This is Gajah Mada’s biography: Mahapatih, Originator of the Palapa Oath

Friends of Mudalovers, of course, already know this character. Searching for historical traces of Majapahit’s glory would not be complete without discussing Patih Gajah Mada. Gajah Mada was the most influential mahapatih figure in the long journey of the Majapahit Kingdom to the peak of its glory.

He was known as a mighty patih who was loyal to the Majapahit throne to continue to maintain the integrity and expand the influence of the kingdom. One of Gajah Mada’s roles during Majapahit’s heyday was to unite the archipelago, as he stated in the Palapa Oath.

His services are still glorified by the Indonesian people to this day. The Indonesian people have considered him a hero, a symbol of patriotism and national unity.

The story of his life, career journey and struggles was obtained from several sources, especially from the Book of Pararaton, Kakawin Nagarakretagama ( Nāgarakṛtâgama ), and inscriptions dating from the end of the 13th century.

However, the Nagarakretagama records or the 1351 Singhasari Prasasti (Gajah Mada Inscription), two of the main sources for the study of classical history, are not enough to explain Gajah Mada in detail and completely.

Likewise, several chronicles that have appeared recently, some of which even describe the figure of the Mahapatih as a figure in the sky and coming from a country in the middle of nowhere.

So, to get to know this figure more clearly, let’s look together at a brief explanation about Gajah Mada which has been summarized from various sources below. Happy reading.

The Origins of Gajah Mada

No one knows for sure that Gajah Mada was born, except his own father and mother. This is because there are no written sources that mention it clearly, firmly and definitively. Several chronicles reveal the birth of Gajah Mada with comments that are far beyond logic.

However, Mohammad Yamin, a figure in the Indonesian movement, dared to mention the origins of Gajah Mada. Yamin’s opinion was then expressed again by Agus Aris Munandar, a doctor and archeology expert from the University of Indonesia.

In essence, these two figures said that Gajah Mada was born around the upper reaches of the Brantas River and the foot of Mount Kawi and Mount Arjuna. Agus Aris Munandar said that Gajah Mada was born in Pandaan, a small town that was developing on the slopes of Mount Welirang Arjuna.

Pandaan or Pandakan (now part of Pasuruan Regency, East Java), was once noted as a special place by Pararaton, when Singhasari was destroyed and Majapahit grew.

Gajah Mada’s father was probably Gajah Pagon, who accompanied Raden Wijaya when he fought against Jayakatwang’s followers from Kediri. Gajah Pagon could not have been an ordinary person, in fact it was very likely the son of one of Kertanagara’s concubines because in the Book of Pararaton, Gajah Pagon’s name is mentioned specifically.

At that time, Raden Wijaya was very worried about Elephant Pagon, who was injured and entrusted it to the Head of Pandakan Village. According to Agus, Gajah Pagon probably survived and then married the daughter of the Pandakan Village Head and eventually had a child, namely Gajah Mada, who served Majapahit.

Gajah Mada probably also had the same grandfather as Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. The difference is, Gajah Mada is the grandson of a concubine’s wife, while Tribhuwana Tunggadewi is the grandson of Kertanagara’s official wife. Thus, it is not surprising and understandable that Gajah Mada really respects Kertanagara.

Kertanegara is his own grandfather. Only Kertanegara descendants would be happy to build  a caitya  (sacred building) in the form of Singasari Temple to commemorate the greatness of their ancestors. The concept of the Dwipantra Mandala political idea from Kertanagara probably also inspired and encouraged Gajah Mada in initiating the Palapa Oath.

The majority of sources state that Gajah Mada was born in 1299 and had the other name Jirnnodhara. He was a warlord and mahapatih of the Majapahit Kingdom who was very influential during the reign of Hayam Wuruk and was famous for his oath, namely the Palapa Oath.

The meaning of the name Gajah Mada

According to Hindu mythology, the word “elephant” is believed to be the  vehicle  (riding animal) of the god Indra, while “mada” in Old Javanese means drunk. The name Gajah Mada is interpreted into two characteristics, namely as the king’s vehicle or executor of the king’s orders and as a person who seems to be drunk when facing various obstacles that hinder him.

In the Gajah Mada Inscription it is written that Gajah Mada had another nickname, namely Rakryan Mapatih Jirnnodhara, which may only be considered a title. However, it can also be considered his real name. Jirnnodhara itself means “builder of something new” or “restorer of something that has been damaged/collapsed”.

In a literal sense, Gajah Mada was the builder of a sacred building for Kertanegara that did not previously exist. However, in a figurative sense he can be seen as the restorer and successor of Kertanegara’s ideas in the Dwipantara Mandala concept.

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Gajah Mada Career

Gajah Mada began his career in Majapahit by becoming a  bekel  (head of troops)  bhayangkara  (king’s bodyguard) during the reign of Prabu Jayanegara in 1309–1328. According to Pararaton, when he was commander of the Bhayangkara special forces, Gajah Mada managed to save Prabu Jayanegara and take him away to Badander Village, and succeeded in quelling Ra Kuti’s rebellion.

As a reward, Jayanegara appointed Gajah Mada as a patih in Kahuripan in 1319–1321 to accompany Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. However, two years later he was appointed governor to replace Arya Tilam who resigned as governor in Daha/Kediri.

After Jayanegara died in 1329, Aryo Tadah or Mpu Kewes as the governor of Majapahit wanted to resign from his position. He submitted his resignation to Queen Mother Gayatri, who replaced Jayanegara.

Mpu Kewes resigned because he was old and sickly. He then appointed Gajah Mada, who was then a governor in Kediri, as his successor. However, Gajah Mada did not immediately agree because he wanted to provide a service to Majapahit first by defeating the Keta and Sadeng rebellions, who were rebelling at that time.

After Keta and Sadeng were conquered by Gajah Mada in 1334, he was appointed Mahapatih Amangkubhumi (Prime Minister) officially to replace Mpu Kewes, who wanted to retire since 1329.

Gajah Mada is famous for his oath, namely the Palapa Oath. The Palapa Oath is a statement made at his appointment ceremony as Mahapatih Amangkubhumi Majapahit in 1334. At that time, Majapahit was ruled by Queen Tribhuwana Tunggadewi.

The contents of the Palapa Oath are found in the Middle Javanese text Pararaton which reads:

If we lose the archipelago, it’s a matter of amukti palapa, if we lose in the desert, in Seran, Tanjung Pura, in Haru, in Pahang, Dompo, in Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, it’s the same isun amukti palapa” .

The meaning of the oath is:

If I have subjugated the entire archipelago under Majapahit rule, I will (only) break my fast. If I beat Gurun, Seram, Tanjung Pura, Haru, Pahang, Dompo, Bali, Sunda, Palembang, Tumasik, that’s how I (will) break my fast .”

When the oath was taken, many people laughed at and belittled Gajah Mada’s ideals to unite the archipelago.

The meanings of the place names mentioned in the Palapa Oath are as follows:

  • Desert: Lombok Island;
  • Seram: Seram Kingdom, West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara;
  • Tanjung Pura: Tanjungpura Kingdom, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan;
  • Haru: Aru Kingdom, Karo Regency, North Sumatra;
  • Pahang: Pahang, Malaysia;
  • Dompo: Dompo Kingdom, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara;
  • Bali: Bali Island;
  • Sunda: Kingdom of Sunda;
  • Palembang: Palembang or Srivijaya;
  • Tumasik: Singapore.

Even though many people doubted the oath he made, he almost succeeded in conquering the archipelago. Gajah Mada carried out the policy of unifying the archipelago for 21 years, namely between 1336 and 1357.

Gajah Mada began his conquest campaign assisted by Admiral Nala by using naval troops to the Swarnnabhumi area (Sumatra) in 1339, Bintan Island, Tumasik (now Singapore), the Malay Peninsula.

Furthermore, Gajah Mada together with Arya Damar in 1343 conquered Beulu (in Bali), Lombok, and a number of countries in Kalimantan, such as Kapuas, Katingan, Sampit, Kotalingga (Tanjunglingga), Kotawaringin, Sambas, Lawai, Kendawangan, Landak, Samadang, Tirem , Sedu, Brunei, Kalka, Saludung, Sulu, Pasir, Barito, Sawaku, Tabalung, Tanjungkutei, and Malano.

During the Majapahit reign led by Prabu Hayam Wuruk (1350–1389), Gajah Mada was the mahapatih who led the Majapahit Kingdom to reach the peak of its glory. It was also during Hayam Wuruk’s reign that Gajah Mada’s career peaked.

He continued to conquer eastern regions until 1357, such as Logadah, Gurun, Breadfruit, Taliwung, Sapi, Gunungapi, Seram, Hutankadali, Sasak, Bantayan, Luwu, Buton, Banggai, Kunir, Galiyan, Salayar, Sumba, Muar (Saparua) , Solor, Bima, Wandan (Banda), Ambon, Wanin, Seran, Timor, and Dompo.

However, Gajah Mada’s glory faded when the Bubat War occurred in 1357. The Bubat War was a war that occurred in 1279 Saka or 1357 AD in the 14th century, namely during the reign of Hayam Wuruk.

The war occurred as a result of a dispute between Gajah Mada and Prabu Maharaja Linggabuana from the Sunda Kingdom at Pesanggrahan Bubat, due to the imbalance between the Majapahit troops and the Sunda Kingdom troops which resulted in almost the entire Sundanese entourage being killed, including the Sunda King and Princess Dyah Pitaloka.

The events of the Bubat War began with the intention of King Hayam Wuruk who wanted to marry the daughter of Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi from Sunda. It is said that Hayam Wuruk’s interest in the princess was due to the circulation of a painting of the princess in Majapahit; which was painted secretly by an artist at that time.

The intention of the marriage was to strengthen the ties of brotherhood that had long been broken between Majapahit and Sunda. Raden Wijaya (founder of the Majapahit Kingdom) was a descendant of Dyah Lembu Tal and Rakeyan Jayadarma (king of the Sunda Kingdom).

The general reason that can be accepted is that Hayam Wuruk had the intention to marry this woman, driven by political reasons, namely to tie an alliance with the Sunda State. With the blessing of the Majapahit Royal family, Hayam Wuruk sent a letter of honor to Maharaja Linggabuana to propose to Mayang Sari.

The wedding ceremony is planned to be held in Majapahit. The Sunda State royal council itself actually objected, especially Mangkubumi Hyang Bunisora ​​Suradipati. This was because according to the customs that prevailed in the archipelago at that time, it was not common for the bride’s party to come to the groom’s party. Apart from that, there are allegations that this was a diplomatic trap for Majapahit, which at that time was expanding its power, including by controlling the Dompu Kingdom in Nusa Tenggara.

Linggabuana decided to continue going to Majapahit, because of the sense of brotherhood that existed in the ancestral lines of the two countries. Linggabuana went with the Sundanese group to Majapahit and was received and placed at Pesanggrahan Bubat.

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The Sunda king came to Bubat along with his queen and daughter Dyah Pitaloka, accompanied by soldiers using 200 small ships and the total number was 2,000 ships and came to the Majapahit Kingdom, as told in the Song of Sunda.

However, according to the interpretation of the  Panji Angreni  story by historian Agus Aris Munandar (archaeologist at the University of Indonesia), Gajah Mada was ordered by Krtawarddhana (Hayam Wuruk’s father) to cancel the marriage because he had betrothed him to Indudewi, the daughter of Rajadewi Maharajasa who lived in Daha (Kediri).

Agus said that Gajah Mada was just an extension of Hayam Wuruk’s parents, who were worried that the position of Majapahit empress would fall into the hands of Dyah Pitaloka. Gajah Mada then advised Hayam Wuruk not to continue with the wedding plans. This is what made the Sunda Kingdom feel humiliated, until it finally chose to fight against Majapahit to maintain its honor.

The general version circulating in society, according to Kidung Sundayana, is that this war occurred due to the ambition of Gajah Mada’s Palapa Oath. With this intention, Gajah Mada made the excuse that the arrival of the Sundanese group at Pesanggrahan Bubat was a form of surrender of the Sunda Kingdom to Majapahit.

Gajah Mada urged Hayam Wuruk to accept Dyah Pitaloka not as a bride, but as a sign of submission to the Sunda State and recognition of Majapahit’s superiority over the Sundanese in the archipelago.

Before Hayam Wuruk gave his decision, Gajah Mada had already mobilized his troops to Pesanggrahan Bubat and threatened Linggabuana to recognize Majapahit’s superiority.

In order to maintain his honor as a Sundanese knight, Linggabuana refused the pressure. Finally, there was an unequal war between Gajah Mada and his large army, against Linggabuana with his  small balamati  (royal guard) troops, as well as the royal officials and ministers who participated in the visit.

As a result of the Bubat incident, it is said in the Kidung Sunda notes that Hayam Wuruk’s relationship with Gajah Mada became strained. Gajah Mada itself faced opposition, suspicion and criticism from various Majapahit officials and nobles. This is because they think that Gajah Mada’s actions were very careless and reckless.

He was considered too brave and presumptuous to ignore King Hayam Wuruk’s own wishes and feelings. This unfortunate event marked the decline of Gajah Mada’s career, because Hayam Wuruk then awarded him fief land in Madakaripura (now Probolinggo).

Although this action appeared to be a gift, it could be interpreted as a subtle suggestion that Gajah Mada start considering retirement. Madakaripura land is located far from the capital city of Majapahit.

Gajah Mada died in 1364 and after that died of illness. With the death of Gajah Mada, Majapahit’s greatness receded.

This incident also gave rise to several reactions that reflected the disappointment of the Sundanese people, namely the implementation of regulations  prohibiting estri ti outer , which stated that you were not allowed to marry from outside your Sundanese circle of relatives, or some said you were not allowed to marry into the Majapahit community. This regulation was later interpreted more broadly as a prohibition on Sundanese people from marrying Javanese people.

Another disappointed reaction from the Sundanese people is that there are no roads bearing the name Gajah Mada or Majapahit in the city of Bandung, the capital of West Java as the cultural center of the Sundanese people.

On March 6 2018, Soekarwo (Governor of East Java), Ahmad Heryawan (Governor of West Java), and Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana

They agreed to end post-Bubat problems by renaming arterial roads in Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Bandung. Indonesia’s first telecommunications satellite was called the Palapa Satellite, as a form of respect for Gajah Mada as the telecommunications unifier of the Indonesian people.

Not only that, the name Gajah Mada is also used as the name of the best university in Yogyakarta, namely Gadjah Mada University.

So, that’s a brief explanation of  the origins and career history of Gajah Mada . Appreciate the services of national figures, such as Gajah Mada, not only by remembering them silently and giving thanks, but also by imitating their attitudes and actions.

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