This is the biography of Sultan Hamid II: Family history and political career Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Mudalovers friends, do you know this figure? His name is often considered
This is the biography of Tan Malaka and his iconic books Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Tan Malaka’s name and life story are legendary. Tan Malaka was declared
This is a short biography and works of Karl Marx Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Hello, Mudalovers, this time we will discuss Karl Marx. Who does n’t
This is Gajah Mada’s biography: Mahapatih, Originator of the Palapa Oath Figure|28 September 202328 September 2023by redaksi Friends of Mudalovers, of course, already know this character. Searching for historical
This is the Biography of Prince Diponegoro: Background of His Life and Role in the Java War 1825–1830 Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Friends of Mudalovers, of course, already know this character. He was an
This is the biography of Tuanku Imam Bonjol: Background of his life and history of his struggle Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi The Minang people have long been known as a tribe with customs
This is the biography of Sultan Hasanuddin: Family background and history of his struggle Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Sultan Hasanuddin is one of the kings from the east who is
This is the Story of Abu Bakar As Siddiq and Rasulullah SAW in Spreading Islam Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi For Mudalovers who already know various stories of the apostles and prophets
Who Invented the Telephone? This is the inventor of the telephone that you need to know Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Before technology existed, human life was very dependent on natural conditions, from
This is the Invention and Development of the Thermometer Figure|28 September 2023by redaksi Nowadays, who doesn’t know a temperature measuring device that is often used