Situational Leadership Style, Definition, Characteristics and Benefits

Mudabicara.com_ Over time, leadership has changed due to changing conditions and situations and sometimes these changes require different responses.

In a loose situation, a leader may use a democratic and participatory leadership style . But in a state of urgency, a leader can suddenly change his leadership style due to certain circumstances and conditions.

This sudden change in leadership style is known as situational leadership style. Now! This time, mudabicara wants to review more deeply about the situational leadership style, its characteristics and benefits. Read more in the following article:

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What is Situational Leadership Style

A leader with a situational leadership style means having high adaptability because he is able to adapt to existing conditions.

Being a leader with a situational style will train someone to work flexibly and adaptively to the possibilities of change.

Situational leadership style itself is where a leader is able to use and consider the readiness of members in dealing with changing problems

An American business consultant Ken Blanchard and his friend Paul Hersey developed a situational leadership style while working on the book project Management of Organizational Behavior. 

According to the two figures, situational leadership is able to increase work productivity because of the creation of person members who are able to adapt and be flexible. In addition, the work environment also feels equal and democratic.

At the practical level, this leadership style will improve good relations between leaders and members as well as members and members. The leader will periodically know the progress of each member slowly.

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Good communication will make each member have direct involvement so that a leader is able to choose what type of leadership style he wants to use.

The leader has the right to assess, criticize, motivate all members under his control because not all members have the same level of work ability.

Because situational leadership is flexible, it allows a leader to change his leadership style according to the needs of the organization and its members.

Situational Leadership Style Traits

1. Directing Leaders

A leader with a situational leadership style will direct and guide all members in completing their roles and work tasks.

Usually this happens to new members or employees who do not have the skills and experience in the world of work. In the end, a leader stepped in to supervise and direct every job to be completed optimally.

2. Leaders Are Guiding

As a leader, of course, guiding does not only mean words but also at a practical level. Usually the leader provides guidance when a new member has a high enthusiasm for work so as not to get out of line from his functions and duties.

3. Leaders Have Broad Insights

The meaning of a broad-minded leader is certainly based on his ability to understand all the needs of members in any situation.

When the leader has broad insight, he will know the condition of his members whether they are nervous, worried, confident or in doubt.

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Ultimately the leader will know when to take action and when he is just observing and supervising the work of his members.

4. Problem Solving  Provider

A leader with a situational leadership style has a broad perspective so that he is able to provide solutions to problems quickly and precisely.

The ability to adapt and think quickly with various leadership styles and various problems will make a leader bring his members to the gates of success.

Not all leaders have problem solving and quick decision making, so having this ability can be special.

5. There is a sense of mutual trust

In situational leadership, a member gives confidence to a leader and vice versa. This trust is the initial capital for success and team cohesiveness at work.

In addition, with mutual trust, good communication and positive interpersonal relationships will grow.

6. Leaders Are Mentors

The meaning of mentor is more or less the same as guiding and directing. But as a mentor apart from supervising, the leader must be ready as a coach under any circumstances.

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Motivate while directing members to perform their respective functions and work. Effective leaders are an important part of this situational leadership style.

7. Flexible

A situational leader must have the ability to be flexible. Flexibility in responding to any changes in members and surrounding events

If there is a possibility of change, a leader must quickly adapt and change his leadership style. In addition, the flexibility that exists will make the members have good adaptability.

8. Support Every Change

Situational leadership will provide space for members to participate in everything related to their duties and work.

In addition, if there is a change, a leader is ready to facilitate so that each member’s work can be completed properly and optimally.

9. Delegate Tasks

The situational leadership style tries to empower members. This means that when there are members who have achievements and are confident, a leader just needs to give tasks according to their abilities.

Encouraging people to achieve freely without any coercion from a leader will make the shared vision and mission achieved quickly.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Situational Leadership Style

Each leadership style has benefits and drawbacks. By knowing the benefits and drawbacks, we will be able to analyze preventive actions before events occur.

Benefits of Situational Leadership Style

1. Supports flexibility

A leader with a situational leadership style will consider the level of ability, confidence and motivation of each member.

Flexibility will make all members have high adaptability so that when there is a problem they will quickly get a solution. On the other hand, flexibility will increase work productivity.

2.Increase productivity

Each member has different potentials and motivations. Using a situational leadership style will provide an opportunity for a leader to assess members separately. It aims to maximize work productivity among fellow members.

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3. Focus on the Team

When using a leadership style, it seems as if each member has the same abilities and skills.

So that situational leadership tries to provide space for everyone to participate and develop in order to create team solidity.

4. Encouraging Effective Behaviour

This leadership style equates the performance between subordinates and superiors even though a leader has the ability to communicate in multiple directions.

In addition, this leadership divides work tasks according to skills so that each member is responsible and able to work professionally.

That way, each member will save a lot of energy, time and money because they are able to behave effectively in carrying out their duties.

Disadvantages of Situational Leadership Style

1. Confusing Members

One of the obstacles to situational leadership is confusion. Sometimes changing leadership methods will leave team members confused about what to do.

For example, not everyone has the same adaptability, so suddenly switching functions and tasks sometimes makes him confused.

In this process the role of a leader is tested, the leader must be able to accommodate the aspirations of the entire team, what are the wishes of the members as well as what are the obstacles.

Unresolved confusion will affect work productivity so this must be resolved quickly.

2. Short Term Interests 

Situational leadership means leadership that depends on conditions and situations so that this leadership has short-term goals.

This short-term focus allows each member to experience sudden changes in plans and even work.

In the end, a leader who applies situational leadership must often discuss and provide information to members about duties and authorities.

Even if you have long-term goals, you must go through a deliberation process so that you have the same perception about the work that is being and wants to be done.

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3. High Stress Level

For people who are textual, this leadership style will increase stress because someone must be required to be flexible and able to adapt every time.

Meanwhile, a situational leader must be able to analyze each member’s needs in order to find out what leadership style they want.

Now! Thus the explanation of this article regarding situational leadership style, don’t forget to read the latest article from Muda Talk.

Hopefully this article is able to provide insight to all mudabicara in carrying out the wheels of organizational and community leadership.

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