The term human resources is often used to describe individuals who work in a company or organization.
It can also be called a department that is responsible for managing all matters related to employees.
Human resources collectively represent one of the most valuable resources in any business or organization.
The term was first coined in the 1960s when the value of labor relations started to attract attention.
Human resources is a very important department owned by the company.
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Then, what is meant by the department of human resources or human resources?
Let’s look at the full review, starting from the definition, functions, benefits, and responsibilities in the article below.
Definition of Human Resources Department
In the simplest terms, the HR (Human Resources) department is the group responsible for managing the employee cycle.
Starting from recruiting, hiring, orientation, training, firing employees and managing employee benefits.
Regardless of whether it is a small or large company, an effective human resources department is needed.
This is so that workforce management, company policy making, and legal compliance run as they should.
In a more detailed sense, human resources is the department responsible for maintaining company personnel, employee relations, and workplace culture.
This team manages the processes of hiring, firing, training, skills development, policy implementation, benefits, payroll, government regulations, and legality.
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This department also often moderates and helps resolve conflicts or issues between employees.
Professional human resources help compile and determine the organizational structure and order of the company.
Not only that, this department also drives the productivity and success of the organization.
The human resources department will partner with management to address personnel issues and provide support and resources when needed.
That way, managers can focus on running the operations of their respective departments.
Functions of the Human Resources Department
The HR department within a company has many functions and roles.
If you are interested in pursuing a career in human resources or you want to know how this department works, then it is important to understand what it does.
Following are some of the most important functions of the human resources department:
1. Recruitment
Human resources play an important role in determining the staffing needs of the company and recruiting qualified new employee candidates.
It includes essential tasks such as identifying qualifications and requirements for each position, writing job descriptions and placing job plots.
Additionally, the function of the human resources department is to evaluate resumes, conduct interviews, background checks and work with department managers to select ideal candidates.
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This recruitment process is very important so that companies get the right people to increase company productivity and reduce turnover rates.
2. New Employee Orientation
After recruiting employees, the function of the human resources department is to guide new team members in the company.
This process includes introducing new team members to the workplace culture and providing access to company resources that will assist employees.
The HR staff is also responsible for developing and implementing an orientation plan to help new hires integrate into the company.
Also, provide them with the information and tools employees need to support their performance productivity.
This HR function is very useful in helping employees adjust to their new positions and workplaces quickly and easily.
3. Training and Development
It doesn’t matter whether the employee is a new employee or an old employee, they definitely need the right skills development.
In addition, employees also definitely need counseling related to sustainable career development to continue to be productive and successful.
It is the responsibility of the HR department to plan and oversee the employee’s training and career development needs.
By holding career development courses and training that includes education on new technologies as well as leadership training to become supervisor candidates.
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Training can be done individually, through group meetings or through online courses and self-education.
The HR team can also recommend or support employees’ professional development by helping them acquire certain educational degrees.
This is done by providing tuition assistance or a fee reimbursement program.
4. Provision of Compensation and Allowances
HR works with the chief executive to determine organizational compensation and benefits.
HR professionals often conduct market research to determine competitive pay levels and develop compensation structures.
They also work with insurance agencies to select health and welfare benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, and employment.
Not only that, the HR department also functions to oversee the administration of benefits including registration and processing.
Any questions employees have regarding salary, benefits, vacations and financial incentives should be directed to this department.
Managing salaries, compensation and benefits would be very difficult if done manually. With the help of online HRIS application technology , all HR tasks should be completed effectively and efficiently.
5. Employee Relations
This department often acts as a mediator between employees and upper management or fellow employees.
When employees face problems at work, they should feel comfortable going to the HR department for guidance or advice.
This function greatly assists employees in resolving potential workplace conflicts and disputes quickly, smoothly, and professionally.
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For this reason, the HR team must often be trained in conflict resolution and have qualified problem solving skills.
If disciplinary action is required, the department will help manage that as well.
This department also helps increase employee engagement in terms of job satisfaction.
Benefits of the Human Resources Department within the Company
After learning about the definitions and functions which are also the area of responsibility of the HR department, you also need to understand the benefits for the company.
Here’s an explanation:
1. Assist in Hiring and Training the Workforce
Manpower planning is one of the most important responsibilities of the HR department.
This department designs recruiting strategies to bring the right people into the company.
This includes preparing job descriptions and conducting training and development for employees. HRM takes care of the Performance Management System.
2. HR Helps Increase Employee Work Motivation
Employee motivation can be increased by obtaining regular feedback.
Based on this, HR can help align organizational goals with the employees’ personal goals.
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This goal can be in the form of recognizing and rewarding employee performance.
3. HR Assists in Building Company Culture and Values
The quality of an individual’s performance depends on the work atmosphere or culture that prevails in a company.
To create a good and conducive work environment, human resources can help build a safe and comfortable work culture for employees.
That way, higher job satisfaction will be created in employees.
4. Conflict Management
In the world of work, there is often miscommunication and disagreement between employees and superiors.
This is of course unavoidable.
This is where HR benefits to help manage it by acting as a counselor and mediator to solve problems effectively.
Well, that’s the information regarding human resources that you need to know. Starting from the definition, function or responsibility, as well as benefits.
Because HR is the most dynamic and flexible resource owned by a company, it would be nice for the HR department to have the ability to manage it.
The HR Talent application , which has integrated and complete features such as payroll software and employee payslip applications, can help the HR team complete their responsibilities more quickly and accurately.
Hope this article is useful!