as The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , Basic Sociological Terms, Objectivity in Social Science and The Types of Legitimate Domination.
In his initial article entitled Basic Sociological Terms, Max Weber discussed the theory of social action . Social action theory is a theory that discusses the issue of the motives and behavior of an individual.
For Weber every social action has a subjective meaning both individually and in groups. On the other hand, Max Weber stated that the main goal of sociology is to understand and observe carefully the subjectivity of social action.
Social action theory is divided into four parts: First , affective action, this action is based on individual feelings. For example, people will be happy when they get a raise, cry when a disaster strikes, happy when they fall in love and so on.
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Second , traditional actions, these actions are based on traditions that have actually been carried out by the ancients. For example, people will provide lots of food and snacks or people will stay in touch with each other during Eid al-Fitr
Third , value rational action, this action is based on values and beliefs. For example, people will fast during the month of Ramadan.
Fourth , instrumental rational action, this action is based on rationality. For example, when conducting business transactions and buying and selling.
The Relation of Capitalism and Protestant Ethics with Sociological Theory of Religion
In his writings The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber explains the correlation of religion with the progress of capitalism. Weber found that there were factors of spiritual values in the development and progress of capitalism.
The adherents of the Calvinism sect in Protestantism believe that people who are saved in the afterlife are people who have wealth and a prosperous life in this world. It is on the basis of this spiritual spirit that calvinism people have a high work ethic to be part of the saved people.
The lifestyle of the adherents of Calvinism is very simple, even the results of their work are only used a small part for consumption. The other part will be accumulated as capital and invested to accumulate and increase wealth continuously.
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Max Weber’s analysis of the Protestant ethic is a major critique of mainstream deterministic Marxism. For Weber, not everything is true if the basis of capitalism’s change and progress is the economy and the relations of production. In fact, the adherents of Calvinism were a group of financiers who were influential in the development of European capitalism at that time.
Max Weber’s Theory of Sociology of Religion
In addition to providing the initial foundation for sociology, Max Weber’s view of the relation between religion and capitalism has become the starting point for the development of the sociology of religion.
Sociology of religion is the study of the influence of religion on society and vice versa the influence of society on religion. In other words, the sociology of religion is a science that studies the interactions that occur between religion and society.
In general, someone gets knowledge about religion through religious authorities or people closest to them. Usually this kind of religious knowledge will teach theological knowledge that will be accepted as it is without further questions. Normative theological science is certainly different from descriptive, analytical and critical social sciences.
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There are several writings by Max Weber on religion The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (19o5) , Collective Essay of Sociological of Religion (1920) and Sociology of Religion (1922). Weber considered religion to be a belief in supernatural powers that could not be explained scientifically.
Max Weber’s sociological view of religion cannot be separated from his sociological theory of social action theory which believes that every human action has a meaning and a motive. For Weber, religion is a way of looking at the world that motivates people to act.
This view is in contrast to the view of Marxism which rejects the role of religion in the change and progress of society. For Marxism, religion actually finds its low point when society has begun to modernize and think rationally.
For example, a prominent figure Karl Marx views religion as an obstacle to the development of capitalism and this is different from Max Weber’s view.
Weber considered religion to be the main fuel in social, economic and political development in the early stages of capitalism. Weber gave an example of the Protestant ethic of the Calvinist sect which has motivated its adherents to take social actions that gave birth to the spirit of capitalism.
The Fundamentals of Calvinism
Some of the main teachings of Calvinism include, first, only people who are chosen by God will get a happy life in this world. Second, live to work harder and be disciplined and all to exalt God.
Third, the teaching for practicing asceticism is to live frugally, simply, not to waste money and not for worldly pleasures.
For Weber, the spirit of capitalism is not just how to get money but a way of life related to ethics, duties and obligations. In this case, the Protestant ethic is actually an ethic that has helped the formation of modern capitalism.
The religious observance of the Calvinism led them to a high belief and work ethic. This means that time that is not used for work is part of a big sin.
The idea of Calvinism which gave birth to the spirit of capitalism is growing rapidly in Europe and even in North America. This proves that religion has an extraordinary role in social change in society.
There is a kind of religious spirit on the one hand and the spirit of being capital on the other. The teachings and meaning of religion about the world become the basis of the social actions of its adherents
Then how to use this exemplar of Max Weber’s theory in the context of today’s society. Take, for example, the issue of terrorism.
The act of terrorism is carried out because of the perspective that influences terror groups or perpetrators based on religious beliefs. The terrorists are able to do anything under the pretext of maintaining religious teachings even if they have to be killed.
The work of Max Weber makes a significant contribution in viewing the phenomenon of the development of capitalism, especially from a sociological perspective. In addition, his thoughts also influenced later figures such as Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu. The Protestant ethic is one of the embryos of the birth of modern capitalism.