This is the Story of Abu Bakar As Siddiq and Rasulullah SAW in Spreading Islam

For Mudalovers  who already know various stories of the apostles and prophets of Allah SWT, have you ever read or listened to stories from the prophet’s friends? Yep, even though these friends of the prophet were ordinary people, they had very strong faith and even helped defend the prophet from attacks by disbelievers. One of the many friends of the prophet was Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq, whose name is often mentioned in the holy book Al-Quran for his services and stories of his friendship with the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This friend of the prophet was known for his personality who was always disciplined, obedient and very honest about everything. After the Prophet Muhammad SAW died, Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq was trusted by Muslims to be his successor in leading Islam. So, what is the story of Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq? What are the privileges of Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq that his name is often mentioned in the Koran? What was Abu Bakr’s life like before and after he converted to Islam? So, so that Mudalovers  understand these things, let’s look at the following review!

Short biography of the life of Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq

Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq was born with the name Abdullah bin Abi Quhafa in the year 573 AD and died on the 23rd of Jumadil at the end of the year 13 H after the year of the Elephant, coinciding with his 63rd year of age. Abu Bakar was the son of an honorable noble family in Makkah. Before converting to Islam, his name was Abdul Ka’bah. His father, named Uthman bin Amir, converted to Islam right at the time of the Conquest of Mecca (Fathu Makkah).

At the age of 63, Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq died due to the illness he was suffering from. He was buried at the house of his daughter, Aisyah, precisely near the Nabawi Mosque. Abu Bakr is said to be a figure who always accompanied the Prophet Muhammad SAW from the time he converted to Islam until his death. Yep, Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq is the father of Aisyah, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Before converting to Islam, his name was Abdul Ka’ab which was later changed to Abdullah.

Based on the book Hayatus Sahabah, it is written that Abu Bakr converted to Islam after being invited directly by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. After that, Abu Bakar became a preacher of Islamic teachings to several important figures, let’s just say there is Uthman bin Affan, Zubair bin Awwam, Talhah bin Ubaidillah, Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash, and many others. Unfortunately, Abu Bakar’s wife named Qutailah binti Abdul Uzza refused to accept Islam as her religion, so she was divorced by Abu Bakar. While his other wife, Umm Ruman, is ready to become a Muslim.

Before he died, Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq had been ill for approximately 15 days. At that time, he could only lie weak in bed and could not perform congregational prayers with other friends. Since Abu Bakar had always been appointed as the mosque’s imam, but at that time he was ill, he was replaced by Umar bin Khattab so that congregational prayers could continue.

Abu Bakr died at the age of 63 and his body was washed by his wife, Asma’ bint Amisy, in accordance with his will. Regarding the cause of this illness, there are several sources that say that Abu Bakr consumed food that had been poisoned by a Jew. At that time, Abu Bakr was eating it with al-Harist bin Kaladah and al-Atab bin Usaid, who then both experienced the same disease and died on the same day.

In terms of marriage, Abu Bakar was married to two wives in Mecca, namely Qatilah bint al-‘Azy and Umm Ruman bint Amir bin Uwaimar. From his first wife, he was blessed with two children named Abdullah and Asma. Meanwhile, from his second wife, he also had two children, namely Abdurrahman and Aisyah.

After converting to Islam and emigrating to Medina, Abu Bakar remarried two wives, namely Habibah bint Kharijah and Asma’ bint Umais. From his third wife, Abu Bakar was blessed with a child named Umm Kulthum who was born after he died. When Umm Kulthum grew up, she married one of the friends of Rasulullah SAW, namely Thalhah bin Ubaidillah. Meanwhile, from his fourth wife, he was blessed with a child named Muhammad.

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The story of Abu Bakar getting the nicknames Ash Shiddiq and Al-‘Atiq

There is a story that tells about how Abu Bakar got the nicknames Ash Shiddiq and Al-‘Atiq. In Arab tradition, it is common for people’s names to be accompanied by laqab, aka nicknames. The function of this nickname is as a form of praise for the nobility of his character. Rasulullah SAW also often gave nicknames to his friends, as a form of flattery. For example, Umar bin Khattab was given the nickname al-Faruq which means the difference between truth and falsehood, then there was Khalid bin Walid who was nicknamed Saifullah which means the sword of Allah, then there was also Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib with the nickname Asadullah which means the tiger of Allah.

It can be said that all the companions of Rasulullah SAW received their own nicknames, including Abu Bakr who was famous for his nicknames as ash-Siddiq and al-‘Atiq.


This means that people are very honest or justify a lot. This is what made Abu Bakar appointed as the most trusted friend of Rasulullah SAW, including even things that didn’t make sense.

There is a story, precisely after the Isra Mi’raj incident, at that time Rasulullah SAW made a very fast journey from Makkah to Baitul Maqdis, then continued with a sky journey full of wonders. The next day, Rasulullah SAW told the residents of Makkah about his experience. However, instead of being listened to and increasing their faith, the residents of Mecca did not believe and even made fun of the Prophet Muhammad even more. What’s worse, some people who have weak faith actually become apostates and consider Rasulullah SAW to be a liar. At that moment, Abu Bakr appeared bravely and confidently, confirming what Rasulullah SAW had said. So, since then, he was given the nickname Ash-Siddiq.


Abu Bakar not only had the nickname Ash-Siddiq, but also Al-‘Atiq. According to several scholars, this was because Abu Bakar had a handsome face. However, there are also some who say that this nickname was given because Abu Bakar was always at the forefront of goodness. Another version is that this nickname was given because Abu Bakar was born from a holy lineage where his ancestors were free from adultery. Some opinions say that Abu Bakr got this nickname because he was guaranteed to be free from the fire of hell. In accordance with the following hadith,

“By Allah, I was in my house one day, while the Messenger of Allah and several of his companions were in the yard. There is a barrier between me and them. Suddenly Abu Bakr came, then the Prophet said, ‘Who would like to see someone free (‘atiq) from the fire of hell, then look at Abu Bakr.” (HR Al-Hakim).

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Specialties of Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq

Even though Abu Bakar was the father-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he was also appointed as a friend of the Prophet who always accompanied the Prophet Muhammad SAW’s preaching wherever he went. He was willing to sacrifice both his wealth and his life to spread the message of da’wah. That is why, the name Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq has a special place in the heart of Rasulullah SAW and Islamic history. So, here are some of the virtues of Abu Bakar Ash-Siddiq.

1. His name is immortalized in the Koran

For the sacrifices he always made, especially when supporting the preaching of Rasulullah SAW in spreading Islam, he received noble appreciation from Allah SWT by immortalizing his name in the holy book Al-Quran, including in QS Al-Taubah verse 40 which reads:

It means:

“If you don’t help him (Muhammad) then surely Allah will help him (that is) when the disbelievers (polytheists of Mecca) took him out (from Mecca) while he was one of two people when they were both in the cave, when he said to his friend: “Do not grieve, indeed Allah is with us.”  (QS. Al-Taubah: 40)

2. Become the First Person to Enter Heaven

Yep, Abu Bakar was the first human figure from the people of Rasulullah SAW to enter heaven. This has been explained in a hadith narrated by Abu Daud, which reads:

“From Abu Hurairah RA. He said that the Prophet SAW. said, “Jibril came to me and invited me to see the gate of heaven that my people will enter later. Abu Bakr said, “O Messenger of Allah, I truly hope that when he comes I will be with you so that I can see the gates of heaven.” The Prophet SAW said, “Truly you, Abu Bakr, are the first of my people to enter heaven.” (HR. Abu Daud)

3. Becoming a Mufti during the time of the Prophet SAW

When the Prophet SAW was still alive, there were at least 14 companions who were trusted to give fatwas to his people. However, of the 14, only Abu Bakar was trusted by the Prophet SAW to give fatwas when he was with him. While the other companions, can only give fatwas when they are not with the Prophet SAW. The fact that the Prophet SAW believed in Abu Bakr, is found in a hadith narrated by HR. Al-Bukhari.

4. Become a person who is always in a hurry to do good

The figure of Abu Bakar, who was not only the Prophet’s father-in-law, but also the Prophet’s friend, would always be quick to do good things. Even when the other companions of the Prophet did not do it. This has been narrated in a hadith which reads:

“From Abu Hurairah RA. He said that the Prophet SAW said, “Which of you is fasting this morning?” Abu Bakr said, “I am.” The Prophet then said, “Which of you is accompanying the corpse today?” Abu Bakr replied again, “I am.” The Prophet SAW then asked again, “Which of you is feeding the poor today?” Abu Bakr replied again, “Me.” The Prophet also asked again, “Which of you is visiting the sick today?” Abu Bakar replied, “Me.” The Prophet SAW then said, “There is no accumulation of these deeds in a person except that he will enter heaven.”  (HR Muslim)

5. Become a Friend of the Prophet who is Very Tawadhu’

Tawadhu’ attitude is a calm attitude and not proud of what he owns. The praiseworthy attitude is owned by Abu Bakar, who is a wealthy person. Although he is a rich man, Abu Bakar still lives in a humble and simple attitude, in accordance with the hadith that reads:

“From Abdullah bin Umar Ra. He said that the Prophet SAW. said, “Whoever lengthens his clothes to be luxurious, Allah will not look at him on the Day of Resurrection. Abu Bakr then said, “Indeed my clothes are long unless I cut them.” The Prophet SAW then replied, “(O Abu Bakr) you are not doing that for luxury.” (HR. Al-Bukhari)

The Life of Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq Before and After Converting to Islam

Before Converting to Islam

Abu Bakr grew up among the Quraysh in the city of Mecca and was a respected descendant of the qabilah Tayim. Well, before converting to Islam, he was already an honest figure, with good morals, and far from the bad habits of the ignorant who liked to play with women and get drunk. Not only that, Abu Bakar also came from a rich family because his profession was a trader. He has visited quite a lot of trade routes. Even when trading, Abu Bakr continued to practice an honest and friendly attitude, so he was considered an honorable trader among the Quraysh.

In Sirah Nabawiyah, Ibnu Hisyam also explains that Abu Bakr was a figure who was gentle and polite to his people. As a trader with special morals, he was also often visited by tribal leaders to ask for opinions. This is because Abu Bakr was also famous for his extensive knowledge, established trading experience, so that his position was increasingly high among the Quraish nation.

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After Converting to Islam

As previously explained, Abu Bakar was indeed a figure who was protected from the bad morals of the ignorant nation, even though at that time the Islamic religion had not yet been revealed. He was very reluctant to follow the moral decline of the Quraysh nation, even though he was a respected figure there. So, after converting to Islam, Abu Bakar always accompanied the Prophet Muhammad in all his preaching. He does not even hesitate to spend some of his wealth to spread the religion of Allah. This closeness between Abu Bakar and Rasulullah SAW was also narrated by Bukhari, who said:

“On the authority of Ibnu Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, on the authority of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, who once said, “If I were allowed to take a close friend from among my people, I would certainly choose Abu Bakr. But he is my brother and also my friend.”  (HR. Bukhari)

As a figure who “supported” the preaching of Rasulullah SAW, Abu Bakar directed the preaching into 2 groups, namely the Quraish group who had a clean nature, straight thoughts, and were not influenced by the bad morals of ignorance; and poor groups among servants and people who have been wronged from non-Quraish circles.

So, that’s a review of the story of Abu Bakar Ash Siddiq, who was the Prophet’s father-in-law and closest friend who was always trusted by many people, including the Prophet Muhammad. From the life story of Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq, can  Mudalovers take good things from his character?