Humans have a multitude of needs throughout their lives, in every way, from food to entertainment. And humans always have ways to fulfill these needs. For example, for entertainment, we can fulfill it by doing hobbies or fun activities. Like reading books, playing games, or making a garden in your own yard.
Well, talking about gardens, of course you can’t separate them from plants, right? Humans, with the desire to fulfill their needs, created a method for propagating plants called stem cuttings.
So, what is meant by this method? Let’s dissect this further by studying the meaning, advantages and factors that influence the development of this method.
Understanding Stem Cuttings
Stem cuttings, in short, are a very popular cutting method and are widely used by humans. The goal is clearly to produce plants in large quantities with their own advantages.
This cutting method is done by cutting the stem of the plant that will become a new plant. Later, roots will form in this cut stem so that the stem grows into a tree.
Please note that the stems used in this method must come from a healthy parent tree and not have buds. Stem cuttings are divided into three types, namely branch cuttings, twig cuttings, and finally tip cuttings.
Benefits of Taking Stem Cuttings
Actually, without the cutting method, plants have their own method to reproduce themselves. However, with stem cuttings, humans can get several benefits.
First, get new plants that have identical characteristics to their parents because breeding is basically propagating the best plants. So if you do this on a sweet mango tree, for example, the new plant you produce will also have sweet fruit.
Second, new plants obtained from cutting generally mature more quickly. This is because stem cuttings make plants produce generative organs more quickly.
Third, this method is also more practical and economical because it does not require a large area of land. At the same time, the results obtained can be quite large. Then the fourth advantage is that this cutting method will not damage the parent plant.
Examples of plants that can be propagated by stem cuttings
Looking at the benefits obtained, this breeding method is clearly superior to natural methods. The question is, what plants can be propagated using stem cuttings?
First is breadfruit. Breadfruit is a plant that can bear fruit and can be cultivated using root cuttings or stem cuttings. However, root cuttings have many disadvantages compared to stem cuttings.
Therefore, now breadfruit cultivation using stem cuttings is starting to increase. You can get more, faster and more profitable results with this method.
Cassava is a type of tuber plant that has long been grown by our farmers. This plant can also be propagated using stem cuttings so that it grows well and has more tubers.
Longan trees produced from stem cuttings will bear fruit more quickly than those derived from natural methods. Cultivating longan from cuttings from stems is actually still considered “newly done”.
The problem is that in the past, many people considered longan to be a plant that was difficult to cultivate using vegetative methods because the cambium of this tree was thin and tended to dry out easily. As time goes by, it is known that longan can also be cultivated using vegetative methods as long as it is cared for as well as possible.
Pomegranate trees are very suitable for breeding using stem cuttings because the method is very easy and practical. In fact, this tree can still grow even if you don’t use a root stimulant if you choose a quality parent with good planting media and also carry out proper maintenance.
Generally, rosemary is cultivated in two ways, namely generative and vegetative methods. Well, usually ornamental plant hobbyists prefer to cultivate this plant using the stem cutting method.
Another plant that is suitable for propagating using stem cuttings is chili. In fact, this method is considered more effective than planting the seeds directly. It’s just that, to get the best results you have to have high quality parents.
The last plant is tomatoes. Now there are many people who cultivate tomatoes using the stem cutting method. The reason is, the new plants produced can grow faster.
Conditions for Propagating Stem Cuttings
To get the best results from the stem cutting method, there are several conditions and criteria that you must pay attention to. For example, using stems that are 1 – 3 years old or have produced fruit for 2 consecutive seasons. Then, the mother plant must also have healthy shoots.
If you use stems that are too young, the cuttings will most likely die due to lack of water. On the other hand, young stems will also make the plant bear fruit longer. On the other hand, using stems that are too old will actually make root growth on the cuttings take longer, making it inefficient. In conclusion, you have to be careful in choosing good quality parent stems.
Apart from that, there are still several criteria that you must fulfill before carrying out this breeding method:
For rootstock:
- The stems and roots are strong so they are more resistant in various soil conditions.
- The growth speed is the same as the scion
- It does not reduce the quality and quantity of new plants that will form later.
For scions:
- It must be taken from trees that grow well, are strong and free of pests and diseases
- The stem diameter is at least 1 cm and the shape is straight
- Has superior characteristics, for example good flowers, lots of fruit, or something else.
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Factors That Influence the Development of Stem Cuttings
Apart from the conditions above, you also have to pay attention to two other important factors in order to get quality cuttings. These two factors are plant factors and environmental factors.
Plant factors
Plant factors will influence the growth speed of plants resulting from cuttings. In this factor, you have to pay attention to the type of plant, age, number of leaves, and the nutritional content of the parent plant.
Plant type
The tree you choose as the parent plays a very important role in the speed at which the cuttings produce results. If you choose a tree with a soft trunk, the results will be faster than a hard trunk because the soft trunk gives roots more easily.
Plant age
Age also has a big influence on the plants produced from the cutting method. So that you get optimal results, it is recommended to use plants that are medium in age, neither too old nor too young.
If they are too young, the roots of the plants resulting from cuttings are usually less strong and cannot function optimally so that the quality of the cuttings will not be optimal. Meanwhile, if it is too old, the roots will take longer to emerge and the cutting will be less effective.
Number of leaves
Leaves and buds also influence the speed of root growth in plants resulting from cuttings. This is because sufficient leaves and buds can help speed up root formation in the cuttings.
However, you also have to make sure that the cuttings do not have too many leaves or shoots. If there is too much, the evaporation of water from the stem of the cutting will be faster so that the resulting cutting will dry out and wilt quickly, even before the roots grow.
Nutritional content
The nutritional content of the mother plant has a significant influence on the success or failure of the cuttings growth process. Cuttings produced from parents with good nutritional content tend to grow roots faster than cuttings from parents with low nutritional content.
Environmental factor
Environmental factors that can influence the growth of cuttings include temperature, light, water content, and also the cutting growth medium itself. If you want to get good quality results and maximum growth, you really have to pay attention to these four factors because they are interconnected with each other.
Most plants in Indonesia can grow optimally in temperatures of 29 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius. However, specifically for stem cuttings, the recommended temperature is around 24 degrees Celsius.
This temperature is known to stimulate root growth and maximum growth and development of cuttings. To get this temperature, you can control and adjust humidity and light.
Water content
In the cutting method from plant stems, the right water content will affect the growth of the cuttings later. That is why it is very important to always keep the water level moist enough to create an optimal temperature for root growth. On the other hand, if the water content is low, the cuttings will die before roots form due to lack of water.
The stem cuttings that you make will grow optimally if placed in an area that is not exposed to direct sunlight. This factor is important to pay attention to because sunlight plays a role in maintaining optimal temperature and water levels.
If you place it in an area that gets too much sunlight, root growth will be hampered. In other words, the results of the cuttings will be less than optimal.
Growth medium
The growth medium in stem cuttings is a very vital factor. The reason is that this factor is related to the growth of the cuttings. If you want to get maximum results, make sure you use a good growth medium.
A good cutting growth medium is one that is free from pests such as bacteria, fungi or pests that can damage the growth of the cuttings. Then, the pH in the growth medium must also be balanced, namely between 5 and 7, not more or less.
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How to take stem cuttings
The stem cutting method is chosen by many people not without reason. When compared with leaf cuttings, root cuttings and bud cuttings, this method is easier to do. Apart from that, there are four types of stem cuttings that you can do, namely, hardwood, semi-hardwood, softwood and herbaceous plants.
Hardwood stem cuttings utilize branches that are in a dormant condition. Meanwhile, semi-hard wood is usually used for plants that have wide leaves, such as ornamental and fruit plants.
Then, you can do soft woody plants with high water content, such as succulents. And finally, cuttings from herbaceous plants can be done on plants that are soft and have a high water content, such as chrysanthemums. Even though it is divided into four types, the stages for carrying out this method are generally the same, namely:
Cutting stage
To start using the stem cutting method, you must choose a stem that is the right age. Try to cut the stems in the morning so that when sowing the plants will get direct sunlight. After that, you can follow these steps:
- Choose stems that are 1 cm in diameter and have dark green leaves
- Cut leaves that are about 10 to 15 cm long or have 3-4 buds.
- Make sure the distance between the cuts and the bottom bud is 0.5 cm and 1 cm for the top bud.
- Cut it in a sharp shape so that it can be easily inserted into the growth medium later.
Nursery stage
After you cut the stem, soak the lower end of the 2 cm long stem in the hormone auxin for 5 seconds. Then, prepare a bucket or container filled with sand and loose soil.
After that, plug the stem into the growth medium/nursery in an upright position and water it regularly. Wait until the roots of the new plant grow well, then move it to its final location.
Tips for taking stem cuttings
So that you get good results, there are several tips you can use when using the propagation method using cuttings on plant stems, including:
Learn and master the correct techniques for cutting cuttings
After cutting the stem from the main tree, you should immediately dip the cut in water so that the vessels in the cut can fill with water and the temperature inside is maintained. That way, the cuttings will avoid drying out.
Apart from that, use a cutting tool that is sharp and can cut in just one motion. The goal is that the cuttings have good cuts and are not broken or damaged. Then make sure you cut at a 45 degree angle at the top of the cutting so that the cutting does not absorb excessive rainwater.
Cut to sufficient size
You also have to pay attention to the size of the cuttings because it will affect the development of the cuttings, supply and uptake of nutrients. If it is too long, growth will be slower because the cutting requires a lot of nutrient uptake and the root growth time will be longer. For stem cuttings, the recommended cutting length is 30 cm.
Carry out good care and maintenance of the cuttings
The care and maintenance of these cuttings is closely related to an ideal growing environment that is free from pests and diseases. Apart from that, you also have to provide water regularly but not excessively. Then also pay attention to the water content, light intensity settings, and adequate nutritional intake so that it is suitable for the growth of the cuttings.
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The cutting media must be prepared
The cutting media is an important component that you must prepare well because it will affect the growth and development of the cuttings. So what media should be prepared?
- Nursery box with length 40 – 60 cm, width 30 – 50 cm, height 20 – 30 cm. You can get this box at a farm shop or make it yourself from ingredients you have at home.
- The seedling media consists of a mixture of clay, sand and fertilizer with a composition of 40% – 30% – 30%.
- Plastic
So Mudalovers, after understanding stem cuttings through this article, all you have to do is practice it right at home.
That’s the discussion about stem cuttings. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for you and also makes it easier for Mudalovers to make stem cuttings. So, will Mudalovers be taking stem cuttings any time soon?
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