How to make and examples of bookkeeping sales in business

A business will run smoothly and be able to survive when its financial flows are in order. Therefore, sales bookkeeping must be implemented for novice business people either using manual calculations in Excel or using  an online bookkeeping application .

Sales bookkeeping will be very necessary in making financial reports in each period. That way the productivity of the business will be more monitored.

The existence of bookkeeping, not only to regulate financial flows. But it also relates to various decisions that will be taken for business continuity.

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Because bookkeeping can be used as a reference in evaluating business strategies, budgets as well as expenses.

In the following, we present a way to make a simple bookkeeping example for you to try to apply.

Definition of Bookkeeping

Before learning how to make it, we first understand what it means.

Bookkeeping is a record that aims to collect information as well as financial data in the form of capital, assets, liabilities, costs and prices to then make financial reports.

The financial statements in question are  business profit and loss reports  as well as  balance sheets .

The benefits of this bookkeeping include spending control tools, evaluation references, information on business development and productivity.

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From bookkeeping you can also prevent losses, anticipate the loss of valuable assets, and make improvements to business strategies so that they can be more optimal in the future.

Steps for Making Sales Bookkeeping Example

In making examples of sales bookkeeping or also known as financial bookkeeping, you need some type of bookkeeping or other records.

With these records, business financial accounting will be neater and more accurate and the contents can be accounted for.

The following are the recording steps that you must take to be able to make an example of proper and useful sales bookkeeping for your business.

1. Recording All Expenses

In starting a business, the important thing to do is separate your personal account from your business account.

In addition, record all expenses separately in a table that is easy to understand.

Recording these expenses is included in the example of daily bookkeeping that you must fill in continuously and regularly.

Don’t forget to save every proof of expenditure to confirm the data in these books or records.

Expenses that must be recorded include raw material spending, equipment spending, operational costs, employee salaries and so on.

With these expense records or books, you can calculate sales strategies so you can make a profit.

2. Income Records

In addition to expenses, you also have to record or record every income.

As with expenses, income must also be recorded separately and carried out regularly every day.

Don’t let any incoming transactions be missed, because it could have an impact on your business losses.

The types of income that need to be recorded are receivables that have been paid off, proceeds from the sale of products and services, as well as various income for other businesses.

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3. Cash Book

After keeping separate books of expenses and income, you also need a main cash book which is a combination of the two.

The existence of this main cash book is to make it easier for you to monitor business progress, as well as the overall flow of business funds.

The main cash book helps you to monitor expense items that must be controlled, suppressed or even eliminated, as well as income items that can be maximized.

Through this main cash book, it will be easier for you to analyze and project your future business and cash flow.

In addition, information from the main cash book can also be used as a consideration in developing a business strategy, in order to survive and take advantage of every opportunity.

The evaluation step is also easier to do, by referring to the information from this main cash book. So no matter how small your business is, make sure you have a main cash book.

4. Record Merchandise Stock

To be able to meet market demand, the stock of goods must be maintained. In monitoring the stock of goods, you have to make a bookkeeping of goods which can be done with  the stock of goods application.

With regular and accurate bookkeeping related to inventory, business operations can continue and prevent losses.

Because the stock of goods in the warehouse is excessive, it can result in losses for your business at the end of the accounting period later.

Recording of incoming and outgoing stock of goods must be done regularly and nothing is missed.

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Thus you can monitor the stock of goods, thereby minimizing fraud.
Both fraud from the  supplier  (external), as well as from internal parties (employees).

Bookkeeping of goods stock can also be used as a reference for your inventory plan and business development.

5. Inventory Records

The next step in making a sales bookkeeping example is to make inventory records.

The function of this record is to monitor every business asset that you have. With this record, it will minimize the risk of lost assets and facilitate the process of checking, counting, and transferring goods.

In the inventory record you must include the origin of the goods, type, quantity, date purchased or obtained and the code.

That way, monitoring and maintenance of business inventory will be easier and more organized.
The contents of this inventory record include grants, budgets and various other inventories.

6. Business Profit and Loss Report

After making the previous five records or books of account, you must also create a business income statement.

This bookkeeping is like the conclusion of all the financial accounting that you have previously made.

The profit and loss report  is an example of business bookkeeping that must be in place, whether it is a small, medium or even large scale business.

Because from this report you can get complete information regarding expenses as well as business income in a certain period.

From this report you can also monitor business profits and losses, evaluate  business strategies , project cash flows in the future, and even calculate taxes payable.

There are so many benefits that can be obtained from a profit and loss report, so every business owner is required to have this bookkeeping.

From the explanation above, we can conclude how important the existence of sales bookkeeping is in a business even though it has just been started.

Without sales or financial accounting, it will be difficult to monitor the cash flow of the business and it will also be difficult for you to identify whether the business is making a profit or making a loss.

In making sales bookkeeping, you also have to pay attention to the steps and various other types of bookkeeping needed.

Starting from the bookkeeping of expenses, income, main cash book, stock of goods, business inventory records, to your business profit and loss report.

You must carry out all the steps above to be able to get the correct example of sales bookkeeping.

Keep records regularly, continuously, neatly and easily understood so that the information can be as useful as it should be.

To make financial records or bookkeeping, proof of transactions is required as well as accuracy to maintain the accuracy of the contents, so that they can be accounted for.

Manual work will have a higher risk of human error. Therefore there are many  online accounting software  that have  bookkeeping application features  and  financial reporting applications  that you can use to make it easier to make.

Either manually or using technology, examples of sales bookkeeping must exist to be able to maintain the continuity of your business.