What is Criminology? Definition, Scope, Object of Study and Examples Social|5 July 2023by redaksi Criminology is an object of study that examines the meaning of crime
11 Branches of Sociology, Definition and Functions Social|31 December 20225 January 2023by redaksi Mudabicara.com_ The branch of sociology has the same object of study, namely
What is Social Welfare Science? Definition and Purpose general|7 November 20227 November 2022by redaksi Mudabicara.com_ Social welfare science has become one of the favorite college majors
10 Benefits of Studying Social Welfare for Young People general|7 August 20227 August 2022by redaksi Muda talk.com_ Social Welfare Science is one of the majors in the
6 Easy Ways to Influence Others Social|5 August 20225 August 2022by redaksi Mudabicara.com_ Many people try various ways to influence people. Whatever they do